On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Ricardo [iso-8859-1] López Urrutia wrote:
Does anyone mind sharing his/her squid.conf when using
squid_ldap_auth auth program?, I'm kind of stuck in how to connect with my AD
and the acl's needed to talk with the AD.
There is working examples for AD in the squid_ldap_auth documentation..
If you want to search for the user DN and your directory
does not allow anonymous searches then you must also use
the -D and -w flags to specify a user DN and password to
log in as to perform the searches, as in the following
complex Active Directory example
squid_ldap_auth -p -R -b "dc=your,dc=domain" -D
"cn=squid,cn=users,dc=your,dc=domain" -w "secret
squidpassword" -f "(&(userPrincipalName=%s)(object
Class=Person))" activedirectoryserver