Rakesh Kumar wrote: > I am using Squid-3 as SSL proxy for OWA (Exchange 2003). The issue is that > with latest snapshots of Squid-3-PRE3 frequently mailboxes do not open and > mail content is not shown. Sometimes I can read mails from my Inbox but > opening mail from other boxes takes infinite times / does not open. > > However with Squid-3-PRE3 (no snapshot) I do not have such delay but I > have other issue with squid as squid process gets killed due to > fragmentation error after receiving 16 SSL negotiation errors. Squid 3 is not production quality and should not be used in a production environment. IIRC, Squid 2.5 supports SSL in a reverse proxy setup (though some patches may be required). See the list archives for more information. Adam