Squid Proxy Cache Users
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- [no subject],
- assertion failed: Queue.cc:388: "EX",
Lubos Uhliarik
- ACL block_user List,
Piana, Josh
- disable/block ipv6 requests,
Matus UHLAR - fantomas
- Clients Header User-Agent replace?,
Foxy Lady
- Squid 7.0.1 BETA is available,
Francesco Chemolli
- ssl-bump with url_regex,
- certificate missmatch for https://squid-cache.org/,
Dieter Bloms
- [squid-announce] Squid 7.0.1 BETA is available,
Francesco Chemolli
- squid 6.13 debian package,
Matus UHLAR - fantomas
- Latency in REST API messages,
Mehmed Feyzi Aktas
- Authentication of Domain PC,
Cursed Boss
- Need clarifications on custom log timestamps,
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS repository for Squid 6.13 (rebuilt from sources in Debian),
Rafael Akchurin
- To Do List (smart pointer examples),
Jonathan Lee
- test ICAP server,
Robin Wood
- bypassing the domains,
- Squid 6.13 source files download,
Lubos Uhliarik
- Can SQUID change the destination address from ip to hostname?,
Foxy Lady
- Squid 6 with ssl-bump doesn't cache binary content over 100 kb,
- 2FA with Google Authenticator and squid login,
- [squid-announce] Squid 6.13 is available,
Francesco Chemolli
- Allowing URL with url_regex does not work,
Ervin Hegedüs
- squid_icap to icap to system_2,
Илья Щелоков
- squid_icap to icap to system,
Илья Щелоков
- SSL_Bump,
Jonathan Lee
- Squid workers on non cache dir rock system,
Jonathan Lee
- Squid url redirector and DoH,
Jonathan Lee
- Cache die,
Jonathan Lee
- Using and trusting remote client IP address via upstream proxy,
Orion Poplawski
- Resource management, backend application,
Tony Albers
- File descriptor usage for squid statistics,
Jonathan Lee
- Upcoming changes on the methods used to distribute Squid,
Francesco Chemolli
- Assistance Required: Issues with Squid Kerberos + LDAP Group Configuration,
Enfal Gok
- pipeline_prefetch directive,
Jonathan Lee
- Assistance with Kerberos Authentication and AD Group-Based ACLs in Squid,
Enfal Gok
- Assistance Needed for Kerberos Authentication with AD Group-Based ACLs in Squid,
Enfal Gok
- StoreID Question,
Jonathan Lee
- Thoughts on caching aspx jsp asp cgi-bin,
Jonathan Lee
- Optimization,
Jonathan Lee
- Squid-internal-mgr/forward help,
Eternal Dreamer
- SQUID problem with unavailability of Google services,
A. Pechenin
- squid-6.10-150600.3.6.1.src.rpm and ident,
Hering, Uwe
- ssl-bump works, but leads to many client errors being logged (NONE_NONE/200),
- Cache peers auth on the fly,
Alexeyяр Gruzdov
- Proxy-Protocol inside cache_peer,
David Touzeau
- HMAC basic auth,
Vladislav Yarmak
- memory_pools_limit question,
Masanari Iida
- Time stamp shows off by 8 hours,
Jonathan Lee
- ACL dstdomain and use of -n,
Jonathan Lee
- [no subject],
- krb5.conf Example,
Piana, Josh
- Can I force certain destinations to ipv4?,
Ralf Hildebrandt
- messages when "squid -k rotate" is run,
Matus UHLAR - fantomas
- ECH Protocol and the complexities that comes with it,
- squid crash: ERROR: system call failure while accepting a TLS connection,
Martin A. Brooks
- assertion failed: Controller.cc:930: "EX",
- [SQUID] Some Web Page never complete download,
- Access Log Question,
Piana, Josh
- v6.12 build error from release tarball,
Marko, Peter
- Fully Automating the Squid-Cache RPMs build and Squid-Nuggets beginning,
- Squid and AD integration,
Ben Goz
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS repository for Squid 6.12 (rebuilt from sources in Debian),
Rafael Akchurin
- Rocky Linux 9 and other EL9 RPMs release,
- Help regarding access controls for TLS connections,
Erik Schulz
- Square Bracket in LogFormat,
GM Test
- [no subject],
- [no subject],
- proxy_auth_regex,
Piana, Josh
- NTRIP protocol through proxy,
Matus UHLAR - fantomas
- Squid Project Status with regard to "Joshua 55" vulnerabilities,
Francesco Chemolli
Unable to access a device over port 4434,
Piana, Josh
Squid 6.10 SSL-Bump Woes,
Bryan Seitz
Squid + c-icap + SquidClamav + ClamAV,
Andrea Venturoli
Jonathan Lee
Issues with Squid Listening on 254 IP Addresses,
Squid + ecap + clamav,
Andrea Venturoli
Webpage with Transfer-encoding:chunked header is not sent to the client properly,
Lubos Uhliarik
Squid service not restarting properly,
Vivek Saurabh (CONT)
Squid appears to be ignoring url_rewrite_program,
Martin A. Brooks
GET /squid-internal-dynamic/netdb requests to the parent proxy,
Andrey K
Problem with 'delay_access' using acl external,
Carlos André
RFC: Removal of ESI Support from Squid,
Amos Jeffries
squid5.5 restart failure due to domain list duplication,
Looking for a solution to identify "unauthenticated" squid proxy users.,
Xavier Lecluse
A periodic update,
negotiate_kerberos_auth not working anymore,
Michael Egert
Unable to access internal resources via hostname,
Piana, Josh
Re: Squid traffic paths (Alex Rousskov),
Scott Bates
Rocky 8 new repo,
Squid traffic paths,
Scott Bates
Squid Vulnerabilities,
Alexandru Mateescu
Unable to access local addresses,
Piana, Josh
squid 6.10 - Debian 12 undefined reference to `EVP_MD_type' in ssl-crtd,
David Touzeau
How to add extra header in response in squid,
nikhil deshpande
Squid.conf Issues,
Piana, Josh
SQUID 6.10 vulnerabilities,
Guy Tzudkevitz
Squid 6.10 on Fedora 40 cannot intercept and bump SSL Traffic,
NgTech LTD
Re: Squid 6.10 on Fedora 40 cannot intercept and bump SSL Traffic,
Re: Squid 6.10 on Fedora 40 cannot intercept and bump SSL Traffic,
Threat feed like utility,
NgTech LTD
Adding tcp_outgoing_address to the squid log,
Matt Groves
squid 5.7 FTP upload fails,
Matus UHLAR - fantomas
Questions about Squid configuration,
Rock store with docker,
Parse DNS for IPv4 and IPv6,
Jonathan Lee
IPTABLES - Can't redirect HTTPS traffic to external Squid,
Bolinhas André
Squid 5.7 - HOWTO Transparent SSL-Bump,
John Mok
Squid with PV6 Tunnel Broker,
Jonathan Lee
SQUID - WINDBIND - very slow internet speed,
Andre Bolinhas
squid "make check" error,
Rafał Stanilewicz
Squid Version squid-5.7-150400.3.6.1.x86_64 -- Squid is crashing continusly,
M, Anitha (CSS)
Squid 6.6 cache_dir rock questions,
Jonathan Lee
Squid 6.6 shows configuration failure: requires TPROXY feature to be enabled by ./configure,
Jonathan Lee
[no subject],
Prefer or force ipv6 usage on dual stack interface,
Rasmus Horndrup
Tproxy or intercept,
Jonathan Lee
cachemgr.cgi isn't mgr:info ?,
Brian Cook
Socket handle leak?,
Ben Toms
Re: After upgrade from 5.7 to 5.9 the whitelists were not listed , we had to readd them.,
Alan Long
Squid 6.6 error clientProcessHit: Vary object loop!,
Jonathan Lee
Rewriting HTTP to HTTPS for generic package proxy,
Fiehe, Christoph
Unable to explain 407 Proxy Authentication Required,
Random Dude
Jonathan Lee
Squid 6.6 kick abandoning connections,
Jonathan Lee
ERROR: Unsupported TLS option SINGLE_ECDH_USE,
Jonathan Lee
Squid as http to https forward proxy,
Wagner, Juergen03
Squid Cache Issues migration from 5.8 to 6.6,
Jonathan Lee
Speed issues,
Jonathan Lee
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2024:3 Denial of Service in ESI processing,
Francesco Chemolli
FATAL: assertion failed: mem/PageStack.cc:159: "StoredNode().is_lock_free()",
Nishant Sharma
Requesting Help to debug my squid,
Ohms, Jannis
url_rewrite (with rewrite-url): PinnedConnection failure results in total failure,
Andreas Weigel
Anybody still using src_as and dst_as ACLs?,
Alex Rousskov
Error Question,
Jonathan Lee
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