Hi Ali,
On Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 11:05 AM Ali Dehghan <ali.a.dehghan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hey,I followed your instructions in the page Demo of your website (https://www.spice-space.org/demos.html) and something went wrong.When I make a dockerfile and put your text into itFROM fedora:latest RUN dnf install -y xorg-x11-server-Xspice EXPOSE 5900/tcp ENV DISPLAY=:1.0CMD Xspice --port 5900 --disable-ticketing $DISPLAY > /dev/null 2>&1 & /usr/bin/bash, it doesn't start X server but if I run your docker image quay.io/spice/xspice:latest, everything is ok.
I wanted to use xspice for browser isolation. When I install chrome on your docker-image it is okay and xspice works well (but your image fedora is outdated). When I use your suggested content in dockerfile, it fails.Would you please check and correct dockerfile suggested, or send me the content of quay.io/spice/xspice:latest?
The instructions are available with the demo.
It seems there is a problem running X server with fedora:latest (currently f39).
The demo is running Fedora 31 - replacing "fedora:latest" with "fedora:31" works for me.