On 7/25/20 6:43 PM, Armin Ranjbar wrote:
Dear All
First of all, let me thank you again for your efforts!
I was reading on spice-streaming-agent, which is in experimental stage, and
I was wondering what is the driver behind the idea?
Will that lead to less bandwidth consumption? less latency? or is it just a
refactoring to make the codebase cleaner?
It is possible to configure a VM with a hardware GPU (either assign the
device to the VM or a part of it).
That is helpful for running, on the guest, applications that require such
strong GPU (e.g. 3D graphics).
When that is the case, spice-streaming-agent can use the GPU
on the guest
to stream video (encode the screenbuffer and send it).
This is what spice-streaming-agent does and it indeed leads to less
bandwidth used.
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