On 08/18/2017 02:32 PM, Frediano Ziglio wrote:
ORC lirabry is used internally by GStreamer to generate code
If ORC cannot allocate executable memory the failure cause
an abort(3) to be called.
This happens on some SELinux configuration that disable executable
memory allocation (execmem boolean).
Check that ORC could work before attempting to use GStreamer to
avoid crashes. The log will report an error.
Signed-off-by: Frediano Ziglio <fziglio@xxxxxxxxxx>
configure.ac | 6 ++++++
server/Makefile.am | 2 ++
server/gstreamer-encoder.c | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 38 insertions(+)
+/* Check if ORC library can work.
+ * ORC library is used quite extensively by GStreamer
+ * to generate code dynamically. If ORC cannot work GStreamer
+ * will abort(3) the entire process.
+ */
+static bool orc_check(void)
+ static bool orc_checked = false;
+ static bool orc_dynamic_code_ok = false;
+ if (SPICE_UNLIKELY(!orc_checked)) {
+ OrcCode *code = orc_code_new();
+ if (code) {
+ /* allocating 0 byte for code make the function not crash
+ * but doing all initializations and checks */
Hi Freidano,
man malloc suggests that if size is 0, NULL may be returned even
if successful.
Does it crash if allocating, but not writing/executing, e.g. 16 bytes ?
+ orc_code_allocate_codemem(code, 0);
+ orc_dynamic_code_ok = code->code != NULL;
+ orc_code_free(code);
+ }
+ orc_checked = true;
+ }
+ return orc_dynamic_code_ok;
VideoEncoder *gstreamer_encoder_new(SpiceVideoCodecType codec_type,
uint64_t starting_bit_rate,
VideoEncoderRateControlCbs *cbs,
@@ -1721,6 +1746,11 @@ VideoEncoder *gstreamer_encoder_new(SpiceVideoCodecType codec_type,
return NULL;
+ // avoid aborting the process
+ if (!orc_check()) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
SpiceGstEncoder *encoder = spice_new0(SpiceGstEncoder, 1);
encoder->base.destroy = spice_gst_encoder_destroy;
encoder->base.encode_frame = spice_gst_encoder_encode_frame;
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