Recently I was trying to measure some possible problems with our network implementation. One question was about TLS. How many more packets/bytes are we using if TLS is enabled? What's the cost of TLS? NOTE: following tests are done using replay utility so results could be a bit different from real cases as: - replay goes as fast as it can, for instance packets could be merged by the kernel decreasing packet numbers and a bit byte spent (this actually make the following improves worse); - there are fewer channels (no much cursor, sound, etc). The following tests shows count packet and total bytes from server to client using a real network. I used a direct cable connection using 1gb connection and 2 laptops. This is the results for TLS (encryption) rhel7-recordX.xz tls: 12881 14474175 rhel7-recordX.xz tls: 12577 14724788 rhel7-recordX.xz tls: 12522 13955459 rhel7-recordX.xz tls: 12401 14227387 rhel7-recordX.xz tls opt: 10854 14078531 rhel7-recordX.xz tls opt: 10908 14350148 rhel7-recordX.xz tls opt: 10704 13622323 rhel7-recordX.xz tls opt: 11021 14112498 rhel7-recordX.xz normal: 9764 13384017 rhel7-recordX.xz normal: 9730 13421657 rhel7-recordX.xz normal: 9616 13404023 rhel7-recordX.xz normal: 9540 13157164 "tls" is just using master. "tls opt" is using this optimization: --- a/server/reds-stream.c +++ b/server/reds-stream.c @@ -305,6 +305,18 @@ ssize_t reds_stream_writev(RedsStream *s, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt) return s->priv->writev(s, iov, iovcnt); } + size_t total; + for (total = 0, i = 0; i < iovcnt; ++i) { + total += iov[i].iov_len; + } + if (total <= 1024) { + uint8_t buf[1024]; + for (total = 0, i = 0; i < iovcnt; ++i) { + memcpy(buf + total, iov[i].iov_base, iov[i].iov_len); + total += iov[i].iov_len; + } + return reds_stream_write(s, buf, total); + } for (i = 0; i < iovcnt; ++i) { n = reds_stream_write(s, iov[i].iov_base, iov[i].iov_len); if (n <= 0) while "normal" is using no tls (unencrypted). You can see that tls costs about 7.5% as more bytes and 30% more packets. This is reduced to 5.2% and 12% with the small optimization above. The reason of the optimization is basically that there are a lot of small writes which ends up calling SSL_write. Looking at some dumps every SSL_write add 29 bytes so sending 1 single bytes calling SSL_write is spending 30 bytes at network level. Note that these tests are using a lot display channel which usually uses big blocks, for sound and other channels the cost is worse. Also while not encrypted connections use writev using encrypted connections every iovec is converted to a call to SSL_write, this explain the huge difference (18%) between the packet count of the 2 TLS tests. The other tests I did was using my cork branch and some other more experimental patches. Cork branch uses a Linux/BSD feature help sending larger tcp packets without the lag expense of the Nagle algorithm. The experimental patches increase the packet window and avoid some useless push of pipe items. win7-boot-record2.xz cork: 537 1582240 win7-boot-record2.xz cork: 681 1823754 win7-boot-record2.xz cork: 524 1583287 win7-boot-record2.xz cork: 538 1582350 win7-boot-record2.xz normal: 1329 1834630 win7-boot-record2.xz normal: 1290 1829094 win7-boot-record2.xz normal: 1289 1830164 win7-boot-record2.xz normal: 1317 1833589 win7-boot-record2.xz normal: 1320 1835705 win7-boot-record2.xz hacks-2: 443 1584991 win7-boot-record2.xz hacks-2: 435 1577067 win7-boot-record2.xz hacks-2: 434 1581417 win7-boot-record2.xz hacks-2: 440 1579405 As you can see with cork patches the byte utilization is reduced by about 11% while the packet number is reduced by a 56%. The additional patches take the improvements to 14% and 67%. Frediano _______________________________________________ Spice-devel mailing list Spice-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx