[phodav PATCH RFC] webdavd: Automount shared folder on Windows

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Start a new thread, that tries to connect to the shared folder.
Sleeps for 1 second between every try.
Thread exits on succesful connect, or if the drive letter was already

This is just RFC

 - The function needs a way to connect to proper drive letter
    - NetUseAdd, or GetLogicalDrives()

 - I tried calling this function in callback, in g_task, but it seems, that
   Windows can only succesfully map the drive, if the function is called
   AFTER the first read (which blocks), that's why I decided to use a new thread.
     - This seems to be the only way to mount the drive in webdavd itself.

 - Currently, if the service maps the drive, the user can't disconnect it.
    - This is most likely because service has SYSTEM privileges.
    - Need a way to map the drive with user privileges

 - Webdavd service on Windows doesn't notice, when the sharing is disabled.
    - This could be fixed, if vd_agent handled the start and stop of
      webdavd according to state of the Share Folder button in viewer.
    - This would also fix unmapping folder when sharing is disable.
       - We could just unmap the drive in webdavd when we stop it.
    - vd_agent could even tell if the webdavd is installed, and grey out the
      Share Folder button accordingaly.

  Aditional comments on bugzilla.
 Makefile.am           |  4 ++++
 spice/spice-webdavd.c | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 38 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 485417b..df9a73e 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -87,6 +87,10 @@ spice_webdavd_LDADD =		\

+if OS_WIN32
+spice_webdavd_LDADD += -lnetapi32 -lmpr
 	$(AM_V_GEN)rpm -qa | grep $(host_os) | sort | unix2dos > $@

diff --git a/spice/spice-webdavd.c b/spice/spice-webdavd.c
index c8fb795..373c5f4 100644
--- a/spice/spice-webdavd.c
+++ b/spice/spice-webdavd.c
@@ -287,6 +287,38 @@ typedef struct ReadData
   gssize size;
 } ReadData;

+#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
+static gpointer
+map_drive (gpointer user_data)
+  while(1) {
+    char local_name[] = "Z:";
+    char remote_name[] = "http://localhost:9843/";;
+    NETRESOURCE net_resource;
+    net_resource.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK;
+    net_resource.lpLocalName = local_name;
+    net_resource.lpRemoteName = remote_name;
+    net_resource.lpProvider = NULL;
+    g_usleep (G_USEC_PER_SEC);
+    DWORD retval = WNetAddConnection2(&net_resource, NULL, NULL, CONNECT_TEMPORARY);
+    if (retval == NO_ERROR) {
+      g_debug("map_drive ok");
+      break;
+      } else if (retval == ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED) {
+      g_debug("map_drive already asigned");
+      break;
+    } else {
+      g_debug("map_drive error %d", retval);
+    }
+  }
+  return NULL;
 static void
 read_thread (GSimpleAsyncResult *simple,
              GObject            *object,
@@ -836,6 +868,8 @@ service_main (DWORD argc, TCHAR *argv[])
   service_status.dwWaitHint = 0;
   SetServiceStatus (service_status_handle, &service_status);

+  g_thread_new ("map-drive", map_drive, NULL);
   while (!quit_service) {
       run_service ();
       g_usleep (G_USEC_PER_SEC);

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