On 02/17/2014 08:44 AM, Alf G. wrote:
I am very interested to delve into spice and perhaps do some work on it.
What is the best way to start? Can I use the documents on
<http://spice-space.org/documentation.html> as base or are they not at
all up to date? Is the spice-project written in pure C or also are there
C++ parts?
That's great, and welcome!
I think the documentation is pretty out of date. It's certainly a good
start, and the core concepts in the protocol haven't changed, but the
web site is well behind the code.
The code is mostly C; there is a (deprecated) client written in C++.
There is also a Javascript web client.
I'd recommend that your first action is to pick an interesting use case,
and get it working with code from git. So either qemu + windows guest,
or qemu + linux guest, or pure Xspice.
From there, it gets trickier. I don't think we have a set of 'easy'
projects to start with. The links on the devel page don't take you to a
list of open bugs, but this link should work:
Most Spice developers work for Red Hat, and they have internal bug
trackers as well that track their priorities. But I have found them to
be quite friendly and welcoming. They're often helpful on the #spice
channel on irc as well.
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