Re: [Users] Spice Proxy seems to try connect to host and not defined proxy

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----- Original Message -----
> Hi,
> AFAIK this feature is present in windows clients only.
> @SPICE devel:
> Is there a plan to add this support also to Linux clients? To what version?

Upstream spice-gtk supports http proxy for a while.

http proxy support has been added to RHEL 6.5

Hope that helps

> thanx,
> Tomas
> PS: I will update the wiki according to the results from this discussion.
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Gianluca Cecchi" <gianluca.cecchi@xxxxxxxxx>
> > To: "users" <users@xxxxxxxxx>
> > Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2013 6:40:26 PM
> > Subject: [Users] Spice Proxy seems to try connect to host and not defined
> > 	proxy
> > 
> > Hello,
> > wrking on 3.3.2 beta on F19 ovirt repo
> > 
> > For simplicity I set
> > - no Websocket Procy on engine
> > # engine-config -g WebSocketProxy
> > WebSocketProxy:  version: general
> > 
> > - Stop my WebSocketProxy previosuly configured
> > # systemctl status ovirt-websocket-proxy.service
> > ovirt-websocket-proxy.service - oVirt Engine websockets proxy
> >    Loaded: loaded
> > (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ovirt-websocket-proxy.service; enabled)
> >    Active: inactive (dead) since Sun 2013-12-15 17:58:45 CET; 18min ago
> >  Main PID: 23556 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
> >    CGroup: name=systemd:/system/ovirt-websocket-proxy.service
> > 
> > - set SpiceProxyDefault
> > # engine-config -g SpiceProxyDefault
> > SpiceProxyDefault: version: general
> > 
> > is a CentOS 5.10 server with squid enabled
> > [root@c510 squid]# diff squid.conf squid.conf.orig
> > 578,581d577
> > <
> > < acl localnet src    # RFC1918 possible internal network
> > < acl localnet src    # RFC1918 possible internal network
> > <
> > 624c620
> > < #http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
> > ---
> > > http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
> > 638d633
> > < http_access allow localnet
> > 
> > restart ovirt-engine service
> > 
> > My engine is
> > My host is fedora 19 with ip and a running VM
> > My client is a Fedora 19 with firefox 26 and ip
> > 
> > If I open user portal in my client I see that "enable SpiceProxy" is
> > checked against this VM
> > (as I set it gobally via engine-config command)
> > But when I click console button I see this on my client:
> > 
> > $ netstat -an | egrep "10.4.4"
> > tcp        0      0
> > tcp        0      0
> > tcp        0      1
> > 
> > and an error in browser about
> > unable to connect to graphic server
> > 
> > so it attempts to go to host.
> > In client /var/log/messages:
> > 
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman gnome-session[2864]: (plugin-container:8024):
> > SpiceXPI-CRITICAL **: controller connect: No such file or directory
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman gnome-session[2864]: (plugin-container:8024):
> > SpiceXPI-CRITICAL **: controller connect: No such file or directory
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: starting remote-viewer --spice-controller
> > ...
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: XDG_VTNR=1
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: ORBIT_SOCKETDIR=/var/tmp/orbit-g.cecchi
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: XSUNTRANSPORT=shmem
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: XDG_SESSION_ID=1
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: HOSTNAME=tekkaman.localdomain.local
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE_PID=6719
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: IMSETTINGS_INTEGRATE_DESKTOP=yes
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > GPG_AGENT_INFO=/run/user/1000/keyring-uNXVI0/gpg:0:1
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: XDG_MENU_PREFIX=gnome-
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: TERM=dumb
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: SHELL=/bin/bash
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: HISTSIZE=1000
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: TMPDIR=/var/tmp
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: XRE_PROFILE_NAME=
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: GJS_DEBUG_OUTPUT=stderr
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > GNOME_KEYRING_CONTROL=/run/user/1000/keyring-uNXVI0
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: QTDIR=/usr/lib64/qt-3.3
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: GJS_DEBUG_TOPICS=JS ERROR;JS LOG
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: QTINC=/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/include
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib64/firefox
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: NSS_SSL_CBC_RANDOM_IV=1
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: IMSETTINGS_MODULE=none
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM_CHECKED=1
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: XRE_PROFILE_LOCAL_PATH=
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: USER=g.cecchi
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: XRE_START_OFFLINE=
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64/firefox/xulrunner:/usr/lib64/firefox:/usr/lib64/firefox/plugins:/usr/lib64/firefox
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/keyring-uNXVI0/ssh
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: GNOME_DISABLE_CRASH_DIALOG=1
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > SESSION_MANAGER=local/unix:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/2864,unix/unix:/tmp/.ICE-unix/2864
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: USERNAME=g.cecchi
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > LIBPATH=/usr/lib64/firefox:/usr/lib64/firefox
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: MOZ_APP_LAUNCHER=/usr/bin/firefox
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins:/usr/lib64/firefox/plugins
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE=/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > FONTCONFIG_PATH=/etc/fonts:/usr/lib64/firefox/res/Xft
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: DESKTOP_SESSION=gnome
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > PATH=/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/g.cecchi/.local/bin:/home/g.cecchi/bin
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: MAIL=/var/spool/mail/g.cecchi
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: QT_IM_MODULE=ibus
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: PWD=/home/g.cecchi
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: GNOME_KEYRING_PID=2860
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: KDE_IS_PRELINKED=1
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: XRE_PROFILE_PATH=
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: GDM_LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: KDEDIRS=/usr
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: XSUNSMESIZE=512
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: GDMSESSION=gnome
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: HISTCONTROL=ignoredups
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: SHLVL=2
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: HOME=/home/g.cecchi
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: XDG_SEAT=seat0
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=this-is-deprecated
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64/firefox:/usr/lib64/firefox
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: MOZ_LAUNCHED_CHILD=
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: MOZ_GRE_CONF=/etc/gre.d/gre64.conf
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: QTLIB=/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/lib
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-G3RfQQysBc,guid=49804c78c033de622c5380b152addb59
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > SPICE_XPI_SOCKET=/tmp/spicec-tYz3e4/spice-xpi
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: NO_EM_RESTART=
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: LESSOPEN=||/usr/bin/ %s
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_RESTART_ARG_1=
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > SHLIB_PATH=/usr/lib64/firefox:/usr/lib64/firefox
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: XRE_BINARY_PATH=
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_RESTART_ARG_0=/usr/bin/firefox
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: WINDOWPATH=1
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: DISPLAY=:0
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins:/usr/lib/kde4/plugins
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: XUL_APP_FILE=
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=/home/g.cecchi/.mozilla/firefox/Crash
> > Reports
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_STRINGS_OVERRIDE=/usr/lib64/firefox/browser/crashreporter-override.ini
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: NO_AT_BRIDGE=1
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice:
> > XAUTHORITY=/run/gdm/auth-for-g.cecchi-0Ht3a6/database
> > Dec 15 18:21:21 tekkaman spice: _=/usr/bin/env
> > Dec 15 18:21:34 tekkaman spice:
> > Dec 15 18:21:34 tekkaman spice: (remote-viewer:8709): GSpice-WARNING
> > **: Could not connect to Socket I/O timed out
> > Dec 15 18:22:19 tekkaman spice: remote-viewer execution failed
> > Dec 15 18:22:19 tekkaman gnome-session[2864]: (plugin-container:8024):
> > SpiceXPI-CRITICAL **: could not get browser window, when trying to
> > call OnDisconnected
> > 
> > No logs in access.log of squid on host
> > How to debug further?
> > What files to check on engine for Spice Proxy?
> > 
> > Tried also with a client that is on the same network as all servers
> > ( where engine, proxy, hosts has their ips) and the spice
> > client opens but I see that it indeed connects to, so it is
> > not using proxy...
> > 
> > tcp        0      0
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Gianluca
> > _______________________________________________
> > Users mailing list
> > Users@xxxxxxxxx
> >
> > 
> _______________________________________________
> Spice-devel mailing list
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