Greetings. I'm new here, inexperienced in general, and looking for help
squashing segfaults in spice-gtk-0.15. Details follow.
I'm trying to compile and run spice-gtk-0.15 from the git repositories,
working in Ubuntu 12.10. It may be relevant that I recently did a
system-upgrade from Ubuntu 12.04. Also, in the repository viewable at
[and the corresponding .tar.gz file] the directory 'spice-common' is
empty. So I just copied the directory of the same name from my local
copy of spice-gtk-0.14.
For each package, in order, from the list
I run through the usual sequence of commands:
['./','make','sudo make install','sudo ldconfig']
These operations seem to complete successfully.
Then running "spicy --spice-debug" produces the results shown at
I would appreciate your suggestions. Some highlights to save you reading
all 1011 lines from pastebin:
* On launch, spicy reports its version as "UNKNOWN".
(This seems odd -- could it be a symptom of something?)
* The desired connection is to a VM running inside a physical
machine that is different from the box running spicy.
* The VM just mentioned is correctly viewable with the older
spicec client. The VM is running with the latest spice protocol
built in the recent Qemu 1.3.
* A stack trace is provided at the bottom of the pastebin material.
It looks to me (but I'm a beginner) like that the last line of
code from the spice project to be executed was
which invoked open_host_connectable_connect.
Thanks for reading. Suggestions warmly welcomed! - Philip
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