Re: [Users] [vdsm] SPICE SSL Woes

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Fixed. It was that each server had the wrong time.
ovirt-engine: was off by a day
ovirt-node: off by 12 hours
spicec: was 3 days behind.

Updated ntpd on all machines and everything works as expected. Nothing was wrong with the certs.

Thank you for you help!


On Oct 5, 2012, at 8:19 AM, David Jaša <djasa@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Itamar Heim píše v Pá 05. 10. 2012 v 15:56 +0200:
>> On 10/05/2012 10:57 AM, Juan Hernandez wrote:
>>> On 10/05/2012 10:26 AM, Bret Palsson wrote:
>>>> I can't seem to get this secure spice session to work. Any help is appreciated, already burnt 20 hours on this.
>>>> Spice versions:
>>>> spice-server-0.10.1
>>>> spice-client 0.12.0
>>>> spice-xpi 2.7
>>> The certificates that you get from the server in both examples are
>>> different. Copy the text between "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and
>>> "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" to a file "cert.pem" and then run the
>>> following command to see what is inside:
>>> openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -text
>>> In both cases looks like the certificate fails to verify. I would
>>> suggest to take that "cert.pem" file and the "ca.pem" file from the
>>> engine (/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem) and verify it like this:
>>> openssl verify -CAfile ca.pem cert.pem
>>> It should say:
>>> ca.pem: OK
>>> The message you get when you test with openssl is this:
>>> Verify return code: 9 (certificate is not yet valid)
>>> That probably means that you have some kind of data/time problem. Make
>>> sure that all your machines (engine, nodes, clients) are correctly
>>> synchronized.
>>> If you still have problems please share the certificate that you get
>>> when connectiong with "openssl s_client" and the certificate of the CA
>>> of the engine (/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem).
>>>> spicec: I set the password to abcd using a bash script found on this mailing list, valid for 1200 seconds.
>>>> =============================================
>>>> # spicec --password abcd --secure-channels all -h --secure-port 5902 --ca-file cacert.pem
>>>> Error: failed to connect w/SSL, ssl_error error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)
>>>> 139833084392776:error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed:s3_clnt.c:1063:
>>>> Warning: SSL Error:
>>>> =============================================
>>>> spice-xpi: spice-xpi.log
>>>> =============================================
>>>> built and installed latest (which is great has better debugging output:
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,805 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetHostIP:
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,806 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetPort: 5901
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,806 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetTitle: Test:%d - Press SHIFT+F12 to Release Cursor
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,807 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetDynamicMenu:
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,807 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetFullScreen: 0
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,808 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetPassword: Password set
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,808 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetNumberOfMonitors: 1
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,808 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetUsbListenPort: 0
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,809 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetAdminConsole: 1
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,809 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetSecurePort: 5902
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,810 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetSSLChannels: original channels: smain,sinputs,scursor,splayback,srecord,sdisplay
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,810 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetSSLChannels: modified channels: main,inputs,cursor,playback,record,display
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,810 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetGuestHostName: Test
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,811 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetCipherSuite: DEFAULT
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,811 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetHostSubject: O=Best Company,CN=
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,812 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetTrustStore: Certificate:
>>>>    Data:
>>>>        Version: 3 (0x2)
>>>>        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
>>>>        Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
>>>>        Issuer: C=US, O=Best Company,
>>>>        Validity
>>>>            Not Before: Sep  6 21:49:14 2012
>>>>            Not After : Sep  6 03:49:15 2022 GMT
>>>>        Subject: C=US, O=Best Company,
>>>>        Subject Public Key Info:
>>>>            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
>>>>                Public-Key: (1024 bit)
>>>>                Modulus:
>>>>                    00:bc:70:bd:bc:a0:07:7a:99:5e:84:c6:91:70:30:
>>>>                    3e:f0:2a:c9:96:cb:ac:d5:f4:e7:a4:8d:85:c2:2d:
>>>>                    39:12:fa:2f:3f:3c:bf:bb:ed:90:31:28:ae:38:49:
>>>>                    68:e2:4a:ca:89:21:4c:1c:b5:72:ca:e5:c7:3d:d8:
>>>>                    64:95:22:98:45:67:50:43:dd:8e:cb:9e:39:d4:9b:
>>>>                    11:16:71:e1:d9:81:1e:4d:1c:2c:9c:6d:7c:d1:43:
>>>>                    a1:af:4a:83:77:e8:ad:0d:92:cb:fa:45:b8:d3:b6:
>>>>                    50:99:3e:4e:a7:91:30:57:ce:a7:5b:62:95:7f:9b:
>>>>                    fd:26:05:a9:e0:8e:45:2b:e3
>>>>                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
>>>>        X509v3 extensions:
>>>>            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
>>>>                87:93:27:08:E5:4D:2B:CE:EC:55:2C:E6:C4:C0:EE:32:0C:87:22:BF
>>>>            Authority Information Access:
>>>>                CA Issuers - URI:
>>>>            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
>>>>                keyid:87:93:27:08:E5:4D:2B:CE:EC:55:2C:E6:C4:C0:EE:32:0C:87:22:BF
>>>>                DirName:/C=US/O=Best Company/
>>>>                serial:01
>>>>            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
>>>>                CA:TRUE
>>>>            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
>>>>                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
>>>>    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
>>>>        a1:a9:17:91:ba:6e:0d:15:ce:28:e0:b8:7f:3c:5e:ba:6e:8d:
>>>>        31:91:bf:99:0c:74:5f:95:86:e6:90:fd:3c:13:3a:64:9e:40:
>>>>        f7:4f:e0:45:b8:8e:27:b3:23:d4:75:bb:be:5f:73:4f:48:e4:
>>>>        8c:6d:11:eb:76:70:81:c7:a5:8a:35:0b:ef:a5:cf:3d:ae:fd:
>>>>        1f:94:b7:e4:c3:4c:7f:fb:5b:09:eb:e8:b1:35:3c:b8:ba:e8:
>>>>        b7:d0:5f:8a:98:b5:9a:6c:24:53:2a:49:61:0e:7c:5e:b3:d2:
>>>>        d4:c3:dd:ca:b9:57:a3:f0:e4:9c:d6:3d:43:40:9d:dd:ff:cd:
>>>>        94:be
>>>> -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
>>>> MBoGA1UEChMTSml2ZSBDb21tdW5pY2F0aW9uczEfMB0GA1UEAxMWQ0EtY20uaml2
>>>> MB0GA1UEAxMWQ0EtY20uaml2ZWlwLm5ldC4yODIwMjCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEF
>>>> AAOBjQAwgYkCgYEAvHC9vKAHeplehMaRcDA+8CrJlsus1fTnpI2Fwi05EvovPzy/
>>>> u+2QMSiuOElo4krKiSFMHLVyyuXHPdhklSKYRWdQQ92Oy5451JsRFnHh2YEeTRws
>>>> nG180UOhr0qDd+itDZLL+kW407ZQmT5Op5EwV86nW2KVf5v9JgWp4I5FK+MCAwEA
>>>> AQEELjAsMCoGCCsGAQUFBzAChh5odHRwOi8vY20uaml2ZWlwLm5ldDo4MC9jYS5j
>>>> v5kMdF+VhuaQ/TwTOmSeQPdP4EW4jiezI9R1u75fc09I5IxtEet2cIHHpYo1C++l
>>>> zz2u/R+Ut+TDTH/7Wwnr6LE1PLi66LfQX4qYtZpsJFMqSWEOfF6z0tTD3cq5V6Pw
>>>> 5JzWPUNAnd3/zZS+
>>>> -----END CERTIFICATE-----
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,813 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetHotKeys: release-cursor=shift+f12,toggle-fullscreen=shift+f11
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,813 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetNoTaskMgrExecution: 0
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,813 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetSendCtrlAltDelete: 0
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,814 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetUsbAutoShare: 1
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,815 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::SetUsbFilter: -1,-1,-1,-1,0
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,816 INFO  nsPluginInstance::Connect: SPICE_XPI_SOCKET: /tmp/spicec-8ym5mJ/spice-xpi
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,816 INFO  nsPluginInstance::Connect: SPICE_FOREIGN_MENU_SOCKET: /tmp/spicec-8ym5mJ/spice-foreign
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,816 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::Connect: Controller pid: 50483
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,816 DEBUG QErrorHandler: Something went wrong: connect error, 2
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,817 DEBUG SpiceController::Connect: Connect Error
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,817 INFO  nsPluginInstance::Connect: Launching /usr/libexec/spice-xpi-client
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,817 DEBUG QErrorHandler: Something went wrong: connect error, 2
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:26,817 DEBUG SpiceController::Connect: Connect Error
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:27,818 DEBUG SpiceController::Connect: Connected!
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:58:29,821 INFO  nsPluginInstance::Connect: Initiating connection with controller
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:59:05,999 DEBUG nsPluginInstance::ControllerWaitHelper: Controller finished, pid: 50483, exit code: 0
>>>> 2012-10-02 07:59:05,999 ERROR nsPluginInstance::CallOnDisconnected: could not get browser window, when trying to call OnDisconnected
>>>> =============================================
>>>> Openssl test:
>>>> =============================================
>>>> [root@centos6 ~]# openssl s_client -connect -CAfile cacert.pem
>>>> CONNECTED(00000003)
>>>> depth=1 C = US, O = Best Company, CN =
>>>> verify return:1
>>>> depth=0 O = Best Company, CN =
>>>> verify error:num=9:certificate is not yet valid
>>>> notBefore=Oct  4 01:40:57 2012
>>>> verify return:1
>>>> depth=0 O = Best Company, CN =
>>>> notBefore=Oct  4 01:40:57 2012
>>>> verify return:1
>>>> ---
>>>> Certificate chain
>>>> 0 s:/O=Best Company/CN=
>>>>   i:/C=US/O=Best Company/
>>>> 1 s:/C=US/O=Best Company/
>>>>   i:/C=US/O=Best Company/
>>>> ---
>>>> Server certificate
>>>> -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
>>>> MBoGA1UEChMTSml2ZSBDb21tdW5pY2F0aW9uczEfMB0GA1UEAxMWQ0EtY20uaml2
>>>> 69xeS/R31r2FkfE3UO57BzKbToBY88Hj7dUkFjlFVwg3/eUIBh0jYQ5Qq5Q4Kl9p
>>>> Oy4/58VwqRd6P/C3a9LgF1rdvXEnmtNZyoXNmvFeTgpEF+165hr6aPXmMqXqaSEv
>>>> cDovL2NtLmppdmVpcC5uZXQ6ODAvY2EuY3J0MHQGA1UdIwRtMGuAFIeTJwjlTSvO
>>>> b21tdW5pY2F0aW9uczEfMB0GA1UEAxMWQ0EtY20uaml2ZWlwLm5ldC4yODIwMoIB
>>>> VF/iwu5URB8sbsmFk9NmfUOtIYsVsmdMsoDSYQsL7mEe0SA5GOXpS1sThdXsU1uf
>>>> 9bZ+dyrmCBmg0/cPOiXA8R1GgS+Bwjc+MxEOuXzTmumfW19hlbKbRXRwgx+vRgDv
>>>> JbUNV6jXUHqhBeGnsVhiLrQ=
>>>> -----END CERTIFICATE-----
>>>> subject=/O=Best Company/CN=
>>>> issuer=/C=US/O=Best Company/
>>>> ---
>>>> No client certificate CA names sent
>>>> ---
>>>> SSL handshake has read 1884 bytes and written 311 bytes
>>>> ---
>>>> New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is AES256-SHA
>>>> Server public key is 1024 bit
>>>> Secure Renegotiation IS supported
>>>> Compression: NONE
>>>> Expansion: NONE
>>>> SSL-Session:
>>>>    Protocol  : TLSv1
>>>>    Cipher    : AES256-SHA
>>>>    Session-ID: 9747FACA4B5CC4542E050F4B8534E1B71234BC5F99F3221D284BC53D0A5CB746
>>>>    Session-ID-ctx:
>>>>    Master-Key: 7A579DA9F75E76C63F3FDFCB5BBE42EE28AEF5211C5AC5ECAE8679166C98FBB5AD00BFC4B8AC5D7E214A3B0069CF50E7
>>>>    Key-Arg   : None
>>>>    Krb5 Principal: None
>>>>    PSK identity: None
>>>>    PSK identity hint: None
>>>>    TLS session ticket:
>>>>    0000 - ae f2 91 79 e4 94 85 a2-02 60 aa 91 54 a5 3f 13   ...y.....`..T.?.
>>>>    0010 - 90 b4 78 20 27 5a 52 61-78 a1 4d db 73 25 c0 f8   ..x 'ZRax.M.s%..
>>>>    0020 - 65 7f 43 76 72 35 08 96-0d 32 c4 72 eb ae c4 a9   e.Cvr5...2.r....
>>>>    0030 - 83 78 7f 48 8c c6 a9 38-78 ea 90 60 52 62 0e 4d   .x.H...8x..`Rb.M
>>>>    0040 - 7c 3e 41 62 63 2d 27 b3-bc ba bb b7 87 ac 12 df   |>Abc-'.........
>>>>    0050 - 04 61 3d c8 8f cd 14 e4-51 bf 74 66 2c a0 a6 70,..p
>>>>    0060 - 3e d2 5f 4c 63 10 80 83-18 d7 4e 08 e0 5b c5 5a   >._Lc.....N..[.Z
>>>>    0070 - 75 94 27 de 1e 8e 61 e9-64 af 52 eb 1e 98 00 e2   u.'...a.d.R.....
>>>>    0080 - 4f 80 8c 1f ec 40 b7 25-7b 72 a3 1a 99 8a 6a ca   O....@.%{r....j.
>>>>    0090 - 90 80 f9 1e 5f 99 96 0a-3e bb 4f b6 86 d1 49 0c   ...._...>.O...I.
>>>>    Start Time: 1349186957
>>>>    Timeout   : 300 (sec)
>>>>    Verify return code: 9 (certificate is not yet valid)
>>>> ---
>>>> =============================================
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Users mailing list
>>>> Users@xxxxxxxxx
>> also note that the host certificate is based on the hostname in the 
>> engine, so you must give the spice client the host name to validate it with.
> that is not issue in this case because Bret specified host the same way
> as it is in CN of server cert.
> Bret, one more thing: did you try to put the host in maintenance mode
> and then click "Reinstall" in the host Action Items in webadmin? That
> way, server certificates should get regenerated and SSL should Just
> Work.
> David
>> _______________________________________________
>> Users mailing list
>> Users@xxxxxxxxx
> -- 
> David Jaša, RHCE
> SPICE QE based in Brno
> GPG Key:     22C33E24 
> Fingerprint: 513A 060B D1B4 2A72 7F0D 0278 B125 CD00 22C3 3E24
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> Users@xxxxxxxxx

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