together ? thanks.
2012/6/14 David Jaša <djasa@xxxxxxxxxx>
flooding Controlled píše v Út 12. 06. 2012 v 13:10 +0800:
> Hi all:I can confirm that this happens, you could file bug on fdo bugzilla to
> I am now using spice-gtk-0.12 on a linux client, when I run
> "spicy -h -p 5900", it connected successfully, and I pressed
> "shift + f11", spicy window turned to be fullscreen, but when I
> pressed "shift + f11" again in order to exit the fullscreen mode, it
> failed.
track it.
The spicy is only the demonstrattion client though, try virt-viewer
(0.5.3 and later) instead, full screen works there exactly as it should.
> _______________________________________________
> I debug the function "menu_cb_fullscreen" , and find that this
> function was only called once by the steps I metioned. It seems that
> "menu_cb_fullscreen" only to be called by "not fullscreen
> to fullscreen", but not " fullscreen to not fullscreen".
> Is there someone give me some help ? thanks.
> Yours.
> Flooding.
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David Jaša, RHCE
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