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[PATCH 2/2] check_host_input: add a new pattern — Semantic Matching Tool

[PATCH 2/2] check_host_input: add a new pattern

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Smatch pattern to facilitate the hardening of the Linux guest kernel
for Confidential Cloud Computing threat model.
In this model the Linux guest kernel cannot trust the values
it obtains using low level IO functions because they can be provided
by a potentially malicious host or VMM. Instead it needs to make
sure the code that handles processing of such values is hardened,
free of memory safety issues and other potential security issues.

This smatch pattern helps to indentify such places.
Currently it covers most of MSR, portIO, MMIO, PCI config space
and cpuid reading primitives.
The full list of covered functions is stored in host_input_funcs array
in the smatch_kernel_host_data.c file.
The output of the pattern can be used to facilitate code audit, as
well as to verify that utilized fuzzing strategy can reach all the
code paths that can take a low-level input from a potentially malicious host.

When ran, the pattern produces two types of findings: errors and warnings.
This is done to help prioritizing the issues for the manual code audit.
However, if time permits, all locations reported by the pattern should be checked.

Signed-off-by: Elena Reshetova <elena.reshetova@xxxxxxxxx>
 check_host_input.c | 319 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 check_list.h       |   1 +
 2 files changed, 320 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 check_host_input.c

diff --git a/check_host_input.c b/check_host_input.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80bcb581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/check_host_input.c
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ * Smatch pattern to facilitate the hardening of the Linux guest kernel
+ * for Confidential Cloud Computing threat model. 
+ * In this model the Linux guest kernel cannot trust the values
+ * it obtains using low level IO functions because they can be provided
+ * by a potentially malicious host or VMM. Instead it needs to make
+ * sure the code that handles processing of such values is hardened,
+ * free of memory safety issues and other potential security issues. 
+ *
+ * This smatch pattern helps to indentify such places.
+ * Currently it covers most of MSR, portIO, MMIO, PCI config space
+ * and cpuid reading primitives.
+ * The full list of covered functions is stored in host_input_funcs array.
+ * The output of the pattern can be used to facilitate code audit, as
+ * well as to verify that utilized fuzzing strategy can reach all the
+ * code paths that can take a low-level input from a potentially malicious host.
+ *
+ * When ran, the pattern produces two types of findings: errors and warnings.
+ * This is done to help prioritizing the issues for the manual code audit.
+ * However, if time permits, all locations reported by the pattern should be checked. 
+ *
+ * Written based on existing smatch patterns.
+ * 
+ * Author: Elena Reshetova <elena.reshetova@xxxxxxxxx>
+ * Copyright (c) 2022, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ */
+#include "smatch.h"
+#include "smatch_slist.h"
+#include "smatch_extra.h"
+#include <math.h>
+static int my_id;
+static const char* pattern_name = "check_host_input";
+/* Obtain the line number where a current function
+ * starts. Used to calculate a relative offset for
+ * the pattern findings. */
+static int get_func_start_lineno(char* func_name)
+    struct sm_state *sm;
+    if (!func_name)
+        return -1;
+    FOR_EACH_MY_SM(my_id, __get_cur_stree(), sm) {
+        if ( (sm->sym) && (strstr(func_name, sm->name) != NULL) 
+        && (slist_has_state(sm->possible, &called_funcs)))
+            return sm->sym->pos.line;
+    } END_FOR_EACH_SM(sm);
+    return -1;
+/* Calculate djb2 hash */
+unsigned long djb2_hash(const char *str, int num)
+        unsigned long hash = 5381;
+        int c;
+        while ((c = *str++))
+            hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; /* hash * 33 + c */
+        return ((hash << 5) + hash) + num;
+/* Produce the djb2 hash from a given expression.
+ * Used in order to generate unique identifies for each
+ * reported issue. These identifiers are used then
+ * to automatically transfer previously seen results. */
+unsigned long produce_expression_hash(struct expression *expr)
+    unsigned long hash = 0;
+    int line_offset = get_lineno() - get_func_start_lineno(get_function());
+    const char *str = expr_to_str(expr);
+    /* for non-parsable exressions and expressions
+     * contatining temp variables (like __UNIQUE_ID_*, $expr_), it is
+     * more stable to use a fix string for hasing together
+     * with line offset to avoid many results that do not
+     * automatically transfer between the audits on different
+     * versions */
+    if (str && !(strstr(str, "__UNIQUE_ID_")) && !(strstr(str, "$expr_")))
+        hash = djb2_hash(str, line_offset);
+    else
+        hash = djb2_hash("complex", line_offset);
+    return hash;
+/* Helper utility to remove various operands
+ * to get a clean expression */
+static struct expression* strip_pre_post_ops(struct expression *expr)
+    while (expr) {
+        if((expr->type == EXPR_PREOP) || (expr->type == EXPR_POSTOP)) {
+            expr = expr->unop;
+        } else if ((expr->type == EXPR_CAST) || (expr->type == EXPR_FORCE_CAST)
+            || (expr->type == EXPR_IMPLIED_CAST)) {
+            expr = expr->cast_expression;
+        } else {
+            // Done if we can't strip anything more
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return expr;
+/* Helper to store the info on called functions.
+ * Used to calculate the line number in get_func_start_lineno() */
+static void match_function_def(struct symbol *sym)
+    set_state(my_id, sym->ident->name, sym, &called_funcs);
+/* Checks all return expressions for tainted values */
+static void match_return(struct expression *ret_value)
+    unsigned long hash;
+    if (!ret_value)
+        return;
+    if (is_host_rl(ret_value)) {
+        hash = produce_expression_hash(ret_value);
+        sm_warning("{%lu}\n\t'%s' return an expression containing a propagated value from the host '%s';",
+                    hash, pattern_name, expr_to_str(ret_value));
+    }
+/* Checks all STMT_ITERATOR/IF/SWITCH expressions for tainted values */
+static void match_statement(struct statement *stmt)
+    unsigned long hash;
+    struct expression *expr = NULL;
+    if (!stmt)
+        return;
+    if (stmt->type == STMT_ITERATOR) {
+        if ((stmt->iterator_pre_statement) && (stmt->iterator_pre_statement->type == STMT_EXPRESSION) 
+            && (stmt->iterator_pre_statement->expression) 
+            && (is_host_rl(stmt->iterator_pre_statement->expression)))
+            expr = stmt->iterator_pre_statement->expression;
+        if ((stmt->iterator_post_statement) && (stmt->iterator_post_statement->type == STMT_EXPRESSION)
+            && (stmt->iterator_post_statement->expression)
+            && (is_host_rl(stmt->iterator_post_statement->expression)))
+            expr = stmt->iterator_post_statement->expression;
+        if ((stmt->iterator_pre_condition) && (is_host_rl(stmt->iterator_pre_condition)))
+            expr = stmt->iterator_pre_condition;
+        if ((stmt->iterator_post_condition) && (is_host_rl(stmt->iterator_post_condition)))
+            expr = stmt->iterator_post_condition;
+        /* The above logic only stores the latest tainted expr.
+         * This is ok since one warning per line is enough */
+        if (expr) {
+            hash = produce_expression_hash(expr);
+            sm_error("{%lu}\n\t'%s' an expression containing a propagated value from the host '%s' used in iterator;",
+                    hash, pattern_name, expr_to_str(expr));
+            return;
+        }
+    } else if (stmt->type == STMT_IF) {
+        expr = stmt->if_conditional;
+    } else if (stmt->type == STMT_SWITCH) {
+        expr = stmt->switch_expression;
+    } else if (stmt->type == STMT_RETURN){
+        return; /* returns are handled by match_return */
+    }
+    if (!expr)
+        return;
+    hash = produce_expression_hash(expr);
+    if (is_host_rl(expr)){
+        sm_warning("{%lu}\n\t'%s' an expression containing a propagated value from the host '%s' used in if/switch statement;",
+                hash, pattern_name, expr_to_str(expr));
+        return;
+    }
+/* Helper to rule out the temp expressions */
+bool is_tmp_expression(struct expression *expr)
+    if (expr_to_str(expr))
+        if ((strncmp(expr_to_str(expr), "__fake_", 7) == 0) ||
+            (strncmp(expr_to_str(expr), "__UNIQUE_ID", 11) == 0) ||
+            (strncmp(expr_to_str(expr), "$expr_", 6) == 0))
+            return true;
+    return false;
+/* Checks assigment expressions */
+static void match_assign(struct expression *expr)
+    struct expression *current = expr;
+    struct expression *left = NULL;
+    unsigned long hash = 0;
+    if (!current)
+        return;
+    if (is_fake_var_assign(current))
+        return;
+    if (__in_fake_parameter_assign)
+        return;
+    if (current->type != EXPR_ASSIGNMENT) {
+        sm_error("'%s' Strange EXPR in assigment;", pattern_name);
+        return;
+    }
+    hash = produce_expression_hash(expr);
+    left = current->left;
+    left = strip_pre_post_ops(left);
+    current = strip_expr(current->right);
+    if (is_tmp_expression(current) || is_tmp_expression(left))
+        return;
+    if (current->type == EXPR_CALL) {
+        int param = get_host_data_fn_param(expr_to_str(current->fn));
+        if (param == -1) {
+            sm_warning("{%lu}\n\t'%s' read from the host using function '%s' into a variable '%s';",
+                hash, pattern_name, expr_to_str(current->fn), expr_to_str(left));
+        } 
+        /* rest of the cases are handled in match_after_call */
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!is_host_rl(current))
+        return;
+    sm_warning("{%lu}\n\t'%s' propagating read value from the host '%s' into a different variable '%s';",
+        hash, pattern_name, expr_to_str(current), expr_to_str(left));
+    return;
+/* Checks function calls */
+static void match_after_call(struct expression *expr)
+    struct expression *arg;
+    unsigned long hash;
+    const char *message, *function_name;
+    int param = get_host_data_fn_param(expr_to_str(expr->fn));
+    if ((!expr) || (!expr->fn))
+        return;
+    if (parse_error)
+        return;
+    if (is_impossible_path())
+        return;
+    if (!expr->fn->symbol_name)
+        function_name = expr_to_str(expr);
+    else
+        function_name = expr->fn->symbol_name->name;
+    hash = produce_expression_hash(expr);
+    FOR_EACH_PTR(expr->args, arg) {
+        if (!is_host_rl(arg) && !points_to_host_data(arg))
+            continue;
+        /* the case when param = -1 is handled in match_assign */
+        if (param > 0)
+            sm_warning("{%lu}\n\t'%s' read from the host using function '%s' into a non-local variable '%s';",
+                hash, pattern_name, expr_to_str(expr->fn), expr_to_str(arg));
+        else {
+            if (arg->type == EXPR_BINOP) 
+                message = "{%lu}\n\t'%s' an expression containing a tainted value from the host '%s' used in function '%s';";
+            else
+                message = "{%lu}\n\t'%s' a tainted value from the host '%s' used in function '%s';";
+            sm_warning(message, hash, pattern_name, expr_to_str(arg), function_name);
+        }
+    } END_FOR_EACH_PTR(arg);
+/* Checks if the array offset has
+ * been influenced by a value supplied by host */
+static void array_offset_check(struct expression *expr)
+    struct expression *offset;
+    expr = strip_expr(expr);
+    if (!is_array(expr))
+        return;
+    if (is_impossible_path())
+        return;
+    offset = get_array_offset(expr);
+    if (!is_host_rl(offset))
+        return;
+    sm_error("'%s' a tainted value from the host '%s' used as array offset in expression '%s';",
+            pattern_name, expr_to_str(offset), expr_to_str(expr));
+    return;
+void check_host_input(int id)
+    my_id = id;
+    add_hook(&match_assign, ASSIGNMENT_HOOK);
+    add_hook(&match_return, RETURN_HOOK);
+    add_hook(&match_statement, STMT_HOOK);
+    add_hook(&match_function_def, AFTER_DEF_HOOK);
+    add_hook(&match_after_call, FUNCTION_CALL_HOOK_AFTER_DB);
+    add_hook(&array_offset_check, OP_HOOK);
diff --git a/check_list.h b/check_list.h
index 66197f7d..d8304706 100644
--- a/check_list.h
+++ b/check_list.h
@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ CK(check_returns_negative_error_code)
 /* wine specific stuff */

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