Using your chart:
1. If there is target refresh and session modification during Re-INVITE
Re-INVITE failed, nothing in it is committed.
The committed target refresh and session modification is by UPDATE/200OK.
signaling | O/A state | remote target
init-INVITE/200/ACK | state1 | c1
re-INVITE/183-rel | state2 | c2
PRACK/200OK | [noSDP] | -
UPDATE/200OK | state3 | c4
4xx/ACK | state3 | c4
2. If there is only target refresh during Re-INVITE
Re-INVITE failed, nothing in it is committed.
The committed target refresh is by UPDATE/200OK.
signaling | O/A state | remote target
init-INVITE/200/ACK | state1 | c1
re-INVITE/183-rel | state2 | c2
PRACK/200OK | [noSDP] | -
UPDATE/200OK | [noSDP] | c3
4xx/ACK | state1 | c3
3. If the UPDATE/200OK has target refresh and "only refresh the precondtion state table"
Re-INVITE failed, nothing in it is committed.
The committed target refresh is by UPDATE/200OK.
The committed "refresh the precondtion state table" is by UPDATE/200OK.
But the session state is given up by 4xx of Re-INVITE.
signaling | O/A state | remote target
init-INVITE/200/ACK | state1 | c1
re-INVITE/183-rel | state2 | c2
PRACK/200OK | [noSDP] | -
UPDATE/200OK | state3 | c4
4xx/ACK | state1 | c4
OKUMURA Shinji <shin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
2009-03-05 17:33 |
I see, but
8.2 UAS Behavior
Note that request processing is atomic. If a request is accepted,
all state changes associated with it MUST be performed. If it is
rejected, all state changes MUST NOT be performed.
I think we neet to consider the above sentence carefully.
>Dear Shinji
>The session state by my proposal is right.
>The dialog state by my proposal is always c4.
>And I'd like to replace the words "a part of the original modification"
>with "only refresh the precondtion state table",
>replace "new modification" with "The others".
>Beacuse currently RFCs, just "only refresh the precondtion state table"
>can be treated as "a part of the original modification".
>And it is words from the RFC.
>And thanks for your works.
>OKUMURA Shinji <shin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>发件人: sipping-bounces@xxxxxxxx
>2009-03-05 16:24
>[Sipping] Summary of the rollback issue
>Hi, all
>This thread is too big and complicated.
>I would summarize the discussion.
>For that purpose I make a simpler proposal.
>It is the straw-man proposal, but it will work without a
>problem, I think.
>signaling | O/A state | remote target
>init-INVITE/200/ACK | state1 | c1
>re-INVITE/183-rel | state2 | c2
>PRACK/200OK | [noSDP] | -
>UPDATE/200OK | [noSDP] | c3
>UPDATE/200OK | state3 | c4
>4xx/ACK | state1 | c3 <- this record is my proposal.
>1. Main concept is full-rollback according to RFC3261.
>2. UPDATE without SDP change remote target immediately.
> it doesn't rollback.
>3. The rollback is NOT depend on preconditions.
> there is no need to check SDP attribute.
>4. UAS should reject UPDATE received between 4xx and ACK.
> UAC should NOT send UPDATE between 4xx and ACK.
>5. UAC should ignore 200 response to UPDATE(with SDP) that send
> before 4xx received.
>Now we have discussed three additional proposal.
>A. commit-latest-exchange(Liaison Statement ?)
> 4xx/ACK | state3 | c4
>B. late-commit ( by Gao)
> if UPDATE is "a part of the original modification"
> 4xx/ACK | state1 | c3
> else (UPDATE is "new modification")
> 4xx/ACK | state3 | c4
> the decision depend on preconditions.
>C. Gonzaro's draft
> 4xx/ACK | state1 | c1
> and he says
> C1. UAS should NOT send 4xx.
> C1. UAC should send UPDATE after sending
>ACK for 4xx.
>Is my summary up to this right ?
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