Re: Question regarding restorecon and btrfs read-only snapshots

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Ah thanks for the clarification!

On 17.03.25 18:29, Petr Lautrbach wrote:
Cathy Hu <cahu@xxxxxxx> writes:

On 17.03.25 15:29, Petr Lautrbach wrote:

You could use `-e <directory>` to exclude read only subdirectories.

Yes that is possible, but also requires a manual change by the user to set
this up together with the snapshot (same as telling them to add <<none>>),
which we would like to avoid.

Your -relabel.service's are generated and so can be restorecon options

Fedora uses fixfiles -
- which detects ro filesystems and skip them.

Is there a reason why these r-o subvolumes are not skipped by default?
Could they be skipped without a problem and it is just missing the implementation?

Thanks :)

Kind regards,

Cathy Hu <cahu@xxxxxxx>
SELinux Security Engineer
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SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH
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Cathy Hu <cahu@xxxxxxx>
SELinux Security Engineer
GPG: 5873 CFD1 8C0E A6D4 9CBB F6C4 062A 1016 1505 A08A

SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH
Frankenstrasse 146
90461 Nürnberg

Geschäftsführer: Ivo Totev, Andrew McDonald, Werner Knoblich
(HRB 36809, AG Nürnberg)

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