Hello, In Debian and Ubuntu, we are working to move future releases of the OS on 32-bit architectures (predominantly: armhf AKA arm-linux-gnueabihf) to use 64-bit time_t natively in anticipation of the y2038 event horizon. While for most libraries we are taking the approach to rebuild in-place with changed compiler flags and declaring incompatibility with previous package builds via the package manager, libselinux is a sufficiently core part of the OS (as a dependency of the package manager itself) that this is not tenable. Therefore I propose the following patch to libselinux to make it dual-ABI for the single LFS-sensitive entry point, congruent to the way glibc itself handles such changes. The particular implementation doesn't use as many asm extension / symbol version map tricks as glibc to make "nice" symbol names in the resulting binary, it just gives us matchpathcon_filespec_add() and matchpathcon_filespec_add64() as entrypoints. If there is a preference for more glibc-style handling with symbol versions I am happy to rework to accomodate. As this problem has been discovered rather late in our transition process, I have a bit of a time crunch on my side which is not your problem, but I would ask that whether or not the patch is ready to land, we reach a consensus ASAP on: - whether it is acceptable to introduce a new entry point for this on 32-bit architectures - the name this new entry point should use (including symbol version) - that it is acceptable to upstream that we proceed on implementing this at the distro level in advance of the patch landing upstream. Thanks!