Re: [RFC PATCH 4/9] libsepol/cil: Process deny rules

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On 12/15/2022 4:34 PM, James Carter wrote:
A deny rule is like a neverallow rule, except that permissions are
removed rather than an error reported.

(allow S1 T1 P1)
(deny  S2 T2 P2)

In general what is needed is:
1) Allow permissions that do not match the deny rule
   P3 = P1 and not P2
   (allow S1 T1 P3)
2) Allow source types that do not match the deny rule
   S3 = S1 and not S2
   (allow S3 T1 P1)
3) Allow target types that do not match the deny rule
   T3 = T1 and not T2
   (allow S1 T3 P1)

If a self rule is involved then
   If S1 is an attribute then
     If T1 is self and T2 is not self then
       S3 = S1 and not (S2 and T2)
     else if T1 is not self and T2 is self then
       S3 = S1 and not (T1 and S2)
     else if T1 is self and T2 is self then
       S3 = S1 and not S2
     (allow S3 T1 P1)
   If T1 is an attribute then
     If T2 is self then
       T3 = T1 and not (S1 and S2)
     (allow S1 T3 P1)
     If S1 is attribute and S2 is attribute and T2 is self then
       # In addition to any rules involving S3 and T3 above
       SX = S1 and S2 and T1
       For S in SX do
         T = SX and not S
         (allow S T P1)

In all cases, do not create a rule that has an empty set

Signed-off-by: James Carter <jwcart2@xxxxxxxxx>
  libsepol/cil/src/cil_deny.c | 957 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  libsepol/cil/src/cil_deny.h |  34 ++
  libsepol/cil/src/cil_post.c |   7 +
  3 files changed, 998 insertions(+)
  create mode 100644 libsepol/cil/src/cil_deny.c
  create mode 100644 libsepol/cil/src/cil_deny.h

diff --git a/libsepol/cil/src/cil_deny.c b/libsepol/cil/src/cil_deny.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43043c37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsepol/cil/src/cil_deny.c
@@ -0,0 +1,957 @@
+ * This file is public domain software, i.e. not copyrighted.
+ *
+ * Warranty Exclusion
+ * ------------------
+ * You agree that this software is a non-commercially developed program
+ * that may contain "bugs" (as that term is used in the industry) and
+ * that it may not function as intended. The software is licensed
+ * "as is". NSA makes no, and hereby expressly disclaims all, warranties,
+ * express, implied, statutory, or otherwise with respect to the software,
+ * including noninfringement and the implied warranties of merchantability
+ * and fitness for a particular purpose.
+ *
+ * Limitation of Liability
+ *-----------------------
+ * In no event will NSA be liable for any damages, including loss of data,
+ * lost profits, cost of cover, or other special, incidental, consequential,
+ * direct or indirect damages arising from the software or the use thereof,
+ * however caused and on any theory of liability. This limitation will apply
+ * even if NSA has been advised of the possibility of such damage. You
+ * acknowledge that this is a reasonable allocation of risk.
+ *
+ * Original author: James Carter
+ */
+#include <sepol/policydb/ebitmap.h>
+#include "cil_internal.h"
+#include "cil_find.h"
+#include "cil_flavor.h"
+#include "cil_list.h"
+#include "cil_strpool.h"
+#include "cil_log.h"
+#include "cil_symtab.h"
+#include "cil_build_ast.h"
+#include "cil_copy_ast.h"
+#include "cil_deny.h"
+#define CIL_DENY_ATTR_PREFIX "deny_rule_attr"
+ * A deny rule will remove the specified permissions from the CIL AST.
+ *
+ * (allow S1 T1 P1)
+ * (deny  S2 T2 P2)
+ *
+ * In general what is needed is:
+ * 1) Allow permissions that do not match the deny rule
+ *   P3 = P1 and not P2
+ *   (allow S1 T1 P3)
+ * 2) Allow source types that do not match the deny rule
+ *   S3 = S1 and not S2
+ *   (allow S3 T1 P1)
+ * 3) Allow target types that do not match the deny rule
+ *   T3 = T1 and not T2
+ *   (allow S1 T3 P1)
+ *
+ * If a self rule is involved then
+ *   If S1 is an attribute then
+ *     If T1 is self and T2 is not self then
+ *       S3 = S1 and not (S2 and T2)
+ *     else if T1 is not self and T2 is self then
+ *       S3 = S1 and not (T1 and S2)
+ *     else if T1 is self and T2 is self then
+ *       S3 = S1 and not S2
+ *     (allow S3 T1 P1)
+ *   If T1 is an attribute then
+ *     If T2 is self then
+ *       T3 = T1 and not (S1 and S2)
+ *     (allow S1 T3 P1)
+ *     If S1 is attribute and S2 is attribute and T2 is self then

nit: The rest of the lines refer to "an" attribute, and this one drops the article.

BTW, thanks for this description of the cases. It's very helpful working through the logic.

+ *       # In addition to any rules involving S3 and T3 above
+ *       SX = S1 and S2 and T1
+ *       For S in SX do
+ *         T = SX and not S
+ *         (allow S T P1)
+ *
+ * Do not create a rule that has an empty set
+ */
+static int cil_perm_match(const struct cil_perm *p1, const struct cil_list *pl2)
+	struct cil_list_item *curr;
+	cil_list_for_each(curr, pl2) {
+		struct cil_perm *p = curr->data;
+		if (p == p1) {
+			return CIL_TRUE;
+		}

Why are we comparing the pointers rather than the value fields?

+	}
+	return CIL_FALSE;
+static int cil_class_perm_match(const struct cil_class *c1, const struct cil_perm *p1, const struct cil_list *cpl2)
+	struct cil_list_item *curr;
+	cil_list_for_each(curr, cpl2) {
+		if (curr->flavor == CIL_CLASSPERMS) {
+			struct cil_classperms *cp = curr->data;
+			if (FLAVOR(cp->class) == CIL_CLASS) {
+				if (cp->class == c1) {
+					if (cil_perm_match(p1, cp->perms)) {
+						return CIL_TRUE;
+					}
+				}
+			} else { /* MAP */
+				struct cil_list_item *p;
+				cil_list_for_each(p, cp->perms) {
+					struct cil_perm *cmp = p->data;
+					if (cil_class_perm_match(c1, p1, cmp->classperms)) {
+						return CIL_TRUE;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		} else { /* SET */
+			struct cil_classperms_set *cp_set = curr->data;
+			struct cil_classpermission *cp = cp_set->set;
+			if (cil_class_perm_match(c1, p1, cp->classperms)) {
+				return CIL_TRUE;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return CIL_FALSE;
+static int cil_classperms_match(const struct cil_classperms *cp1, const struct cil_list *cpl2)
+	struct cil_list_item *curr;
+	cil_list_for_each(curr, cp1->perms) {
+		struct cil_perm *perm = curr->data;
+		if (cil_class_perm_match(cp1->class, perm, cpl2)) {
+			return CIL_TRUE;
+		}
+	}
+	return CIL_FALSE;
+int cil_classperms_list_match(const struct cil_list *cpl1, const struct cil_list *cpl2)
+	struct cil_list_item *curr;
+	if (!cpl1 || !cpl2) {
+		return (!cpl1 && !cpl2) ? CIL_TRUE : CIL_FALSE;
+	}
+	cil_list_for_each(curr, cpl1) {
+		if (curr->flavor == CIL_CLASSPERMS) {
+			struct cil_classperms *cp = curr->data;
+			if (FLAVOR(cp->class) == CIL_CLASS) {
+				if (cil_classperms_match(cp, cpl2)) {
+					return CIL_TRUE;
+				}
+			} else { /* MAP */
+				struct cil_list_item *p;
+				cil_list_for_each(p, cp->perms) {
+					struct cil_perm *cmp = p->data;
+					if (cil_classperms_list_match(cmp->classperms, cpl2)) {
+						return CIL_TRUE;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		} else { /* SET */
+			struct cil_classperms_set *cp_set = curr->data;
+			struct cil_classpermission *cp = cp_set->set;
+			if (cil_classperms_list_match(cp->classperms, cpl2)) {
+				return CIL_TRUE;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return CIL_FALSE;
+static void cil_classperms_copy(struct cil_classperms **new, const struct cil_classperms *old)
+	cil_classperms_init(new);
+	(*new)->class_str = old->class_str;
+	(*new)->class = old->class;
+	cil_copy_list(old->perm_strs, &(*new)->perm_strs);
+	cil_copy_list(old->perms, &(*new)->perms);
+static void cil_classperms_set_copy(struct cil_classperms_set **new, const struct cil_classperms_set *old)
+	cil_classperms_set_init(new);
+	(*new)->set_str = old->set_str;
+	(*new)->set = old->set;
+void cil_classperms_list_copy(struct cil_list **new, const struct cil_list *old)
+	struct cil_list_item *curr;
+	if (!new) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (!old) {
+		*new = NULL;
+		return;
+	}
+	cil_list_init(new, CIL_LIST);
+	cil_list_for_each(curr, old) {
+		if (curr->flavor == CIL_CLASSPERMS) {
+			struct cil_classperms *new_cp;
+			cil_classperms_copy(&new_cp, curr->data);
+			cil_list_append(*new, CIL_CLASSPERMS, new_cp);
+		} else { /* SET */
+			struct cil_classperms_set *new_cps;
+			cil_classperms_set_copy(&new_cps, curr->data);
+			cil_list_append(*new, CIL_CLASSPERMS_SET, new_cps);
+		}
+	}
+	if (cil_list_is_empty(*new)) {
+		cil_list_destroy(new, CIL_FALSE);
+	}
+/* Append cp1 and not cpl2 to result */
+static void cil_classperms_andnot(struct cil_list **result, const struct cil_classperms *cp1, const struct cil_list *cpl2)
+	struct cil_classperms *new_cp = NULL;
+	struct cil_list_item *curr;
+	if (!cil_classperms_match(cp1, cpl2)) {
+		cil_classperms_copy(&new_cp, cp1);
+		cil_list_append(*result, CIL_CLASSPERMS, new_cp);
+		return;
+	}
+	cil_list_for_each(curr, cp1->perms) {
+		struct cil_perm *perm = curr->data;
+		if (!cil_class_perm_match(cp1->class, perm, cpl2)) {
+			if (new_cp == NULL) {
+				cil_classperms_init(&new_cp);
+				new_cp->class_str = cp1->class_str;
+				new_cp->class = cp1->class;
+				cil_list_init(&new_cp->perm_strs, CIL_PERM);
+				cil_list_init(&new_cp->perms, CIL_PERM);
+				cil_list_append(*result, CIL_CLASSPERMS, new_cp) > +			}
+			cil_list_append(new_cp->perm_strs, CIL_STRING, perm->datum.fqn);
+			cil_list_append(new_cp->perms, CIL_DATUM, perm);

Why can't you just use cil_classperms_copy() here?

+		}
+	}
+/* Append cp1 and not cpl2 to result */
+static void cil_classperms_map_andnot(struct cil_list **result, const struct cil_classperms *cp1, const struct cil_list *cpl2)
+	struct cil_classperms *new_cp = NULL;
+	struct cil_list_item *p;
+	cil_list_for_each(p, cp1->perms) {
+		struct cil_perm *map_perm = p->data;
+		if (!cil_classperms_list_match(map_perm->classperms, cpl2)) {
+			if (new_cp == NULL) {
+				cil_classperms_init(&new_cp);
+				new_cp->class_str = cp1->class_str;
+				new_cp->class = cp1->class;
+				cil_list_init(&new_cp->perm_strs, CIL_PERM);
+				cil_list_init(&new_cp->perms, CIL_PERM);
+				cil_list_append(*result, CIL_CLASSPERMS, new_cp);
+			}
+			cil_list_append(new_cp->perm_strs, CIL_STRING, map_perm->datum.fqn);
+			cil_list_append(new_cp->perms, CIL_DATUM, map_perm);

Same question about cil_classperms_copy().

+		} else {
+			struct cil_list *new_cpl = NULL;
+			cil_classperms_list_andnot(&new_cpl, map_perm->classperms, cpl2);
+			if (new_cpl) {
+				struct cil_list_item *i;
+				cil_list_for_each(i, new_cpl) {
+					cil_list_append(*result, i->flavor, i->data);
+				}
+				cil_list_destroy(&new_cpl, CIL_FALSE);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+/* Append cps1 and not cpl2 to result */
+static void cil_classperms_set_andnot(struct cil_list **result, const struct cil_classperms_set *cps1, const struct cil_list *cpl2)
+	struct cil_classpermission *cp = cps1->set;
+	if (!cil_classperms_list_match(cp->classperms, cpl2)) {
+		struct cil_classperms_set *new_cps;
+		cil_classperms_set_copy(&new_cps, cps1);
+		cil_list_append(*result, CIL_CLASSPERMS_SET, new_cps);
+	} else {
+		struct cil_list *new_cpl;
+		cil_classperms_list_andnot(&new_cpl, cp->classperms, cpl2);
+		if (new_cpl) {
+			struct cil_list_item *i;
+			cil_list_for_each(i, new_cpl) {
+				cil_list_append(*result, i->flavor, i->data);
+			}
+			cil_list_destroy(&new_cpl, CIL_FALSE);
+		}
+	}
+/* result = cpl1 and not cpl2 */
+void cil_classperms_list_andnot(struct cil_list **result, const struct cil_list *cpl1, const struct cil_list *cpl2)
+	struct cil_list_item *curr;
+	if (!result) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (!cpl1) {
+		*result = NULL;
+		return;
+	}
+	cil_list_init(result, CIL_LIST);
+	if (!cpl2 || !cil_classperms_list_match(cpl1, cpl2)) {
+		cil_classperms_list_copy(result, cpl1);
+		return;
+	}
+	cil_list_for_each(curr, cpl1) {
+		if (curr->flavor == CIL_CLASSPERMS) {
+			struct cil_classperms *cp = curr->data;
+			if (FLAVOR(cp->class) == CIL_CLASS) {
+				cil_classperms_andnot(result, cp, cpl2);
+			} else { /* MAP */
+				cil_classperms_map_andnot(result, cp, cpl2);
+			}
+		} else { /* SET */
+			struct cil_classperms_set *cps = curr->data;
+			cil_classperms_set_andnot(result, cps, cpl2);
+		}
+	}
+	if (cil_list_is_empty(*result)) {
+		cil_list_destroy(result, CIL_FALSE);
+	}
+/* result = d1 and d2 */
+static int cil_datums_and(ebitmap_t *result, const struct cil_symtab_datum *d1, const struct cil_symtab_datum *d2)
+	int rc = SEPOL_OK;
+	enum cil_flavor f1 = FLAVOR(d1);
+	enum cil_flavor f2 = FLAVOR(d2);
+		struct cil_type *t1 = (struct cil_type *)d1;
+		struct cil_type *t2 = (struct cil_type *)d2;
+		ebitmap_init(result);
+		if (t1->value == t2->value) {
+			rc = ebitmap_set_bit(result, t1->value, 1);
+			if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+				ebitmap_destroy(result);
+				goto exit;
+			}
+		}
+	} else if (f1 == CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTE && f2 != CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTE) {
+		struct cil_typeattribute *a1 = (struct cil_typeattribute *)d1;
+		struct cil_type *t2 = (struct cil_type *)d2;
+		ebitmap_init(result);
+		if (ebitmap_get_bit(a1->types, t2->value)) {
+			rc = ebitmap_set_bit(result, t2->value, 1);
+			if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+				ebitmap_destroy(result);
+				goto exit;
+			}
+		}
+	} else if (f1 != CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTE && f2 == CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTE) {
+		struct cil_type *t1 = (struct cil_type *)d1;
+		struct cil_typeattribute *a2 = (struct cil_typeattribute *)d2;
+		ebitmap_init(result);
+		if (ebitmap_get_bit(a2->types, t1->value)) {
+			rc = ebitmap_set_bit(result, t1->value, 1);
+			if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+				ebitmap_destroy(result);
+				goto exit;
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		/* Both are attributes */
+		struct cil_typeattribute *a1 = (struct cil_typeattribute *)d1;
+		struct cil_typeattribute *a2 = (struct cil_typeattribute *)d2;
+		rc = ebitmap_and(result, a1->types, a2->types);
+		if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+			ebitmap_destroy(result);
+			goto exit;
+		}
+	}
+	return rc;
+/* result = d1 and not d2 */
+static int cil_datums_andnot(ebitmap_t *result, const struct cil_symtab_datum *d1, const struct cil_symtab_datum *d2)
+	int rc = SEPOL_OK;
+	enum cil_flavor f1 = FLAVOR(d1);
+	enum cil_flavor f2 = FLAVOR(d2);
+		struct cil_type *t1 = (struct cil_type *)d1;
+		struct cil_type *t2 = (struct cil_type *)d2;
+		ebitmap_init(result);
+		if (t1->value != t2->value) {
+			rc = ebitmap_set_bit(result, t1->value, 1);
+			if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+				ebitmap_destroy(result);
+				goto exit;
+			}
+		}
+	} else if (f1 == CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTE && f2 != CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTE) {
+		struct cil_typeattribute *a1 = (struct cil_typeattribute *)d1;
+		struct cil_type *t2 = (struct cil_type *)d2;
+		rc = ebitmap_cpy(result, a1->types);
+		if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+			goto exit;
+		}
+		rc = ebitmap_set_bit(result, t2->value, 0);
+		if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+			ebitmap_destroy(result);
+			goto exit;
+		}
+	} else if (f1 != CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTE && f2 == CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTE) {
+		struct cil_type *t1 = (struct cil_type *)d1;
+		struct cil_typeattribute *a2 = (struct cil_typeattribute *)d2;
+		ebitmap_init(result);
+		if (!ebitmap_get_bit(a2->types, t1->value)) {
+			rc = ebitmap_set_bit(result, t1->value, 1);
+			if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+				ebitmap_destroy(result);
+				goto exit;
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		/* Both are attributes */
+		struct cil_typeattribute *a1 = (struct cil_typeattribute *)d1;
+		struct cil_typeattribute *a2 = (struct cil_typeattribute *)d2;
+		rc = ebitmap_andnot(result, a1->types, a2->types, a1->types->highbit);
+		if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+			ebitmap_destroy(result);
+			goto exit;
+		}
+	}
+	return rc;
+static size_t num_digits(unsigned n)
+	size_t num = 1;
+	while (n >= 10) {
+		n /= 10;
+		num++;
+	}
+	return num;
+static char *cil_create_new_attribute_name(unsigned num)
+	char *s1 = NULL;
+	char *s2 = NULL;
+	size_t len_num = num_digits(num);
+	size_t len = strlen(CIL_DENY_ATTR_PREFIX) + 1 + len_num + 1;
+	int rc;
+	if (len >= CIL_MAX_NAME_LENGTH) {
+		cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Name length greater than max name length of %d",
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	s1 = cil_malloc(len);
+	rc = snprintf(s1, len, "%s_%u", CIL_DENY_ATTR_PREFIX, num);
+	if (rc < 0 || (size_t)rc >= len) {
+		cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Error creating new attribute name");
+		free(s1);
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	s2 = cil_strpool_add(s1);
+	free(s1);
+	return s2;
+static struct cil_list *cil_create_and_expr_list(enum cil_flavor flavor, void *v1, void *v2)
+	struct cil_list *expr;
+	cil_list_init(&expr, CIL_TYPE);
+	cil_list_append(expr, CIL_OP, (void *)CIL_AND);
+	cil_list_append(expr, flavor, v1);
+	cil_list_append(expr, flavor, v2);
+	return expr;
+static struct cil_list *cil_create_andnot_expr_list(enum cil_flavor flavor, void *v1, void *v2)
+	struct cil_list *expr, *sub_expr;
+	cil_list_init(&expr, CIL_TYPE);
+	cil_list_append(expr, CIL_OP, (void *)CIL_AND);
+	cil_list_append(expr, flavor, v1);
+	cil_list_init(&sub_expr, CIL_TYPE);
+	cil_list_append(sub_expr, CIL_OP, (void *)CIL_NOT);
+	cil_list_append(sub_expr, flavor, v2);
+	cil_list_append(expr, CIL_LIST, sub_expr);
+	return expr;
+static struct cil_tree_node *cil_create_and_insert_node(struct cil_tree_node *prev, enum cil_flavor flavor, void *data)
+	struct cil_tree_node *new;
+	cil_tree_node_init(&new);
+	new->parent = prev->parent;
+	new->line = prev->line;
+	new->hll_offset = prev->hll_offset;
+	new->flavor = flavor;
+	new->data = data;
+	new->next = prev->next;
+	prev->next = new;
+	return new;
+static int cil_create_and_insert_attribute_and_set(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *prev, struct cil_list *str_expr, struct cil_list *datum_expr, ebitmap_t *types, struct cil_symtab_datum **d)
+	struct cil_tree_node *attr_node = NULL;
+	char *name;
+	struct cil_typeattribute *attr = NULL;
+	struct cil_tree_node *attrset_node = NULL;
+	struct cil_typeattributeset *attrset = NULL;
+	symtab_t *symtab = NULL;
+	int rc = SEPOL_ERR;
+	name = cil_create_new_attribute_name(db->num_types_and_attrs);
+	if (!name) {
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	cil_typeattributeset_init(&attrset);
+	attrset->attr_str = name;
+	attrset->str_expr = str_expr;
+	attrset->datum_expr = datum_expr;
+	cil_typeattribute_init(&attr);
+	cil_list_init(&attr->expr_list, CIL_TYPE);
+	cil_list_append(attr->expr_list, CIL_LIST, datum_expr);
+	attr->types = types;
+	attr->used = CIL_ATTR_AVRULE;
+	attr->keep = (ebitmap_cardinality(types) < db->attrs_expand_size) ? CIL_FALSE : CIL_TRUE;
+	attr_node = cil_create_and_insert_node(prev, CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTE, attr);
+	attrset_node = cil_create_and_insert_node(attr_node, CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTESET, attrset);
+	rc = cil_get_symtab(prev->parent, &symtab, CIL_SYM_TYPES);
+	if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	rc = cil_symtab_insert(symtab, name, &attr->datum, attr_node);
+	if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	db->num_types_and_attrs++;
+	*d = &attr->datum;
+	return SEPOL_OK;
+	if (attrset_node) {
+		prev->next = attrset_node->next;
+		cil_destroy_typeattribute(attr_node->data);
+		free(attr_node);
+		cil_destroy_typeattributeset(attrset_node->data);
+		free(attrset_node);
+	}
+	return rc;
+static int cil_create_attribute_d1_and_not_d2(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *prev, struct cil_symtab_datum *d1, struct cil_symtab_datum *d2, struct cil_symtab_datum **d3)
+	struct cil_list *str_expr;
+	struct cil_list *datum_expr;
+	ebitmap_t *types;
+	int rc;
+	*d3 = NULL;
+	if (d1 == d2) {
+		return SEPOL_OK;
+	}
+	str_expr = cil_create_andnot_expr_list(CIL_STRING, d1->fqn, d2->fqn);
+	datum_expr = cil_create_andnot_expr_list(CIL_DATUM, d1, d2);
+	types = cil_malloc(sizeof(*types));
+	rc = cil_datums_andnot(types, d1, d2);
+	if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	if (ebitmap_is_empty(types)) {
+		rc = SEPOL_OK;
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	if (ebitmap_cardinality(types) == 1) {
+		unsigned i = ebitmap_highest_set_bit(types);
+		*d3 = DATUM(db->val_to_type[i]);
+		ebitmap_destroy(types);
+		rc = SEPOL_OK;
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	return cil_create_and_insert_attribute_and_set(db, prev, str_expr, datum_expr, types, d3);
+	cil_list_destroy(&str_expr, CIL_FALSE);
+	cil_list_destroy(&datum_expr, CIL_FALSE);
+	free(types);
+	return rc;
+static int cil_create_attribute_d1_and_d2(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *prev, struct cil_symtab_datum *d1, struct cil_symtab_datum *d2, struct cil_symtab_datum **d3)
+	struct cil_list *str_expr;
+	struct cil_list *datum_expr;
+	ebitmap_t *types;
+	int rc;
+	if (d1 == d2) {
+		*d3 = d1;
+		return SEPOL_OK;
+	}
+	*d3 = NULL;
+	str_expr = cil_create_and_expr_list(CIL_STRING, d1->fqn, d2->fqn);
+	datum_expr = cil_create_and_expr_list(CIL_DATUM, d1, d2);
+	types = cil_malloc(sizeof(*types));
+	rc = cil_datums_and(types, d1, d2);
+	if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	if (ebitmap_is_empty(types)) {
+		rc = SEPOL_OK;
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	if (ebitmap_cardinality(types) == 1) {
+		unsigned i = ebitmap_highest_set_bit(types);
+		*d3 = DATUM(db->val_to_type[i]);
+		ebitmap_destroy(types);
+		rc = SEPOL_OK;
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	rc = cil_create_and_insert_attribute_and_set(db, prev, str_expr, datum_expr, types, d3);
+	if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+		goto exit;
+	}

This and the and_not variant above differ in this error handling. The and_not one trusts cil_create_and_insert_attribute_and_set() to do the cleanup, and this one does its own cleanup.

I think they're both potentially wrong, as cil_create_and_insert_attribute_and_set() calls cil_destroy_typeattributeset() which does the same cleanup only if it makes it halfway through the function. So if cil_create_new_attribute_name() fails, then this case works correctly and the and_not case doesn't free str_expr and datum_expr. On the other hand, if something later in cil_create_and_insert_attribute_and_set() fails, then the and_not case is correct, and this one will double free str_expr and datum_expr.

+	return SEPOL_OK;
+	cil_list_destroy(&str_expr, CIL_FALSE);
+	cil_list_destroy(&datum_expr, CIL_FALSE);
+	free(types);
+	return rc;
+static struct cil_avrule *cil_create_avrule(struct cil_symtab_datum *src, struct cil_symtab_datum *tgt, struct cil_list *classperms)
+	struct cil_avrule *new;
+	cil_avrule_init(&new);
+	new->is_extended = CIL_FALSE;
+	new->rule_kind = CIL_AVRULE_ALLOWED;
+	new->src_str = src->name;
+	new->src = src;
+	new->tgt_str = tgt->name;
+	new->tgt = tgt;
+	new->perms.classperms = classperms;
+	return new;
+static struct cil_tree_node *cil_create_and_add_avrule(struct cil_tree_node *curr, struct cil_symtab_datum *src, struct cil_symtab_datum *tgt, struct cil_list *classperms)
+	struct cil_avrule *new_avrule;
+	new_avrule = cil_create_avrule(src, tgt, classperms);
+	return cil_create_and_insert_node(curr, CIL_AVRULE, new_avrule);
+static int cil_remove_permissions_from_rule(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *allow_node, const struct cil_tree_node *deny_node)
+	struct cil_avrule *allow_rule = allow_node->data;
+	struct cil_deny_rule *deny_rule = deny_node->data;
+	struct cil_symtab_datum *s1 = allow_rule->src;
+	struct cil_symtab_datum *t1 = allow_rule->tgt;
+	struct cil_list *p1 = allow_rule->perms.classperms;
+	struct cil_symtab_datum *s2 = deny_rule->src;
+	struct cil_symtab_datum *t2 = deny_rule->tgt;
+	struct cil_list *p2 = deny_rule->classperms;
+	struct cil_list *p3 = NULL;
+	struct cil_tree_node *curr = allow_node;
+	int rc;
+	cil_classperms_list_andnot(&p3, p1, p2);
+	if (!cil_list_is_empty(p3)) {;
+		curr = cil_create_and_add_avrule(curr, s1, t1, p3);
+	} else {
+		cil_destroy_classperms_list(&p3);
+		p3 = NULL;
+	}
+		struct cil_symtab_datum *s3 = NULL;
+		struct cil_symtab_datum *d = NULL > +		struct cil_list *cp = NULL;
+		if (t1->fqn == CIL_KEY_SELF && t2->fqn != CIL_KEY_SELF) {
+			/* S3 = S1 and not (S2 and T2) */
+			rc = cil_create_attribute_d1_and_d2(db, NODE(s2), s2, t2, &d);
+			if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+				goto exit;
+			}
+			if (d) {
+				rc = cil_create_attribute_d1_and_not_d2(db, NODE(s1), s1, d, &s3);
+				if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+					goto exit;
+				}
+			}
+		} else if (t1->fqn != CIL_KEY_SELF && t2->fqn == CIL_KEY_SELF) {
+			/* S3 = S1 and not (T1 and S2) */
+			rc = cil_create_attribute_d1_and_d2(db, NODE(t1), t1, s2, &d);
+			if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+				goto exit;
+			}
+			if (d) {
+				rc = cil_create_attribute_d1_and_not_d2(db, NODE(s1), s1, d, &s3);
+				if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+					goto exit;
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			/* S3 = S1 and not S2 */
+			rc = cil_create_attribute_d1_and_not_d2(db, NODE(s1), s1, s2, &s3);
+			if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+				goto exit;
+			}
+		}
+		if (s3) {
+			cil_classperms_list_copy(&cp, p1);
+			curr = cil_create_and_add_avrule(curr, s3, t1, cp);
+		}
+	}
+	if (t1->fqn != CIL_KEY_SELF && FLAVOR(t1) == CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTE) {
+		struct cil_symtab_datum *t3 = NULL;
+		struct cil_symtab_datum *d = NULL;
+		struct cil_list *cp = NULL;
+		if (t2->fqn == CIL_KEY_SELF) {
+			/* T3 = T1 and not (S1 AND S2) */
+			rc = cil_create_attribute_d1_and_d2(db, NODE(s1), s1, s2, &d);
+			if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+				goto exit;
+			}
+			if (d) {
+				rc = cil_create_attribute_d1_and_not_d2(db, NODE(t1), t1, d, &t3);
+				if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+					goto exit;
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			/* S3 = T1 and not T2 */
+			rc = cil_create_attribute_d1_and_not_d2(db, NODE(t1), t1, t2, &t3);
+			if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+				goto exit;
+			}
+		}
+		if (t3) {
+			cil_classperms_list_copy(&cp, p1);
+			curr = cil_create_and_add_avrule(curr, s1, t3, cp);
+		}
+			t2->fqn == CIL_KEY_SELF) {
+			/* Really special case */
+			/* SX = S1 and S2 and T1 */
+			struct cil_symtab_datum *sx = NULL;
+			struct cil_typeattribute *sx_attr = NULL;
+			d = NULL;
+			cp = NULL;
+			rc = cil_create_attribute_d1_and_d2(db, NODE(s2), s2, t1, &d);
+			if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+				goto exit;
+			}
+			if (d) {
+				rc = cil_create_attribute_d1_and_d2(db, NODE(s1), s1, d, &sx);
+				if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+					goto exit;
+				}
+				sx_attr = (struct cil_typeattribute *)sx;
+			}
+			if (sx && ebitmap_cardinality(sx_attr->types) > 1) {
+				struct cil_symtab_datum *s = NULL;
+				struct cil_symtab_datum *t = NULL;
+				ebitmap_node_t *n;
+				unsigned i;
+				ebitmap_for_each_positive_bit(sx_attr->types, n, i) {
+					s = DATUM(db->val_to_type[i]);
+					rc = cil_create_attribute_d1_and_not_d2(db, NODE(sx), sx, s, &t);
+					if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+						goto exit;
+					}
+					if (t) {
+						cil_classperms_list_copy(&cp, p1);
+						curr = cil_create_and_add_avrule(curr, s, t, cp);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return rc;

As I mentioned briefly back in December, it might be in the attributes case to only grant p2 rather than p3. I *think* that's safe, since the initial allow rule grants everything p3, so the only things needed to be added back in the attributes are the denied permissions (p2).

+static int cil_find_matching_allow_rules(struct cil_list *matching, struct cil_tree_node *start, struct cil_tree_node *deny_node)
+	struct cil_deny_rule *deny_rule = deny_node->data;
+	struct cil_avrule target;
+	target.rule_kind = CIL_AVRULE_ALLOWED;
+	target.is_extended = CIL_FALSE;
+	target.src = deny_rule->src;
+	target.tgt = deny_rule->tgt;
+	target.perms.classperms = deny_rule->classperms;
+	return cil_find_matching_avrule_in_ast(start, CIL_AVRULE, &target, matching, CIL_FALSE);
+static int cil_process_deny_rule(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *start, struct cil_tree_node *deny_node)
+	struct cil_list *matching;
+	struct cil_list_item *item;
+	int rc;
+	cil_list_init(&matching, CIL_NODE);
+	rc = cil_find_matching_allow_rules(matching, start, deny_node);
+	if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	cil_list_for_each(item, matching) {
+		struct cil_tree_node *allow_node = item->data;
+		rc = cil_remove_permissions_from_rule(db, allow_node, deny_node);
+		cil_tree_remove_node(allow_node);
+		cil_tree_node_destroy(&allow_node);
+		if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+			goto exit;
+		}
+	}
+	cil_list_destroy(&matching, CIL_FALSE);
+	return rc;
+static int cil_process_deny_rules(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *start, struct cil_list *deny_rules)
+	struct cil_list_item *item;
+	int rc;
+	cil_list_for_each(item, deny_rules) {
+		struct cil_tree_node *deny_node = item->data;
+		rc = cil_process_deny_rule(db, start, deny_node);
+		if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+			goto exit;
+		}
+		cil_tree_remove_node(deny_node);
+		cil_tree_node_destroy(&deny_node);
+	}
+	return rc;
+static int __cil_find_deny_rules(struct cil_tree_node *node,  uint32_t *finished, void *extra_args)
+	struct cil_list *deny_rules = extra_args;
+	if (node->flavor == CIL_BLOCK) {
+		struct cil_block *block = node->data;
+		if (block->is_abstract == CIL_TRUE) {
+			*finished = CIL_TREE_SKIP_HEAD;
+		}
+	} else if (node->flavor == CIL_MACRO) {
+		*finished = CIL_TREE_SKIP_HEAD;
+	} else if (node->flavor == CIL_DENY_RULE) {
+		cil_list_append(deny_rules, CIL_DENY_RULE, node);
+	}
+	return SEPOL_OK;
+int cil_process_deny_rules_in_ast(struct cil_db *db)
+	struct cil_tree_node *start;
+	struct cil_list *deny_rules;
+	int rc = SEPOL_ERR;
+	cil_list_init(&deny_rules, CIL_DENY_RULE);
+	if (!db) {
+		cil_log(CIL_ERR, "No CIL db provided to process deny rules\n");
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	start = db->ast->root;
+	rc = cil_tree_walk(start, __cil_find_deny_rules, NULL, NULL, deny_rules);
+	if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+		cil_log(CIL_ERR, "An error occurred while getting deny rules\n");
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	rc = cil_process_deny_rules(db, start, deny_rules);
+	if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+		cil_log(CIL_ERR, "An error occurred while processing deny rules\n");
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	cil_list_destroy(&deny_rules, CIL_FALSE);
+	return rc;
diff --git a/libsepol/cil/src/cil_deny.h b/libsepol/cil/src/cil_deny.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a9e92d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsepol/cil/src/cil_deny.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * This file is public domain software, i.e. not copyrighted.
+ *
+ * Warranty Exclusion
+ * ------------------
+ * You agree that this software is a non-commercially developed program
+ * that may contain "bugs" (as that term is used in the industry) and
+ * that it may not function as intended. The software is licensed
+ * "as is". NSA makes no, and hereby expressly disclaims all, warranties,
+ * express, implied, statutory, or otherwise with respect to the software,
+ * including noninfringement and the implied warranties of merchantability
+ * and fitness for a particular purpose.
+ *
+ * Limitation of Liability
+ *-----------------------
+ * In no event will NSA be liable for any damages, including loss of data,
+ * lost profits, cost of cover, or other special, incidental, consequential,
+ * direct or indirect damages arising from the software or the use thereof,
+ * however caused and on any theory of liability. This limitation will apply
+ * even if NSA has been advised of the possibility of such damage. You
+ * acknowledge that this is a reasonable allocation of risk.
+ *
+ * Original author: James Carter
+ */
+#ifndef CIL_DENY_H_
+#define CIL_DENY_H_
+int cil_classperms_list_match(const struct cil_list *cpl1, const struct cil_list *cpl2);
+void cil_classperms_list_copy(struct cil_list **new, const struct cil_list *old);
+void cil_classperms_list_andnot(struct cil_list **result, const struct cil_list *cpl1, const struct cil_list *cpl2);
+int cil_process_deny_rules_in_ast(struct cil_db *db);
+#endif /* CIL_DENY_H_ */
diff --git a/libsepol/cil/src/cil_post.c b/libsepol/cil/src/cil_post.c
index 11e572e2..fb7eec2d 100644
--- a/libsepol/cil/src/cil_post.c
+++ b/libsepol/cil/src/cil_post.c
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
  #include "cil_policy.h"
  #include "cil_verify.h"
  #include "cil_symtab.h"
+#include "cil_deny.h"
#define GEN_REQUIRE_ATTR "cil_gen_require" /* Also in libsepol/src/module_to_cil.c */
  #define TYPEATTR_INFIX "_typeattr_"        /* Also in libsepol/src/module_to_cil.c */
@@ -2551,6 +2552,12 @@ int cil_post_process(struct cil_db *db)
  		goto exit;
+ rc = cil_process_deny_rules_in_ast(db);
+	if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
+		cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to process deny rules\n");
+		goto exit;
+	}
  	rc = cil_post_verify(db);
  	if (rc != SEPOL_OK) {
  		cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to verify cil database\n");

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