[PATCH] ci: run the tests under ASan/UBsan on GHActions

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It was tested in https://github.com/SELinuxProject/selinux/pull/321 and
https://github.com/SELinuxProject/selinux/pull/320. In the process
it discovered a few issues all of which were fixed in

Now that all the issues are gone it should be safe to turn it on
to make it easier to automatically catch bugs like that almost as soon as
they end up in the repository.

Signed-off-by: Evgeny Vereshchagin <evvers@xxxxx>
 .github/workflows/run_tests.yml | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 libsepol/tests/Makefile         | 10 ++++++--
 2 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.github/workflows/run_tests.yml b/.github/workflows/run_tests.yml
index ef4be8af..fd3626da 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/run_tests.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/run_tests.yml
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ jobs:
             python-ruby-version: {python: 3.9, ruby: 2.7, other: linker-bfd}
           - compiler: clang
             python-ruby-version: {python: 3.9, ruby: 2.7, other: linker-gold}
+        include:
+          - compiler: gcc
+            python-ruby-version: {python: 3.9, ruby: 2.7, other: sanitizers}
     - uses: actions/checkout@v2
@@ -88,6 +91,11 @@ jobs:
         elif [ "${{ matrix.python-ruby-version.other }}" = "test-debug" ] ; then
             # Test hat debug build works fine
+        elif [ "${{ matrix.python-ruby-version.other }}" = "sanitizers" ] ; then
+            sanitizers='-fsanitize=address,undefined'
+            EXPLICIT_MAKE_VARS="CFLAGS='-g -I$DESTDIR/usr/include $sanitizers' LDFLAGS='-L$DESTDIR/usr/lib $sanitizers' LDLIBS= CPPFLAGS= OPT_SUBDIRS="
+            echo "ASAN_OPTIONS=strict_string_checks=1:detect_stack_use_after_return=1:check_initialization_order=1:strict_init_order=1" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+            echo "UBSAN_OPTIONS=print_stacktrace=1:print_summary=1:halt_on_error=1" >> $GITHUB_ENV
@@ -139,18 +147,18 @@ jobs:
     - name: Run tests
       run: |
         echo "::group::make install"
-        make -j$(nproc) install $EXPLICIT_MAKE_VARS -k
+        eval make -j$(nproc) install $EXPLICIT_MAKE_VARS -k
         echo "::endgroup::"
         echo "::group::make install-pywrap"
-        make -j$(nproc) install-pywrap $EXPLICIT_MAKE_VARS -k
+        eval make -j$(nproc) install-pywrap $EXPLICIT_MAKE_VARS -k
         echo "::endgroup::"
         echo "::group::make install-rubywrap"
-        make -j$(nproc) install-rubywrap $EXPLICIT_MAKE_VARS -k
+        eval make -j$(nproc) install-rubywrap $EXPLICIT_MAKE_VARS -k
         echo "::endgroup::"
         # Now that everything is installed, run "make all" to build everything which may have not been built
         echo "::group::make all"
-        make -j$(nproc) all $EXPLICIT_MAKE_VARS -k
+        eval make -j$(nproc) all $EXPLICIT_MAKE_VARS -k
         echo "::endgroup::"
         # Set up environment variables for the tests and show variables (to help debugging issues)
@@ -164,19 +172,21 @@ jobs:
         # Run tests
         echo "::group::make test"
-        make test $EXPLICIT_MAKE_VARS
+        eval make test $EXPLICIT_MAKE_VARS
         echo "::endgroup::"
-        # Test Python and Ruby wrappers
-        echo "::group::Test Python and Ruby wrappers"
-        $PYTHON -c 'import selinux;import selinux.audit2why;import semanage;print(selinux.is_selinux_enabled())'
-        $RUBY -e 'require "selinux";require "semanage";puts Selinux::is_selinux_enabled()'
-        echo "::endgroup::"
-        # Run Python linter, but not on the downloaded refpolicy
-        echo "::group::scripts/run-flake8"
-        ./scripts/run-flake8
-        echo "::endgroup::"
+        if [ "${{ matrix.python-ruby-version.other }}" != "sanitizers" ] ; then
+            # Test Python and Ruby wrappers
+            echo "::group::Test Python and Ruby wrappers"
+            $PYTHON -c 'import selinux;import selinux.audit2why;import semanage;print(selinux.is_selinux_enabled())'
+            $RUBY -e 'require "selinux";require "semanage";puts Selinux::is_selinux_enabled()'
+            echo "::endgroup::"
+            # Run Python linter, but not on the downloaded refpolicy
+            echo "::group::scripts/run-flake8"
+            ./scripts/run-flake8
+            echo "::endgroup::"
+        fi
         echo "::group::Test .gitignore and make clean distclean"
         # Remove every installed files
@@ -184,6 +194,6 @@ jobs:
         # Test that "git status" looks clean, or print a clear error message
         git status --short | sed -n 's/^??/error: missing .gitignore entry for/p' | (! grep '^')
         # Clean up everything and show which file needs to be added to "make clean"
-        make clean distclean $EXPLICIT_MAKE_VARS
+        eval make clean distclean $EXPLICIT_MAKE_VARS
         git ls-files --ignored --others --exclude-standard | sed 's/^/error: "make clean distclean" did not remove /' | (! grep '^')
         echo "::endgroup::"
diff --git a/libsepol/tests/Makefile b/libsepol/tests/Makefile
index fc9bd1a3..a72c327d 100644
--- a/libsepol/tests/Makefile
+++ b/libsepol/tests/Makefile
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+ENV ?= env
 M4 ?= m4
 MKDIR ?= mkdir
 EXE ?= libsepol-tests
@@ -44,10 +45,15 @@ clean:
 	rm -f $(objs) $(EXE)
 	rm -f $(policies)
 	rm -f policies/test-downgrade/policy.hi policies/test-downgrade/policy.lo
+# mkdir is run in a clean environment created by env -i to avoid failing under ASan with:
+#   ASan runtime does not come first in initial library list;
+#   you should either link runtime to your application or manually preload it with LD_PRELOAD
+# when the source code is built with ASan
 test: $(EXE) $(policies)
-	$(MKDIR) -p policies/test-downgrade
+	$(ENV) -i $(MKDIR) -p policies/test-downgrade
 	../../checkpolicy/checkpolicy -M policies/test-cond/refpolicy-base.conf -o policies/test-downgrade/policy.hi	

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