Re: `fixfiles -C` does not apply to all paths

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On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 10:44 AM Cedric Buissart <cbuissar@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would like to discuss the possible removal of the static path list
> in fixfiles' differential update mode (`fixfiles -C`).
> Here is how it works :
> 160 # Compare PREVious File Context to currently installed File Context and
> 161 # run restorecon on all files affected by the differences.
> 162 #
> 163 diff_filecontext() {
> 164 EXCLUDEDIRS="`exclude_dirs_from_relabelling`"
> 165 for i in /sys /proc /dev /run /mnt /var/tmp /var/lib/BackupPC
> /home /tmp /dev; do
> 166     [ -e $i ]  && EXCLUDEDIRS="${EXCLUDEDIRS} -e $i";
> 167 done
> 168 LogExcluded
> 169
> 170 if [ -f ${PREFC} -a -x /usr/bin/diff ]; then
> 171     TEMPFILE=`mktemp ${FC}.XXXXXXXXXX`
> 172     test -z "$TEMPFILE" && exit
> 174     sed -r -e 's,:s0, ,g' $PREFC | sort -u > ${PREFCTEMPFILE}
> 175     sed -r -e 's,:s0, ,g' $FC | sort -u | \
> 176     /usr/bin/diff -b ${PREFCTEMPFILE} - | \
> 177         grep '^[<>]'|cut -c3-| grep ^/ | \
> 178         egrep -v '(^/home|^/root|^/tmp|^/dev)' |\
> 179     sed -r -e 's,[[:blank:]].*,,g' \
> [...]
> 199     ${RESTORECON} ${VERBOSE} ${EXCLUDEDIRS} ${FORCEFLAG} $* -i -R -f -; \
> lines 165-167 and 178 statically prevent some paths to be updated with
> the new policy. I suspect this was done for efficiency and historical
> reasons.
> I would propose the removal of these path because :
> - restorecon is (by default) automatically ignoring paths that are not
> mounted with `seclabel`. There shouldn't be a need to statically treat
> paths differently
> - Some paths currently in this list (e.g. `/home`) may require
> updating. During a policy update, packages (at least RHEL and Fedora)
> are using `fixfiles -C` to make the policy more efficient, resulting
> in a possibly incomplete policy update.
> - The admin may not be aware of the manual steps required to fully
> apply the new policy after an update.
> How about removing these lines ?

Looking at the list, I note that several of them have seclabel set in
/proc/mounts so they would no longer be excluded after such a change.
The biggest concern is probably /home due to making fixfiles very
slow.  I think the whole idea of fixfiles -C was to try to minimize
time spent on a policy update.  Maybe we need to re-think the whole
approach.  Android has taken a different approach to allowing
efficient relabeling on Android upgrades.  They save a hash of the
matching file_contexts entries as an extended attribute of
directories, and only descend into the directory during relabeling if
the hash no longer matches.  Upstream, this is only enabled if the -D
option is passed to setfiles/restorecon since it requires
CAP_SYS_ADMIN to set the additional xattr.  Perhaps fixfiles should be
extended with this option and we should be using it instead of -C?

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