[PATCH 1/4] setools: APOL Add constraints and filename transition support

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Update apol with constraints tab that will display type/attributes as
per policy version (<29 display types >= 29 display whatever was in the
source policy).
Update apol plus libapol and libqpol to support the filename
type_transition searches in the terules tab.
Fix bools tab to support namespace bools (for CIL).

Signed-off-by: Richard Haines <richard_c_haines@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 apol/Makefile.am                    |    1 +
 apol/apol_help.txt                  |   55 ++
 apol/cond_bools_tab.tcl             |   12 +-
 apol/constraints_tab.tcl            | 1589 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 apol/initial_sids_tab.tcl           |    2 +-
 apol/terules_tab.tcl                |  199 ++++-
 apol/top.tcl                        |   61 ++
 libapol/include/apol/ftrule-query.h |   14 +-
 libapol/src/ftrule-query.c          |    4 +-
 libapol/swig/apol.i                 |   86 ++
 libqpol/src/constraint_query.c      |    9 +-
 libqpol/swig/qpol.i                 |   94 +++
 12 files changed, 2114 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 apol/constraints_tab.tcl

diff --git a/apol/Makefile.am b/apol/Makefile.am
index 646d8b1..4ea51b0 100644
--- a/apol/Makefile.am
+++ b/apol/Makefile.am
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
 	common_widgets.tcl \
 	cond_bools_tab.tcl \
 	cond_rules_tab.tcl \
+	constraints_tab.tcl \
 	context_dialog.tcl \
 	context_selector.tcl \
 	directflow_module.tcl \
diff --git a/apol/apol_help.txt b/apol/apol_help.txt
index aad309b..0ff674f 100644
--- a/apol/apol_help.txt
+++ b/apol/apol_help.txt
@@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ rules in a policy based on selected search criteria.
        the checkbox is enabled, returned rules instead will contain
        all of them.
+    4. FILENAME SUBTAB: provides options to refine a search
+       using the file name type_transition rule filename.  Only rules
+       that contain the selected file name will be returned.
   In the Results Tab for a given search, all rules that meet the
   search criteria are displayed.  In addition, if the policy that is
   opened is capable of showing line numbers, a hyperlink for each rule
@@ -260,6 +264,57 @@ rules in a policy based on selected search criteria.
       [Enabled] - indicates the rule is enabled
       [Disabled] - indicates the rule is disabled	
+ Constraints tab
+ ---------------
+  Select the Constraints tab to search through the constrain and
+  validatetrans constraint rules. If the current policy supports MLS
+  then these variants are also enabled.
+  Four different types of search criteria exist for constraints:
+    1. CONSTRAINT SELECTION: provides options to limit the scope of the
+       search as only those constraints selected will be included in the
+       search.  At least one must be selected.  NOTE: If no additional
+       search criteria is specified, apol will search for all of the
+       selected constraints.
+    2. CLASSES/PERMISSIONS SUBTAB: provides options to refine a search
+       using object classes and/or permissions in the same way as the
+       TE Rules tab described above.  Note that the validatetrans rules
+       do not use permissions.
+    3. LEFT SIDE OF EXPRESSION SUBTAB: provides an option to refine a
+       search based on the left keyword of a constraint.  When checked
+       the left hand side of each expression is read from the policy and
+       displayed in the drop down box.  A single keyword may then be
+       selected.
+    4. RIGHT SIDE OF EXPRESSION SUBTAB: provides options to refine a
+       search based on either the right keyword, user, role, type or type
+       attribute of a constraint.  When one of the boxes is checked
+       the right keywords, users, roles, types or type attributes are
+       read from the policy and displayed in the drop down box.  A single
+       item may then be selected.
+  Note: When displaying the constraint details from a binary policy, the
+        result will depend on the policy version:
+          a) For versions <= 28 it will always display types as the
+             compiler expanded any attributes before writing the binary
+             policy. Therefore searches should always be for types.
+          b) For versions >= 29 it will display whatever was defined in
+             the source policy, therefore searches may be on types or
+             attributes.
+  The Constraints Tab also supports multiple results windows.  Each
+  active window remembers the search options used for it, and will set
+  all the options accordingly when selected.  Use the "Update Search"
+  button to change the results displayed for the current window based
+  on the current search option.  "New Search" creates a new results
+  window based on the current search options.  Use the "Close Tab" bar
+  at the bottom to destroy a results window.  Also, the Constraints tab
+  provides the means to save/load search criteria to a file (see Menus
+  section above).
   RBAC Rules tab
   Select the RBAC Rules tab to search role-based access control rules.
diff --git a/apol/cond_bools_tab.tcl b/apol/cond_bools_tab.tcl
index 76356f1..25c8dee 100644
--- a/apol/cond_bools_tab.tcl
+++ b/apol/cond_bools_tab.tcl
@@ -107,7 +107,9 @@ proc Apol_Cond_Bools::open {ppath} {
     foreach bool $cond_bools_list {
         set b [new_qpol_bool_t $::ApolTop::qpolicy $bool]
         set cond_bools_defaults($bool) [$b get_state $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
-        _insert_listbox_item $bool $cond_bools_defaults($bool)
+        # This is a workaround as frames do not like the "." in CIL booleans
+        set frame_bool [string map {. *} $bool]
+        _insert_listbox_item $bool $cond_bools_defaults($bool) $frame_bool
     variable widgets
@@ -161,21 +163,21 @@ proc Apol_Cond_Bools::_initializeVars {} {
-proc Apol_Cond_Bools::_insert_listbox_item {bool initial_state} {
+proc Apol_Cond_Bools::_insert_listbox_item {bool initial_state frame_bool} {
     variable widgets
     variable cond_bools_values
     set cond_bools_values($bool) $initial_state
     set subf [$widgets(listbox) getframe]
-    set rb_true [radiobutton $subf.t:$bool -bg white \
+    set rb_true [radiobutton $subf.t:$frame_bool -bg white \
                      -variable Apol_Cond_Bools::cond_bools_values($bool) \
                      -value 1 -highlightthickness 0 -text "True"]
-    set rb_false [radiobutton $subf.f:$bool -bg white \
+    set rb_false [radiobutton $subf.f:$frame_bool -bg white \
                       -variable Apol_Cond_Bools::cond_bools_values($bool) \
                       -value 0 -highlightthickness 0 -text "False"]
     trace add variable Apol_Cond_Bools::cond_bools_values($bool) write \
         [list Apol_Cond_Bools::_set_bool_value]
-    set rb_label [label $subf.l:$bool -bg white -text "- $bool"]
+    set rb_label [label $subf.l:$frame_bool -bg white -text "- $bool"]
     grid $rb_true $rb_false $rb_label -padx 2 -pady 5 -sticky w
diff --git a/apol/constraints_tab.tcl b/apol/constraints_tab.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..965e584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apol/constraints_tab.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,1589 @@
+# This tab will allow searching of constrain and validatetrans constraint
+# rules within the policy. The mls versions are also searched if an
+# mls policy is loaded.
+# This tab has been derived from the terules_tab.
+# Author: Richard Haines richard_c_haines@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Tresys Technology, LLC
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+namespace eval Apol_Constraint {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    variable tabs
+    variable enabled
+    variable opts
+    variable constraint_list {}
+    variable left_expr_list {}
+    variable right_expr_list {}
+    variable mls_enabled {0}
+    variable match_right_type_names 0
+    variable statement_count 0
+proc Apol_Constraint::create {tab_name nb} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    _initializeVars
+    set frame [$nb insert end $tab_name -text "Constraints"]
+    set pw [PanedWindow $frame.pw -side left -weights extra]
+    set topf [$pw add -weight 0]
+    set bottomf [$pw add -weight 1]
+    pack $pw -expand 1 -fill both
+    # Major SubFrames:
+    # rsbox - constrain selection
+    # rbox - holds display window widgets
+    # abox - action buttons
+    set top_leftf [frame $topf.tl]
+    set widgets(search_opts) [NoteBook $topf.nb]
+    set abox [frame $topf.abox]
+    pack $top_leftf -side left -expand 0 -fill y
+    pack $widgets(search_opts) -side left -expand 1 -fill both -padx 10
+    pack $abox -side right -fill y -padx 5
+    set rsbox [TitleFrame $top_leftf.rsbox -text "Constraint Selection"]
+    set rbox [TitleFrame $bottomf.rbox -text "Constraint Search Results"]
+    pack $rsbox -side top -fill both -expand 1
+    pack $rbox -expand yes -fill both -padx 2
+    # Constraint selection subframe
+    set fm_constraints [$rsbox getframe]
+    set constrain [checkbutton $fm_constraints.constrain -text "constrain" \
+                   -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
+                   -variable Apol_Constraint::vals(rs:constrain_enabled)]
+    set mlsconstrain [checkbutton $fm_constraints.mlsconstrain -text "mlsconstrain" \
+                        -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
+                        -variable Apol_Constraint::vals(rs:mlsconstrain_enabled)]
+    set validatetrans [checkbutton $fm_constraints.validatetrans -text "validatetrans" \
+                        -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
+                        -variable Apol_Constraint::vals(rs:validatetrans_enabled)]
+    set mlsvalidatetrans [checkbutton $fm_constraints.mlsvalidatetrans -text "mlsvalidatetrans" \
+                       -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
+                       -variable Apol_Constraint::vals(rs:mlsvalidatetrans_enabled)]
+    grid $constrain -sticky w -padx 10
+    grid $mlsconstrain -sticky w -padx 10
+    grid $validatetrans -sticky w -padx 10 -pady {30 0}
+    grid $mlsvalidatetrans -sticky w -padx 10
+    _createClassesPermsTab
+    _createLeftExpressionTab
+    _createRightExpressionTab
+    # Action buttons
+    set widgets(new) [button $abox.new -text "New Search" -width 12 \
+                       -command [list Apol_Constraint::_search_constraints new]]
+    set widgets(update) [button $abox.update -text "Update Search" -width 12 -state disabled \
+                             -command [list Apol_Constraint::_search_constraints update]]
+    set widgets(reset) [button $abox.reset -text "Reset Criteria" -width 12 \
+                            -command Apol_Constraint::_reset]
+    pack $widgets(new) $widgets(update) $widgets(reset) \
+        -side top -pady 5 -padx 5 -anchor ne
+    $widgets(search_opts) compute_size
+    # Popup menu widget
+    set popupTab_Menu [menu .popup_constrain_rules -tearoff 0]
+    set tab_menu_callbacks \
+        [list {"Close Tab" Apol_Constraint::_delete_results} \
+             {"Rename Tab" Apol_Constraint::_display_rename_tab_dialog}]
+    # Notebook creation for results
+    set widgets(results) [NoteBook [$rbox getframe].results]
+    $widgets(results) bindtabs <Button-1> Apol_Constraint::_switch_to_tab
+    $widgets(results) bindtabs <Button-3> \
+        [list ApolTop::popup \
+             %W %x %y $popupTab_Menu $tab_menu_callbacks]
+    set close [button [$rbox getframe].close -text "Close Tab" \
+                   -command Apol_Constraint::_delete_current_results]
+    pack $widgets(results) -expand 1 -fill both -padx 4
+    pack $close -expand 0 -fill x -padx 4 -pady 2
+    _initializeVars
+    return $frame
+proc Apol_Constraint::open {ppath} {
+    variable mls_enabled
+    if {[ApolTop::is_capable "mls"]} {
+        set mls_enabled 1
+    } else {
+        set mls_enabled 0
+    }
+    _initializeVars
+    _initializeWidgets
+    _initializeTabs
+    variable vals
+    variable enabled
+    set vals(cp:classes) [Apol_Class_Perms::getClasses]
+    set enabled(cp:classes) 1
+    set enabled(cp:perms) 1
+proc Apol_Constraint::close {} {
+    _initializeTabs
+    _initializeWidgets
+    _initializeVars
+    set enabled(cp:perms) 1
+    variable constraint_list {}
+    variable left_expr_list {}
+    variable right_expr_list {}
+proc Apol_Constraint::getTextWidget {} {
+    variable widgets
+    variable tabs
+    if {[$widgets(results) pages] != {}} {
+        set raisedPage [$widgets(results) raise]
+        if {$raisedPage != {}} {
+            return $tabs($raisedPage).tb
+        }
+    }
+    return {}
+proc Apol_Constraint::save_query_options {file_channel query_file} {
+    variable vals
+    foreach {key value} [array get vals] {
+        if {$key != "cp:classes" && $key != "cp:perms"} {
+            puts $file_channel "$key $value"
+        }
+    }
+proc Apol_Constraint::load_query_options {file_channel} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    variable enabled
+    _initializeVars
+    # load as many values as possible
+    set classes_selected {}
+    set perms_selected {}
+    while {[gets $file_channel line] >= 0} {
+        set line [string trim $line]
+        # Skip empty lines and comments
+        if {$line == {} || [string index $line 0] == "#"} {
+            continue
+        }
+        regexp -line -- {^(\S+)( (.+))?} $line -> key --> value
+        if {$key == "cp:classes_selected"} {
+            set classes_selected $value
+        } elseif {$key == "cp:perms_selected"} {
+            set perms_selected $value
+        } else {
+            set vals($key) $value
+        }
+    }
+    # update the display
+    _initializeWidgets
+    set vals(cp:classes) [Apol_Class_Perms::getClasses]
+    set enabled(cp:classes) 1
+    set enabled(cp:perms) 1
+    _toggle_perms_toshow -> -> reset
+    # then verify that selected object classes and permissions exist
+    # for this policy
+    set unknowns {}
+    set vals(cp:classes_selected) {}
+    foreach class $classes_selected {
+        if {[set i [lsearch $vals(cp:classes) $class]] >= 0} {
+            $widgets(cp:classes) selection set $i
+            lappend vals(cp:classes_selected) $class
+        } else {
+            lappend unknowns $class
+        }
+    }
+    if {[llength $unknowns] > 0} {
+        tk_messageBox -icon warning -type ok -title "Open Apol Query" \
+            -message "The following object classes do not exist in the currently loaded policy and were ignored:\n\n[join $unknowns ", "]" \
+            -parent .
+    }
+    _toggle_perms_toshow {} {} {}
+    set unknowns {}
+    set vals(cp:perms_selected) {}
+    foreach perm $perms_selected {
+        if {[set i [lsearch $vals(cp:perms) $perm]] >= 0} {
+            $widgets(cp:perms) selection set $i
+            lappend vals(cp:perms_selected) $perm
+        } else {
+            lappend unknowns $perm
+        }
+    }
+    if {[llength $unknowns] > 0} {
+        tk_messageBox -icon warning -type ok -title "Open Apol Query" \
+            -message "The following permissions do not exist in the currently loaded policy and were ignored:\n\n[join $unknowns ", "]" \
+            -parent $parentDlg
+    }
+#### private functions below ####
+proc Apol_Constraint::_initializeVars {} {
+    variable vals
+    variable mls_enabled
+    array set vals [list \
+                        rs:constrain_enabled 1 \
+                        rs:mlsconstrain_enabled $mls_enabled  \
+                        rs:validatetrans_enabled 1 \
+                        rs:mlsvalidatetrans_enabled $mls_enabled  \
+                        kta:left_expr,left_keyword 1 \
+                        kta:right_expr,right_keyword 0 \
+                        kta:right_expr,types 0 \
+                        kta:right_expr,users 0 \
+                        kta:right_expr,roles 0 \
+                        kta:right_expr,attribs 0 \
+                       ]
+    array set vals {
+        kta:use_left_expr 0
+        kta:left_expr {}
+        kta:use_right_expr 0
+        kta:right_expr {}
+        kta:right_expr_replace_types 0
+        cp:classes {}
+        cp:classes_selected {}
+        cp:perms {}
+        cp:perms_selected {}
+        cp:perms_toshow all
+        cp:perms_matchall 0
+    }
+    variable enabled
+    array set enabled {
+        kta:use_left_expr 1
+        kta:use_right_expr 1
+        cp:classes 0
+        cp:perms 0
+    }
+proc Apol_Constraint::_initializeTabs {} {
+    variable widgets
+    variable tabs
+    array set tabs {
+        next_result_id 1
+    }
+    foreach p [$widgets(results) pages 0 end] {
+        _delete_results $p
+    }
+proc Apol_Constraint::_initializeWidgets {} {
+    variable widgets
+    $widgets(search_opts) raise left_expr_entry
+    $widgets(search_opts) raise right_expr_entry
+    $widgets(cp:classes) selection clear 0 end
+    $widgets(cp:perms) selection clear 0 end
+proc Apol_Constraint::_createLeftExpressionTab {} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    variable enabled
+    set ta_tab [$widgets(search_opts) insert end left_expr_entry -text "Left Side of Expression"]
+    set fm_left_expr [frame $ta_tab.left_expr]
+    grid $fm_left_expr -padx 4 -sticky ewns
+    foreach i {0} {
+        grid columnconfigure $ta_tab $i -weight 1 -uniform 1
+    }
+    grid rowconfigure $ta_tab 0 -weight 1
+#                           prefix    frame        title  left_side right_side
+    _create_expression_box left_expr $fm_left_expr "Keyword" 1 0
+    $widgets(search_opts) raise left_expr_entry
+proc Apol_Constraint::_createRightExpressionTab {} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    variable enabled
+    set ta_tab [$widgets(search_opts) insert end right_expr_entry -text "Right Side of Expression"]
+    set fm_right_expr [frame $ta_tab.right_expr]
+    grid $fm_right_expr -padx 4 -sticky ewns
+    foreach i {0} {
+        grid columnconfigure $ta_tab $i -weight 1 -uniform 1
+    }
+    grid rowconfigure $ta_tab 0 -weight 1
+#                          prefix      frame             title                          left_side right_side
+    _create_expression_box right_expr $fm_right_expr "Select either a keyword, user, role, type or type attribute" 0 1
+    $widgets(search_opts) raise right_expr_entry
+proc Apol_Constraint::_create_expression_box {prefix f title left_expr right_expr} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    set widgets(kta:use_${prefix}) [checkbutton $f.use -text $title \
+                                       -variable Apol_Constraint::vals(kta:use_${prefix})]
+    pack $widgets(kta:use_${prefix}) -side top -anchor w
+    trace add variable Apol_Constraint::vals(kta:use_${prefix}) write \
+        [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_expression_box $prefix]
+    set w {}
+    if {$right_expr} {
+        set helptext "Select a keyword, user, role, type or type attribute for the right hand side of the constraint expression e.g.: \
+\n    (left         right) \
+\n    (t1    ==   mlstrustedobject) \
+\n    (r1  dom  r2) \
+\n    (r1    !=    system_r)\n \
+\nIf a type or attribute is selected the \"Only direct matches\" box can be used to determine searching as follows:\n \
+\n   - If selected the type or type attribute identifier will be used for the match.\n \
+\n   - If unselected and a type is selected: \
+\n         The type identifier will be used for matching, also any type attributes found within the constraints expression will \
+\n         be expanded and its list of types searched for a match.\n \
+\n   - If unselected and an attribute is selected: \
+\n         The type attribute identifier will be used for matching, also any types found within the constraints expression will \
+\n         have its associated type attributes searched for a match.\n"
+    } else {
+        set helptext "Select a keyword for the left hand side of the constraint expression e.g.: \
+\n    (left     right)\n    (r1   ==   r2)"
+    }
+    set widgets(kta:${prefix}) [ComboBox $f.sym \
+                                       -state disabled -entrybg $ApolTop::default_bg_color \
+                                       -textvariable Apol_Constraint::vals(kta:${prefix}) \
+                                       -helptext $helptext -autopost 1]
+    pack $widgets(kta:${prefix}) -expand 0 -fill x -padx 8
+    lappend w $widgets(kta:${prefix})
+    if {$left_expr} {
+        set ta_frame [frame $f.ta]
+        pack $ta_frame -expand 0 -anchor center -pady 2
+        trace add variable Apol_Constraint::vals(kta:${prefix},left_keyword) write \
+            [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_left_side $prefix]
+        pack $widgets(kta:${prefix}) -expand 0 -fill x -padx 8
+        lappend w $widgets(kta:${prefix})
+    }
+    if {$right_expr} {
+        set ta_frame [frame $f.ta]
+        pack $ta_frame -expand 0 -anchor w -pady 2
+        set right_keyword [checkbutton $ta_frame.right_keyword -text "Keyword" -state disabled \
+                       -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
+                       -variable Apol_Constraint::vals(kta:${prefix},right_keyword)]
+        set users [checkbutton $ta_frame.users -text "Users" -state disabled \
+                       -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
+                       -variable Apol_Constraint::vals(kta:${prefix},users)]
+        set roles [checkbutton $ta_frame.roles -text "Roles" -state disabled \
+                       -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
+                       -variable Apol_Constraint::vals(kta:${prefix},roles)]
+        set types [checkbutton $ta_frame.types -text "Types" -state disabled \
+                       -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
+                       -variable Apol_Constraint::vals(kta:${prefix},types)]
+        set attribs [checkbutton $ta_frame.attribs -text "Attributes" -state disabled \
+                         -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
+                         -variable Apol_Constraint::vals(kta:${prefix},attribs)]
+        $right_keyword configure -command [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_kta_pushed $prefix $right_keyword]
+        $users configure -command [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_kta_pushed $prefix $users]
+        $roles configure -command [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_kta_pushed $prefix $roles]
+        $types configure -command [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_kta_pushed $prefix $types]
+        $attribs configure -command [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_kta_pushed $prefix $attribs]
+        trace add variable Apol_Constraint::vals(kta:${prefix},right_keyword) write \
+            [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_right_side $prefix]
+        trace add variable Apol_Constraint::vals(kta:${prefix},users) write \
+            [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_right_side $prefix]
+        trace add variable Apol_Constraint::vals(kta:${prefix},roles) write \
+            [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_right_side $prefix]
+        trace add variable Apol_Constraint::vals(kta:${prefix},types) write \
+            [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_right_side $prefix]
+        trace add variable Apol_Constraint::vals(kta:${prefix},attribs) write \
+            [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_right_side $prefix]
+        pack $right_keyword $users $roles $types $attribs -side left -anchor w -padx 2
+        lappend w $right_keyword $users $roles $types $attribs
+    }
+    set widgets(kta:${prefix}_widgets) $w
+    trace add variable Apol_Constraint::enabled(kta:use_${prefix}) write \
+        [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_left_right_box $prefix]
+# called when there is a change in state to the top checkbutton within
+# an expression box
+proc Apol_Constraint::_toggle_expression_box {col name1 name2 op} {
+    variable enabled
+    # force a refresh of this box's state; this invokes
+    # _toggle_left_right_box callback
+    set enabled(kta:use_${col}) $enabled(kta:use_${col})
+# disallow keyword, types and attribs to be selected within a kta box
+proc Apol_Constraint::_toggle_kta_pushed {col cb} {
+    variable vals
+    if {($vals(kta:${col},right_keyword) &&  $vals(kta:${col},attribs)) || \
+        ($vals(kta:${col},right_keyword) && $vals(kta:${col},users)) || \
+        ($vals(kta:${col},right_keyword) && $vals(kta:${col},roles)) || \
+        ($vals(kta:${col},right_keyword) && $vals(kta:${col},types)) || \
+        ($vals(kta:${col},attribs) && $vals(kta:${col},users)) || \
+        ($vals(kta:${col},attribs) && $vals(kta:${col},roles)) || \
+        ($vals(kta:${col},attribs) && $vals(kta:${col},types)) || \
+        ($vals(kta:${col},users) && $vals(kta:${col},roles)) || \
+        ($vals(kta:${col},users) && $vals(kta:${col},types)) || \
+        ($vals(kta:${col},roles) && $vals(kta:${col},types)) } {
+       tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "Constraint Search" -message "Select either a keyword, user, role, type or type attribute."
+        $cb deselect
+        return
+    }
+# called whenever the left or right box is enabled or disabled
+proc Apol_Constraint::_toggle_left_right_box {col name1 name2 op} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    variable enabled
+    if {$enabled(kta:use_${col})} {
+        $widgets(kta:use_${col}) configure -state normal
+    } else {
+        $widgets(kta:use_${col}) configure -state disabled
+    }
+    if {$enabled(kta:use_${col}) && $vals(kta:use_${col})} {
+        foreach w $widgets(kta:${col}_widgets) {
+            $w configure -state normal
+        }
+        $widgets(kta:${col}) configure -entrybg white
+    } else {
+        foreach w $widgets(kta:${col}_widgets) {
+            $w configure -state disabled
+        }
+        $widgets(kta:${col}) configure -entrybg $ApolTop::default_bg_color
+    }
+    # update this tab's name if one of the columns is enabled and used
+    if {($enabled(kta:use_left_expr) && $vals(kta:use_left_expr))} {
+        $widgets(search_opts) itemconfigure left_expr_entry -text "Left Side of Expression *"
+    } else {
+        $widgets(search_opts) itemconfigure left_expr_entry -text "Left Side of Expression"
+    }
+    if {($enabled(kta:use_right_expr) && $vals(kta:use_right_expr))} {
+        $widgets(search_opts) itemconfigure right_expr_entry -text "Right Side of Expression *"
+    } else {
+        $widgets(search_opts) itemconfigure right_expr_entry -text "Right Side of Expression"
+    }
+proc Apol_Constraint::_toggle_left_side {col name1 name2 op} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    set items {}
+    if {$vals(kta:${col},left_keyword)} {
+        append items [Apol_Constraint::getLeftKeyword]
+    }
+    $widgets(kta:${col}) configure -values $items
+proc Apol_Constraint::_toggle_right_side {col name1 name2 op} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    set items {}
+    if {$vals(kta:${col},right_keyword)} {
+           append items [Apol_Constraint::getRightKeyword]
+       }
+    if {$vals(kta:${col},users)} {
+           append items [Apol_Users::getUsers]
+       }
+    if {$vals(kta:${col},roles)} {
+           append items [Apol_Roles::getRoles]
+       }
+    if {$vals(kta:${col},types)} {
+           append items [Apol_Types::getTypes]
+       }
+    if {$vals(kta:${col},attribs)} {
+           append items [Apol_Types::getAttributes]
+    }
+    $widgets(kta:${col}) configure -values $items
+# Returns a list of left keywords
+proc Apol_Constraint::getLeftKeyword {} {
+    variable vals
+    variable left_expr_list
+    set left_expr_list {}
+    if {[ApolTop::is_policy_open]} {
+        if { $vals(rs:constrain_enabled) == 1 ||  $vals(rs:mlsconstrain_enabled) == 1 } {
+            append left_expr_list [Apol_Constraint::_getKeywords "l" new_apol_constraint_query_t]
+        }
+        if { $vals(rs:validatetrans_enabled) == 1 || $vals(rs:mlsvalidatetrans_enabled) == 1 } {
+            append left_expr_list [Apol_Constraint::_getKeywords "l" new_apol_validatetrans_query_t]
+        }
+        lsort -unique $left_expr_list
+    } else {
+        set left_expr_list ""
+    }
+# Returns a list of right keywords
+proc Apol_Constraint::getRightKeyword {} {
+    variable vals
+    variable right_expr_list
+    set right_expr_list {}
+    if {[ApolTop::is_policy_open]} {
+        if { $vals(rs:constrain_enabled) == 1 ||  $vals(rs:mlsconstrain_enabled) == 1 } {
+            append right_expr_list [Apol_Constraint::_getKeywords "r" new_apol_constraint_query_t]
+        }
+        if { $vals(rs:validatetrans_enabled) == 1 || $vals(rs:mlsvalidatetrans_enabled) == 1 } {
+            append right_expr_list [Apol_Constraint::_getKeywords "r" new_apol_validatetrans_query_t]
+        }
+        lsort -unique $right_expr_list
+    } else {
+        set right_expr_list ""
+    }
+# code to create and handle the classe/permissions subtab
+proc Apol_Constraint::_createClassesPermsTab {} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    variable enabled
+    set objects_tab [$widgets(search_opts) insert end classperms -text "Classes/Permissions"]
+    set fm_objs [TitleFrame $objects_tab.objs -text "Object Classes"]
+    set fm_perms [TitleFrame $objects_tab.perms -text "Permissions"]
+    pack $fm_objs -side left -expand 0 -fill both -padx 2 -pady 2
+    pack $fm_perms -side left -expand 1 -fill both -padx 2 -pady 2
+    # object classes subframe
+    set sw [ScrolledWindow [$fm_objs getframe].sw -auto both]
+    set widgets(cp:classes) [listbox [$sw getframe].lb -height 5 -width 24 \
+                                 -highlightthickness 0 -selectmode multiple \
+                                 -exportselection 0 -state disabled \
+                                 -bg $ApolTop::default_bg_color \
+                                 -listvar Apol_Constraint::vals(cp:classes)]
+    $sw setwidget $widgets(cp:classes)
+    update
+    grid propagate $sw 0
+    bind $widgets(cp:classes) <<ListboxSelect>> \
+        [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_cp_select classes]
+    pack $sw -expand 1 -fill both
+    set clear [button [$fm_objs getframe].b -text "Clear" -width 6 -state disabled \
+                   -command [list Apol_Constraint::_clear_cp_listbox $widgets(cp:classes) classes]]
+    pack $clear -expand 0 -pady 2
+    set widgets(cp:classes_widgets) [list $widgets(cp:classes) $clear]
+    # permissions subframe
+    set f [$fm_perms getframe]
+    set sw [ScrolledWindow $f.sw -auto both]
+    set widgets(cp:perms) [listbox [$sw getframe].lb -height 5 -width 24 \
+                               -highlightthickness 0 -selectmode multiple \
+                               -exportselection 0 -bg white \
+                               -listvar Apol_Constraint::vals(cp:perms)]
+    $sw setwidget $widgets(cp:perms)
+    update
+    grid propagate $sw 0
+    bind $widgets(cp:perms) <<ListboxSelect>> \
+        [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_cp_select perms]
+    set clear [button $f.clear -text "Clear" \
+                   -command [list Apol_Constraint::_clear_cp_listbox $widgets(cp:perms) perms]]
+    set reverse [button $f.reverse -text "Reverse" \
+                     -command [list Apol_Constraint::_reverse_cp_listbox $widgets(cp:perms)]]
+    set perm_opts_f [frame $f.perms]
+    set perm_rb_f [frame $perm_opts_f.rb]
+    set l [label $perm_rb_f.l -text "Permissions to show:" -state disabled]
+    set all [radiobutton $perm_rb_f.all -text "All" \
+                       -variable Apol_Constraint::vals(cp:perms_toshow) -value all]
+    set union [radiobutton $perm_rb_f.union -text "All for selected classes" \
+                       -variable Apol_Constraint::vals(cp:perms_toshow) -value union]
+    set intersect [radiobutton $perm_rb_f.inter -text "Common to selected classes" \
+                       -variable Apol_Constraint::vals(cp:perms_toshow) -value intersect]
+    trace add variable Apol_Constraint::vals(cp:perms_toshow) write \
+        Apol_Constraint::_toggle_perms_toshow
+    pack $l $all $union $intersect -anchor w
+    set all_perms [checkbutton $perm_opts_f.all -text "Constraint must have all selected permissions" \
+                       -variable Apol_Constraint::vals(cp:perms_matchall)]
+    pack $perm_rb_f $all_perms -anchor w -pady 4 -padx 4
+    grid $sw - $perm_opts_f -sticky nsw
+    grid $clear $reverse ^ -pady 2 -sticky ew
+    grid columnconfigure $f 0 -weight 0 -uniform 1 -pad 2
+    grid columnconfigure $f 1 -weight 0 -uniform 1 -pad 2
+    grid columnconfigure $f 2 -weight 1
+    grid rowconfigure $f 0 -weight 1
+    set widgets(cp:perms_widgets) \
+        [list $widgets(cp:perms) $clear $reverse $l $all $union $intersect $all_perms]
+    trace add variable Apol_Constraint::vals(cp:classes_selected) write \
+        [list Apol_Constraint::_update_cp_tabname]
+    trace add variable Apol_Constraint::vals(cp:perms_selected) write \
+        [list Apol_Constraint::_update_cp_tabname]
+    trace add variable Apol_Constraint::enabled(cp:classes) write \
+        [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_enable_cp classes]
+    trace add variable Apol_Constraint::enabled(cp:perms) write \
+        [list Apol_Constraint::_toggle_enable_cp perms]
+proc Apol_Constraint::_toggle_enable_cp {prefix name1 name2 op} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    variable enabled
+    if {$enabled(cp:${prefix})} {
+        foreach w $widgets(cp:${prefix}_widgets) {
+            $w configure -state normal
+        }
+        $widgets(cp:${prefix}) configure -bg white
+    } else {
+        foreach w $widgets(cp:${prefix}_widgets) {
+            $w configure -state disabled
+        }
+        $widgets(cp:${prefix}) configure -bg $ApolTop::default_bg_color
+    }
+    # force a refresh of this tab's name
+    set vals(cp:${prefix}_selected) $vals(cp:${prefix}_selected)
+proc Apol_Constraint::_toggle_perms_toshow {name1 name2 op} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    if {$vals(cp:perms_toshow) == "all"} {
+        # don't change the list of permissions if there was a new
+        # object class selection and the current radiobutton is all
+        if {$op != "update"} {
+            set vals(cp:perms) $Apol_Class_Perms::perms_list
+            set vals(cp:perms_selected) {}
+        }
+    } elseif {$vals(cp:perms_toshow) == "union"} {
+        set vals(cp:perms) {}
+        set vals(cp:perms_selected) {}
+        foreach class $vals(cp:classes_selected) {
+            set vals(cp:perms) [lsort -unique -dictionary [concat $vals(cp:perms) [Apol_Class_Perms::getPermsForClass $class]]]
+        }
+    } else {  ;# intersection
+        set vals(cp:perms) {}
+        set vals(cp:perms_selected) {}
+        set classes {}
+        foreach i [$widgets(cp:classes) curselection] {
+            lappend classes [$widgets(cp:classes) get $i]
+        }
+        if {$classes == {}} {
+            return
+        }
+        set vals(cp:perms) [Apol_Class_Perms::getPermsForClass [lindex $classes 0]]
+        foreach class [lrange $classes 1 end] {
+            set this_perms [Apol_Class_Perms::getPermsForClass $class]
+            set new_perms {}
+            foreach p $vals(cp:perms) {
+                if {[lsearch -exact $this_perms $p] >= 0} {
+                    lappend new_perms $p
+                }
+            }
+            set vals(cp:perms) $new_perms
+        }
+    }
+# called whenever an item with a class/perm listbox is
+# selected/deselected
+proc Apol_Constraint::_toggle_cp_select {col} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    set items {}
+    foreach i [$widgets(cp:${col}) curselection] {
+        lappend items [$widgets(cp:${col}) get $i]
+    }
+    set vals(cp:${col}_selected) $items
+    if {$col == "classes"} {
+        _toggle_perms_toshow {} {} update
+    }
+proc Apol_Constraint::_clear_cp_listbox {lb prefix} {
+    variable vals
+    $lb selection clear 0 end
+    set vals(cp:${prefix}_selected) {}
+    if {$prefix == "classes"} {
+        _toggle_perms_toshow {} {} update
+    }
+proc Apol_Constraint::_reverse_cp_listbox {lb} {
+    variable vals
+    set old_selection [$lb curselection]
+    set items {}
+    for {set i 0} {$i < [$lb index end]} {incr i} {
+        if {[lsearch $old_selection $i] >= 0} {
+            $lb selection clear $i
+        } else {
+            $lb selection set $i
+            lappend items [$lb get $i]
+        }
+    }
+    set vals(cp:perms_selected) $items
+proc Apol_Constraint::_update_cp_tabname {name1 name2 op} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    variable enabled
+    if {($enabled(cp:classes) && $vals(cp:classes_selected) > 0) || \
+            ($enabled(cp:perms) && $vals(cp:perms_selected) > 0)} {
+            $widgets(search_opts) itemconfigure classperms -text "Classes/Permissions *"
+    } else {
+        $widgets(search_opts) itemconfigure classperms -text "Classes/Permissions"
+    }
+proc Apol_Constraint::_delete_results {pageID} {
+    variable widgets
+    variable tabs
+    # Remove tab and its widgets
+    set curpos [$widgets(results) index $pageID]
+    $widgets(results) delete $pageID
+    array unset tabs $pageID:*
+    array unset tabs $pageID
+    # try to raise the next tab
+    if {[set next_id [$widgets(results) pages $curpos]] != {}} {
+        _switch_to_tab $next_id
+    } elseif {$curpos > 0} {
+        # raise the previous page instead
+        _switch_to_tab [$widgets(results) pages [expr {$curpos - 1}]]
+    } else {
+        # no tabs remaining
+        $widgets(update) configure -state disabled
+    }
+proc Apol_Constraint::_display_rename_tab_dialog {pageID} {
+    variable widgets
+    variable tabs
+    set d [Dialog .apol_te_tab_rename -homogeneous 1 -spacing 2 -cancel 1 \
+               -default 0 -modal local -parent . -place center -separator 1 \
+               -side bottom -title "Rename Results Tab"]
+    $d add -text "OK" -command [list $d enddialog "ok"]
+    $d add -text "Cancel" -command [list $d enddialog "cancel"]
+    set f [$d getframe]
+    set l [label $f.l -text "Tab name:"]
+    set tabs(tab:new_name) [$widgets(results) itemcget $pageID -text]
+    set e [entry $f.e -textvariable Apol_Constraint::tabs(tab:new_name) -width 16 -bg white]
+    pack $l $e -side left -padx 2
+    set retval [$d draw]
+    destroy $d
+    if {$retval == "ok"} {
+        $widgets(results) itemconfigure $pageID -text $tabs(tab:new_name)
+    }
+proc Apol_Constraint::_delete_current_results {} {
+    variable widgets
+    if {[set curid [$widgets(results) raise]] != {}} {
+        _delete_results $curid
+    }
+proc Apol_Constraint::_create_new_results_tab {} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    variable tabs
+    set i $tabs(next_result_id)
+    incr tabs(next_result_id)
+    set id "results$i"
+    set frame [$widgets(results) insert end "$id" -text "Results $i"]
+    $widgets(results) raise $id
+    set tabs($id) [Apol_Widget::makeSearchResults $frame.results]
+    pack $tabs($id) -expand 1 -fill both
+    set tabs($id:vals) [array get vals]
+    return $tabs($id)
+proc Apol_Constraint::_switch_to_tab {pageID} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    variable tabs
+    # check if switching to already visible tab
+    if {[$Apol_Constraint::widgets(results) raise] == $pageID} {
+        return
+    }
+    $widgets(results) raise $pageID
+    set cur_search_opts [$widgets(search_opts) raise]
+    # restore the tab's search criteria
+    array set tmp_vals $tabs($pageID:vals)
+    set classes_selected $tmp_vals(cp:classes_selected)
+    set perms_selected $tmp_vals(cp:perms_selected)
+    array set vals $tabs($pageID:vals)
+    _initializeWidgets
+    set vals(cp:classes_selected) $classes_selected
+    set vals(cp:perms_selected) $perms_selected
+    foreach c $classes_selected {
+        $widgets(cp:classes) selection set [lsearch $vals(cp:classes) $c]
+    }
+    foreach p $perms_selected {
+        $widgets(cp:perms) selection set [lsearch $vals(cp:perms) $p]
+    }
+    $widgets(search_opts) raise $cur_search_opts
+proc Apol_Constraint::_reset {} {
+    variable enabled
+    set old_classes_enabled $enabled(cp:classes)
+    _initializeVars
+    _initializeWidgets
+    if {[set enabled(cp:classes) $old_classes_enabled]} {
+        variable vals
+        set vals(cp:classes) [Apol_Class_Perms::getClasses]
+        set enabled(cp:classes) 1
+        set enabled(cp:perms) 1
+    }
+# This is the main constraint search option
+proc Apol_Constraint::_search_constraints {whichButton} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    variable enabled
+    variable tabs
+    variable statement_count
+    if {![ApolTop::is_policy_open]} {
+        tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "Constraint Search" \
+            -message "No current policy file is opened."
+        return
+    }
+    if { $vals(rs:constrain_enabled) == 0 && \
+        $vals(rs:mlsconstrain_enabled) == 0 && \
+        $vals(rs:validatetrans_enabled) == 0 && \
+        $vals(rs:mlsvalidatetrans_enabled) == 0 } {
+        tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "Constraint Search" \
+            -message "At least one constraint must be selected."
+        return
+    }
+    if {$whichButton == "new"} {
+        set sr [_create_new_results_tab]
+    } else {
+        set id [$widgets(results) raise]
+        set tabs($id:vals) [array get vals]
+        set sr $tabs($id)
+        Apol_Widget::clearSearchResults $sr
+    }
+    if {$enabled(kta:use_left_expr) && $vals(kta:use_left_expr) && $vals(kta:left_expr) == {}} {
+        tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "Constraint Search" -message "No left keyword has been selected."
+        return
+    }
+    if {$enabled(kta:use_right_expr) && $vals(kta:use_right_expr) && $vals(kta:right_expr) == {}} {
+        tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "Constraint Search" -message "No right keyword, type or attribute has been selected."
+        return
+    }
+    set results {}
+    set header {}
+    # Check if the statements are enabled for mls/constrain and then get info
+    if { $vals(rs:constrain_enabled) == 1 } {
+        append results [Apol_Constraint::_searchForMatch "constrain" "constrain" new_apol_constraint_query_t]
+        append header "$statement_count constrain rules match the search criteria.\n"
+    }
+    if { $vals(rs:mlsconstrain_enabled) == 1 } {
+        append results [Apol_Constraint::_searchForMatch "mlsconstrain" "constrain" new_apol_constraint_query_t]
+        append header "$statement_count mlsconstrain rules match the search criteria.\n"
+    }
+    # Check if the statements are enabled for mls/validatetrans and then get info
+    if { $vals(rs:validatetrans_enabled) == 1 } {
+        append results [Apol_Constraint::_searchForMatch "validatetrans" "validatetrans" new_apol_validatetrans_query_t]
+        append header "$statement_count validatetrans rules match the search criteria.\n"
+    }
+    if { $vals(rs:mlsvalidatetrans_enabled) == 1 } {
+        append results [Apol_Constraint::_searchForMatch "mlsvalidatetrans" "validatetrans" new_apol_validatetrans_query_t]
+        append header "$statement_count mlsvalidatetrans match the search criteria.\n"
+    }
+    foreach x {new update reset} {
+        $widgets($x) configure -state disabled
+    }
+    Apol_Progress_Dialog::wait "Constraint Rules" "Searching rules" {
+        Apol_Widget::appendSearchResultText $sr "$header\n"
+        Apol_Widget::appendSearchResultText $sr $results
+    }
+    $widgets(new) configure -state normal
+    $widgets(reset) configure -state normal
+    if {[$widgets(results) pages] != {} || $retval == 0} {
+        $widgets(update) configure -state normal
+    }
+    return
+# Start here to process constraints
+proc Apol_Constraint::_searchForMatch {statement family command} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    variable enabled
+    variable match_right_type_names
+    variable statement_count
+    set statement_count 0
+    set entries {}
+    set q [$command]
+    # This reads in the constraint info
+    set v [$q run $::ApolTop::policy]
+    $q -acquire
+    $q -delete
+    # This loop will process each constraint in the policy
+    for {set i 0} {$v != "NULL" && $i < [$v get_size]} {incr i} {
+        set constrain_type {}
+        set perm_list {}
+        set class_list {}
+        set expr_type {}
+        set op {}
+        set sym_type {}
+        # These are used to check if the search criteria has been met when
+        # the left or right expression info has been set.
+        set match_left_keyword_names 0
+        set match_left_keyword_attr 0
+        set match_right_keyword_attr 0
+        set match_right_type_names 0
+        set q [qpol_constraint_from_void [$v get_element $i]]
+        # Find if this is an mls rule or not
+        set x [$q get_expr_iter $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+        while {![$x end]} {
+            foreach t [iter_to_list $x] {
+                set t [qpol_constraint_expr_node_from_void $t]
+                # Get Symbol type and save it
+                set sym_type [$t get_sym_type $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+                if { $sym_type >= $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L1L2 } {
+                    set constrain_type "mls"
+                    break
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        append constrain_type $family
+        $x -acquire
+        $x -delete
+        # Check if the statement is the requested type
+        if { $statement != $constrain_type } {
+            continue
+        }
+        # This gets the class name
+        set match_class 0
+        append class_list "\{ "
+        set class_name [[$q get_class $::ApolTop::qpolicy] get_name $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+        append class_list $class_name
+        append class_list " \}"
+        # Check if class selected
+        if {($enabled(cp:classes) && $vals(cp:classes_selected) > 0)} {
+             foreach c $vals(cp:classes_selected) {
+                if { $c == $class_name } {
+                    set match_class 1
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        # Skip this constraint if it does not match criteria
+        if {($match_class == 0 && $vals(cp:classes_selected) > 0)} {
+            continue
+        }
+        # validatetrans does not use permissions
+        if { $family == "constrain" } {
+            # This gets perm list:
+            set x [$q get_perm_iter $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+             set match_perm 0
+            append perm_list "\{ "
+            foreach perm [iter_to_str_list $x] {
+                append perm_list "$perm "
+                # Check if perm selected
+                if {($enabled(cp:perms) && $vals(cp:perms_selected) > 0)} {
+                        foreach c $vals(cp:perms_selected) {
+                        if { $c == $perm } {
+                            set match_perm 1
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            # Skip this constraint as it does not match criteria
+            if {($match_perm == 0 && $vals(cp:perms_selected) > 0)} {
+                continue
+            }
+            append perm_list "\}"
+            $x -acquire
+            $x -delete
+        }
+        # This get expressions
+        set x [$q get_expr_iter $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+        # This contains the number of constraint expr's processed.
+        set constraint_expr_counter 0
+        # This is the constraint_expr buffer that is indexed by the
+        # $constraint_expr_counter
+        set array constraint_expr_buf($constraint_expr_counter)
+        array unset constraint_expr_buf
+        # This loop will process each part of the expression consisting of:
+        #    Operators: !, &&, ||. The ! applies only to an operand.
+        #    Operands/expressions such as: (r1 == r2), (t1 != name)
+        while {![$x end]} {
+            foreach t [iter_to_list $x] {
+                set t [qpol_constraint_expr_node_from_void $t]
+                # Get Operator and save it
+                set op [$t get_op $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+                # Get Symbol type and save it
+                set sym_type [$t get_sym_type $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+                # Get expression and save it
+                set expr_type [$t get_expr_type $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+                # Now check expression for entry type !, && or ||.
+                # These are the operators between constraint expressions
+                if { $expr_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_NOT } {
+                    set constraint_expr_counter [expr $constraint_expr_counter + 1]
+                    append constraint_expr_buf($constraint_expr_counter) "not"
+                }
+                if { $expr_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_AND } {
+                    set constraint_expr_counter [expr $constraint_expr_counter + 1]
+                    append constraint_expr_buf($constraint_expr_counter) "and"
+                }
+                if { $expr_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_OR } {
+                    set constraint_expr_counter [expr $constraint_expr_counter + 1]
+                    append constraint_expr_buf($constraint_expr_counter) "or"
+                }
+                # If the expression is TYPE_ATTR then it's form is (t1 == t2)
+                if { $expr_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_ATTR } {
+                    set constraint_expr_counter [expr $constraint_expr_counter + 1]
+                    # Get the symbol name, this will be used twice, once
+                    # to retrieve the string name for source entry, then
+                    # the string name for the target entry.
+                    set sym_name [Apol_Constraint::_getSym $sym_type]
+                    append constraint_expr_buf($constraint_expr_counter) "( $sym_name "
+                    # Check if keyword selected
+                    if {$vals(kta:use_left_expr) == 1 && $vals(kta:left_expr) == $sym_name} {
+                        set match_left_keyword_attr 1
+                    }
+                    # Get the operator and change to "eq" if required
+                    set op [$t get_op $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+                    set op_name [Apol_Constraint::_getOp $op]
+                    if { $op_name == "==" && \
+                            ([string compare -length 1 $sym_name "r"] == 0 || \
+                            [string compare -length 1 $sym_name "l"] == 0 || \
+                            [string compare -length 1 $sym_name "h"] == 0) } {
+                        set op_name "eq"
+                    }
+                    append constraint_expr_buf($constraint_expr_counter) $op_name
+                    # Then using the sym_name again, get the target entry.
+                    set sym_type [expr $sym_type | $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET]
+                    set sym_name [Apol_Constraint::_getSym $sym_type]
+                    append constraint_expr_buf($constraint_expr_counter) " $sym_name )"
+                    # Check if keyword selected
+                    if {$vals(kta:use_right_expr) == 1 && \
+                                $vals(kta:right_expr) == $sym_name && \
+                                $vals(kta:right_expr,right_keyword) == 1} {
+                        set match_right_keyword_attr 1
+                    }
+                }
+                # If the expression is TYPE_NAMES then expand the source
+                # types or attributes using 'get_names_iter'
+                # Example entries: ( t1 == mlstrustedobject )
+                #                  ( t1 != { unconfined_t init_t } )
+                # Note that if an attribute has been selected it could be
+                # an empty_set.
+                if { $expr_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_NAMES } {
+                    set constraint_expr_counter [expr $constraint_expr_counter + 1]
+                    # Get the symbol name, this is only used once to
+                    # to retrieve the string name for source entry.
+                    set sym_name [Apol_Constraint::_getSym $sym_type]
+                    append constraint_expr_buf($constraint_expr_counter) "( $sym_name "
+                    # Check if keyword selected
+                    if {$vals(kta:use_left_expr) == 1 && \
+                                $vals(kta:left_expr) == $sym_name} {
+                        set match_left_keyword_names 1
+                    }
+                    set op [$t get_op $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+                    set op_name [Apol_Constraint::_getOp $op]
+                    append constraint_expr_buf($constraint_expr_counter) $op_name
+                    # Need to get the number of entries. These can be
+                    # type or attribute identifiers.
+                    set tmp_list {}
+                    set return_list {}
+                    set n [$t get_names_iter $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+                    set n_size [[$t get_names_iter $::ApolTop::qpolicy] get_size]
+                    # If > 0 then put entries in a tmp_list for later processing.
+                    if { $n_size > 0 } {
+                        foreach name [iter_to_str_list $n] {
+                            append tmp_list "$name "
+                        }
+                        #
+                        # Now check search parameters for the $name entries of
+                        # the right side of the expression. The $tmp_list can
+                        # contain user, role, type or type attribute names
+                        # depending on the initial letter of $sym_name.
+                        #
+                        if { ([string compare -length 1 $sym_name "t"] == 0 && \
+                                $vals(kta:use_right_expr) == 1) && \
+                                ($vals(kta:right_expr,types) == 1 || \
+                                $vals(kta:right_expr,attribs) == 1) } {
+                            # This calls type and attribute processing:
+                            set tmp_list [Apol_Constraint::_process_TA $vals(kta:right_expr) $tmp_list]
+                        } elseif { ($vals(kta:use_right_expr) == 1 && \
+                                    $vals(kta:right_expr,roles) == 1 && \
+                                    [string compare -length 1 $sym_name "r"] == 0) || \
+                                    ($vals(kta:use_right_expr) == 1 && \
+                                    $vals(kta:right_expr,users) == 1 && \
+                                    [string compare -length 1 $sym_name "u"] == 0) } {
+                            foreach c $tmp_list {
+                                if { $c == $vals(kta:right_expr) } {
+                                    set  match_right_type_names 1
+                                    set tmp_list $name
+                                    continue
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    # else if size == 0 then just say an empty set. Also
+                    # check if the requested attribute is an empty set.
+                    } elseif { $n_size == 0 } {
+                        set tmp_list "<empty_set>"
+                        if { [Apol_Constraint::_checkIfEmptyAttr $vals(kta:right_expr)] && \
+                                [string compare -length 1 $sym_name "t"] == 0 } {
+                            set  match_right_type_names 1
+                        }
+                    }
+                    # Copy tmp_list to the constraint buffer.
+                    if { [llength $tmp_list] > 1 } {
+                        append constraint_expr_buf($constraint_expr_counter) " \{ $tmp_list\} )"
+                    } else {
+                        append constraint_expr_buf($constraint_expr_counter) " $tmp_list )"
+                    }
+                    $n -acquire
+                    $n -delete
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $x -acquire
+        $x -delete
+        # Done with processing all the expressions, now check if they
+        # were enabled or not and valid search entries found.
+        if {($vals(kta:use_left_expr) == 1 && $vals(kta:use_right_expr) == 1) && \
+                [expr (($match_left_keyword_names | $match_left_keyword_attr) & \
+                ($match_right_keyword_attr | $match_right_type_names))] == 0} {
+            continue
+        }
+        if {($vals(kta:use_left_expr) == 1 && $vals(kta:use_right_expr) == 0) && \
+                [expr $match_left_keyword_names | $match_left_keyword_attr] == 0} {
+            continue
+        }
+        if {($vals(kta:use_left_expr) == 0 && $vals(kta:use_right_expr) == 1) && \
+                ($vals(kta:right_expr,users) == 1 || \
+                $vals(kta:right_expr,roles) == 1 || \
+                $vals(kta:right_expr,attribs) == 1 || \
+                $vals(kta:right_expr,types) == 1 || \
+                $vals(kta:right_expr,right_keyword) == 1) && \
+                [expr $match_right_type_names | $match_right_keyword_attr ] == 0} {
+             continue
+        }
+        #
+        # This takes each entry in the RPN formatted constraint_expr_buf and
+        # converts to infix format that resembles the constraint string in
+        # policy language format. It is a modified version from:
+        #    http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Parsing/RPN_to_infix_conversion
+        #
+        set stack {}
+        foreach entry [lsort -integer [array names constraint_expr_buf]] {
+            set token $constraint_expr_buf($entry)
+            switch $token {
+                "not" - "and" - "or" {
+                    lassign [Apol_Constraint::_pop stack] expr2rec expr2
+                    # The ! is not treated the same as && || as it only
+                    # applies to a single expression i.e. !(expression)
+                    # So just pop the stack and add the !. Should there be
+                    # another ! in the expression, then add brackets.
+                    if { $token == "not" } {
+                        set ans [string compare -length 1 $expr2 "not"]
+                        if { $ans == 0 } {
+                            lappend stack [list 1 "$token \($expr2\)"]
+                        } else {
+                            lappend stack [list 1 "$token$expr2"]
+                        }
+                        continue
+                    } else {
+                        lassign [Apol_Constraint::_pop stack] expr1rec expr1
+                        lappend stack [list 1 "$expr1 $token $expr2"]
+                    }
+                }
+                default {
+                    lappend stack [list 2 $token]
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if { [array size constraint_expr_buf] == 1 } {
+            set expression "[lindex $stack end 1];"
+        } else {
+            set expression "([lindex $stack end 1]);"
+        }
+        set statement_count [expr $statement_count + 1]
+        append entries "$constrain_type $class_list $perm_list\n    $expression\n\n"
+    }
+    return $entries
+######### End of search routine - Start supporting procs ################
+# The pop stack routine for RPN conversion
+proc Apol_Constraint::_pop {stk} {
+    upvar 1 $stk s
+    set val [lindex $s end]
+    set s [lreplace $s end end]
+    return $val
+# Take an attribute name and expands it to a list of types.
+proc Apol_Constraint::_renderAttrib {attrib_name} {
+    set type_list {}
+    set qpol_type_datum [new_qpol_type_t $::ApolTop::qpolicy $attrib_name]
+    set i [$qpol_type_datum get_type_iter $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+    foreach t [iter_to_list $i] {
+        set t [qpol_type_from_void $t]
+        lappend type_list [$t get_name $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+    }
+    if { $type_list == "" } {
+        lappend type_list "<empty_set>"
+    }
+    $i -acquire
+    $i -delete
+    return $type_list
+# This will return a list of attributes linked to the type_name
+proc Apol_Constraint::_renderType {type_name} {
+    set qpol_type_datum [new_qpol_type_t $::ApolTop::qpolicy $type_name]
+    set aliases {}
+    set attribs {}
+    set i [$qpol_type_datum get_alias_iter $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+    set aliases [iter_to_str_list $i]
+    $i -acquire
+    $i -delete
+    set i [$qpol_type_datum get_attr_iter $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+    foreach a [iter_to_list $i] {
+        set a [qpol_type_from_void $a]
+        lappend attribs [$a get_name $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+    }
+    $i -acquire
+    $i -delete
+    return $attribs
+# Check if the name is a type or attribute.
+proc Apol_Constraint::_checkTypeOrAttr {name} {
+    set type_list {}
+    set qpol_type_datum [new_qpol_type_t $::ApolTop::qpolicy $name]
+    set x [$qpol_type_datum get_isattr $::ApolTop::qpolicy ]
+    if { $x == 1 } {
+        return "attribute"
+    } else {
+        return "type"
+    }
+    $x -acquire
+    $x -delete
+# Return Left or Right expr keywords
+proc Apol_Constraint::_getKeywords {side command} {
+    set list {}
+    set left_list {}
+    set right_list {}
+    set q [$command]
+    # This reads in the constraint info
+    set v [$q run $::ApolTop::policy]
+    $q -acquire
+    $q -delete
+    # This loop will process each constraint in the policy
+    for {set i 0} {$v != "NULL" && $i < [$v get_size]} {incr i} {
+        set expr_type {}
+        set sym_type {}
+        set q [qpol_constraint_from_void [$v get_element $i]]
+        # This get expressions
+        set x [$q get_expr_iter $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+        while {![$x end]} {
+            foreach t [iter_to_list $x] {
+                set t [qpol_constraint_expr_node_from_void $t]
+                set sym_type [$t get_sym_type $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+                set expr_type [$t get_expr_type $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+                if { $expr_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_ATTR } {
+                    set sym_name [Apol_Constraint::_getSym $sym_type]
+                    append left_list "$sym_name "
+                    # Then using the sym_name again, get the target entry.
+                    set sym_type [expr $sym_type | $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET]
+                    set sym_name [Apol_Constraint::_getSym $sym_type]
+                    append right_list "$sym_name "
+                }
+                if { $expr_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_TYPE_NAMES } {
+                    set sym_name [Apol_Constraint::_getSym $sym_type]
+                    append left_list "$sym_name "
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $x -acquire
+        $x -delete
+        if {$side == "l"} {
+            append list $left_list
+        } else {
+            append list $right_list
+        }
+    }
+    $v -acquire
+    $v -delete
+    return $list
+# Here because a type or type_attribute search has been actioned
+proc Apol_Constraint::_process_TA {name search_list} {
+    variable match_right_type_names
+    variable vals
+    foreach ta $search_list {
+        if { $ta == $name } {
+            set match_right_type_names 1
+            return $search_list
+        }
+    }
+    return $search_list
+# Get symbol from expression
+proc Apol_Constraint::_getSym {sym_type} {
+    set symbol {}
+    # These are source for mls/constrain and old for mls/validatetrans
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_USER } {
+        append symbol  "u1"
+    }
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_ROLE } {
+        append symbol  "r1"
+    }
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TYPE } {
+        append symbol  "t1"
+    }
+    # These are target for mls/constrain and new for mls/validatetrans
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_USER+$::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET } {
+        append symbol  "u2"
+    }
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_ROLE+$::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET } {
+        append symbol  "r2"
+    }
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TYPE+$::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET } {
+        append symbol  "t2"
+    }
+    # These are source for mls/validatetrans
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_USER+$::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_XTARGET } {
+        append symbol  "u3"
+    }
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_ROLE+$::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_XTARGET } {
+        append symbol  "r3"
+    }
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TYPE+$::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_XTARGET } {
+        append symbol  "t3"
+    }
+    # Source levels for mlsconstrain and mlsvalidatetrans
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L1L2 } {
+        append symbol  "l1"
+    }
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L1H2 } {
+        append symbol  "l1"
+    }
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_H1L2 } {
+        append symbol  "h1"
+    }
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_H1H2 } {
+        append symbol  "h1"
+    }
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L1H1 } {
+        append symbol  "l1"
+    }
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L2H2 } {
+        append symbol  "l2"
+    }
+    # Target levels for mlsconstrain and mlsvalidatetrans
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L1L2+$::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET } {
+        append symbol  "l2"
+    }
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L1H2+$::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET } {
+        append symbol  "h2"
+    }
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_H1L2+$::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET } {
+        append symbol  "l2"
+    }
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_H1H2+$::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET } {
+        append symbol  "h2"
+    }
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L1H1+$::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET } {
+        append symbol  "h1"
+    }
+    if { $sym_type == $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L2H2+$::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TARGET } {
+        append symbol  "h2"
+    }
+    if { $symbol == "" } {
+        append symbol "err_sym_missing"
+    }
+    return $symbol
+# Get Operator
+proc Apol_Constraint::_getOp {op} {
+    set entry {}
+	if { $op == $::QPOL_CEXPR_OP_EQ } {
+		append entry "=="
+	}
+	if { $op == $::QPOL_CEXPR_OP_NEQ } {
+		append entry "!="
+	}
+	if { $op == $::QPOL_CEXPR_OP_DOM } {
+		append entry "dom"
+	}
+	if { $op == $::QPOL_CEXPR_OP_DOMBY } {
+		append entry "domby"
+	}
+	if { $op == $::QPOL_CEXPR_OP_INCOMP } {
+		append entry "incomp"
+	}
+	if { $entry == "" } {
+		append entry "op_missing"
+	}
+    return $entry
diff --git a/apol/initial_sids_tab.tcl b/apol/initial_sids_tab.tcl
index ff81a32..356a45a 100644
--- a/apol/initial_sids_tab.tcl
+++ b/apol/initial_sids_tab.tcl
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ proc Apol_Initial_SIDS::_search {} {
         $q set_context $::ApolTop::policy $context $range_match
-    set v [$q run $::ApolTop::policy] #line causing segfaulting
+    set v [$q run $::ApolTop::policy]
     $q -acquire
     $q -delete
diff --git a/apol/terules_tab.tcl b/apol/terules_tab.tcl
index c5a490f..c36e206 100644
--- a/apol/terules_tab.tcl
+++ b/apol/terules_tab.tcl
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ proc Apol_TE::create {tab_name nb} {
+    _createFilenameTab
     # Action buttons
     set widgets(new) [button $abox.new -text "New Search" -width 12 \
@@ -252,6 +253,7 @@ proc Apol_TE::_initializeVars {} {
                         ta:source_sym,types $::APOL_QUERY_SYMBOL_IS_TYPE \
                         ta:target_sym,types $::APOL_QUERY_SYMBOL_IS_TYPE \
                         ta:default_sym,types $::APOL_QUERY_SYMBOL_IS_TYPE \
+                        ta:filename,files 1 \
     array set vals {
@@ -273,6 +275,10 @@ proc Apol_TE::_initializeVars {} {
         ta:default_sym,attribs 0
         ta:default_sym {}
+        ta:use_filename 0
+        ta:filename {}
+        ta:filename,files 0
         cp:classes {}
         cp:classes_selected {}
         cp:perms {}
@@ -286,6 +292,7 @@ proc Apol_TE::_initializeVars {} {
         ta:use_source 1
         ta:use_target 1
         ta:use_default 1
+        ta:use_filename 1
         cp:classes 0
         cp:perms 0
@@ -535,6 +542,155 @@ proc Apol_TE::_toggle_ta_pushed {col cb} {
+proc Apol_TE::_createFilenameTab {} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    variable enabled
+    set fn_tab [$widgets(search_opts) insert end filename -text "Filename"]
+    set fm_filename [frame $fn_tab.filename]
+    grid $fm_filename -padx 4 -sticky ewns
+    foreach i {0 1 2} {
+        grid columnconfigure $fn_tab $i -weight 1 -uniform 1
+    }
+    grid rowconfigure $fn_tab 0 -weight 1
+    set widgets(ta:use_filename) [checkbutton $fm_filename.use -text "type_transition filename" \
+                                       -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -variable Apol_TE::vals(ta:use_filename)]
+    pack $widgets(ta:use_filename) -side top -anchor w
+    trace add variable Apol_TE::vals(ta:use_filename) write \
+        [list Apol_TE::_toggle_fn_box filename]
+    set w {}
+    set helptext "Select a filename - Note: no search using regular expr"
+    set widgets(ta:filename_sym) [ComboBox $fm_filename.sym \
+                                       -state normal -entrybg $ApolTop::default_bg_color \
+                                       -textvariable Apol_TE::vals(ta:filename_sym) \
+                                       -helptext $helptext -autopost 1]
+    pack $widgets(ta:filename_sym) -expand 0 -fill x -padx 8
+    lappend w $widgets(ta:filename_sym)
+    set widgets(ta:filename_widgets) $w
+    trace add variable Apol_TE::enabled(ta:use_filename) write \
+        [list Apol_TE::_maybe_enable_filename filename]
+    trace add variable Apol_TE::vals(ta:filename,files) write \
+            [list Apol_TE::_toggle_FileNames filename]
+proc Apol_TE::_toggle_fn_box {col name1 name2 op} {
+    variable vals
+    variable enabled
+    variable widgets
+    if {$enabled(ta:use_${col})} {
+        $widgets(ta:use_${col}) configure -state normal
+    } else {
+        $widgets(ta:use_${col}) configure -state disabled
+    }
+    if {$enabled(ta:use_${col}) && $vals(ta:use_${col})} {
+        foreach w $widgets(ta:${col}_widgets) {
+            $w configure -state normal
+        }
+        $widgets(ta:${col}_sym) configure -entrybg white
+    } else {
+        foreach w $widgets(ta:${col}_widgets) {
+            $w configure -state disabled
+        }
+        $widgets(ta:${col}_sym) configure -entrybg $ApolTop::default_bg_color
+    }
+    # update this tab's name if one of the columns is enabled and used
+    if {($enabled(ta:use_${col}) && $vals(ta:use_${col}))} { \
+        $widgets(search_opts) itemconfigure filename -text "Filename *"
+    } else {
+        $widgets(search_opts) itemconfigure filename -text "Filename"
+    }
+proc Apol_TE::_maybe_enable_filename {col name1 name2 op} {
+    variable vals
+    variable enabled
+    variable widgets
+    set typerule_set 0
+    foreach x {type_transition} {
+        if {$vals(rs:$x)} {
+            set typerule_set 1
+            break
+        }
+    }
+    if {$typerule_set} {
+        set enabled(ta:use_filename) 1
+    } else {
+        set enabled(ta:use_filename) 0
+    }
+    set enabled(ta:use_${col}) $enabled(ta:use_${col})
+proc Apol_TE::_toggle_FileNames {col name1 name2 op} {
+    variable vals
+    variable widgets
+    variable enabled
+    if {![ApolTop::is_policy_open]} {
+        return
+    }
+    set items [lsort -unique -dictionary [Apol_TE::Get_FileNames]]
+    $widgets(ta:${col}_sym) configure -values $items
+proc Apol_TE::Get_FileNames {} {
+    set filenames {}
+    set q [new_apol_filename_trans_query_t]
+    # This reads in the filename_trans info
+    set v [$q run $::ApolTop::policy]
+    $q -acquire
+    $q -delete
+    # This loop will process each filename_trans in the policy
+    for {set i 0} {$v != "NULL" && $i < [$v get_size]} {incr i} {
+        for {set i 0} {$v != "NULL" && $i < [$v get_size]} {incr i} {
+            set q [qpol_filename_trans_from_void [$v get_element $i]]
+            lappend filenames [$q get_trans_filename $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+        }
+    }
+    return $filenames
+proc Apol_TE::appendFilenameSearchResultRules {path indent rule_list cast filename} {
+    set curstate [$path.tb cget -state]
+    $path.tb configure -state normal
+    variable enabled
+    variable vals
+    set num_rules 0
+    if { $vals(ta:use_filename) == 0} {
+        set filename ""
+    }
+    for {set i 0} {$i < [$rule_list get_size]} {incr i} {
+        set rule [$cast [$rule_list get_element $i]]
+        if {$filename == "" || [$rule get_trans_filename $::ApolTop::qpolicy] == $filename} {
+            $path.tb insert end [string repeat " " $indent]
+            $path.tb insert end [apol_filename_trans_render $::ApolTop::policy $rule]
+            incr num_rules
+            $path.tb insert end "\n"
+        }
+    }
+    $path.tb configure -state $curstate
+    list $num_rules $num_rules 0
 # code to create and handle the classe/permissions subtab
 proc Apol_TE::_createClassesPermsTab {} {
@@ -875,10 +1031,13 @@ proc Apol_TE::_search_terules {whichButton} {
     if {$enabled(ta:use_default) && $vals(ta:use_default) && $vals(ta:default_sym) == {}} {
         tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "TE Rule Search" -message "No default type selected."
+    if {$enabled(ta:use_filename) && $vals(ta:use_filename) && $vals(ta:filename_sym) == {}} {
+        tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "TE Rule Search" -message "No filename selected."
+        return
+    }
     set avrule_selection 0
     foreach {key value} [array get vals rs:avrule_*] {
@@ -896,6 +1055,7 @@ proc Apol_TE::_search_terules {whichButton} {
     # start building queries
     set avq [new_apol_avrule_query_t]
     set teq [new_apol_terule_query_t]
+    set fnteq [new_apol_filename_trans_query_t]
     if {$enabled(ta:use_source) && $vals(ta:use_source)} {
         if {$vals(ta:source_which) == "either"} {
@@ -905,21 +1065,28 @@ proc Apol_TE::_search_terules {whichButton} {
         $avq set_source_component $::ApolTop::policy [expr {$vals(ta:source_sym,types) | $vals(ta:source_sym,attribs)}]
         $teq set_source $::ApolTop::policy $vals(ta:source_sym) $vals(ta:source_indirect)
         $teq set_source_component $::ApolTop::policy [expr {$vals(ta:source_sym,types) | $vals(ta:source_sym,attribs)}]
+        $fnteq set_source $::ApolTop::policy $vals(ta:source_sym) $vals(ta:source_indirect)
     if {$enabled(ta:use_target) && $vals(ta:use_target)} {
         $avq set_target $::ApolTop::policy $vals(ta:target_sym) $vals(ta:target_indirect)
         $avq set_target_component $::ApolTop::policy [expr {$vals(ta:target_sym,types) | $vals(ta:target_sym,attribs)}]
         $teq set_target $::ApolTop::policy $vals(ta:target_sym) $vals(ta:target_indirect)
         $teq set_target_component $::ApolTop::policy [expr {$vals(ta:target_sym,types) | $vals(ta:target_sym,attribs)}]
+        $fnteq set_target $::ApolTop::policy $vals(ta:target_sym) $vals(ta:target_indirect)
     if {$enabled(ta:use_default) && $vals(ta:use_default)} {
         $teq set_default $::ApolTop::policy $vals(ta:default_sym)
+        $fnteq set_default $::ApolTop::policy $vals(ta:default_sym)
+    }
+    if {$enabled(ta:use_filename) && $vals(ta:use_filename)} {
+         $fnteq set_filename $::ApolTop::policy $vals(ta:filename_sym)
     if {$enabled(cp:classes)} {
         foreach c $vals(cp:classes_selected) {
             $avq append_class $::ApolTop::policy $c
             $teq append_class $::ApolTop::policy $c
+            $fnteq append_class $::ApolTop::policy $c
     if {$enabled(cp:perms)} {
@@ -935,6 +1102,7 @@ proc Apol_TE::_search_terules {whichButton} {
     $teq set_enabled $::ApolTop::policy $vals(oo:enabled)
     $avq set_regex $::ApolTop::policy $vals(oo:regexp)
     $teq set_regex $::ApolTop::policy $vals(oo:regexp)
+    $fnteq set_regex $::ApolTop::policy $vals(oo:regexp)
     foreach x {new update reset} {
         $widgets($x) configure -state disabled
@@ -952,16 +1120,20 @@ proc Apol_TE::_search_terules {whichButton} {
             set numTEs {0 0 0}
             set numAVs {0 0 0}
+            set numFNTEs {0 0 0}
             set avresults NULL
             set teresults NULL
+            set fnteresults NULL
             set num_avresults 0
             set num_teresults 0
+            set num_fnteresults 0
             if {![ApolTop::is_capable "syntactic rules"]} {
                 if {$avrule_selection != 0} {
                     set avresults [$avq run $::ApolTop::policy]
                 if {$terule_selection != 0} {
                     set teresults [$teq run $::ApolTop::policy]
+                    set fnteresults [$fnteq run $::ApolTop::policy]
             } else {
                 $::ApolTop::qpolicy build_syn_rule_table
@@ -972,11 +1144,16 @@ proc Apol_TE::_search_terules {whichButton} {
                     set teresults [$teq run_syn $::ApolTop::policy]
+            if {$terule_selection != 0} {
+                 set fnteresults [$fnteq run $::ApolTop::policy]
+            }
             $avq -acquire
             $avq -delete
             $teq -acquire
             $teq -delete
+            $fnteq -acquire
+            $fnteq -delete
             if {$avresults != "NULL"} {
                 set num_avresults [$avresults get_size]
@@ -984,6 +1161,10 @@ proc Apol_TE::_search_terules {whichButton} {
                 set num_teresults [$teresults get_size]
+            if {$fnteresults != "NULL"} {
+                set num_fnteresults [$fnteresults get_size]
+            }
             if {$whichButton == "new"} {
                 set sr [_create_new_results_tab]
             } else {
@@ -1014,7 +1195,21 @@ proc Apol_TE::_search_terules {whichButton} {
                     set numTEs [Apol_Widget::appendSearchResultSynRules $sr 0 $teresults qpol_syn_terule_from_void]
-            set num_rules [expr {[lindex $numAVs 0] + [lindex $numTEs 0]}]
+            if { $vals(ta:use_filename) == 1 && $vals(ta:use_source) == 0 &&  $vals(ta:use_target) == 0 &&  $vals(ta:use_default) == 0} {
+                Apol_Widget::clearSearchResults $sr
+                set numTEs {0 0 0}
+                set numAVs {0 0 0}
+            }
+            if {$vals(rs:type_transition) != 0} {
+                apol_tcl_set_info_string $::ApolTop::policy "Rendering $num_fnteresults Filename TE rule results"
+                if {$num_fnteresults > 0} {
+                    set numFNTEs [Apol_TE::appendFilenameSearchResultRules $sr 0 $fnteresults qpol_filename_trans_from_void $vals(ta:filename_sym)]
+                }
+            }
+            set num_rules [expr {[lindex $numAVs 0] + [lindex $numTEs 0] + [lindex $numFNTEs 0]}]
             set num_enabled [expr {[lindex $numAVs 1] + [lindex $numTEs 1]}]
             set num_disabled [expr {[lindex $numAVs 2] + [lindex $numTEs 2]}]
             set header "$num_rules rule"
diff --git a/apol/top.tcl b/apol/top.tcl
index f930318..b4460ad 100644
--- a/apol/top.tcl
+++ b/apol/top.tcl
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ namespace eval ApolTop {
         {Apol_FSContexts components {}}
         {Apol_TE rules {tag_query_saveable}}
         {Apol_Cond_Rules rules {tag_conditionals}}
+        {Apol_Constraint rules {tag_query_saveable}}
         {Apol_RBAC rules {}}
         {Apol_Range rules {tag_mls}}
         {Apol_File_Contexts {} {}}
@@ -457,6 +458,9 @@ proc ApolTop::_toplevel_update_stats {} {
         "sens" get_level_iter
         "cats" get_cat_iter
         "range_trans" get_range_trans_iter
+        "constraints" get_constraint_iter
+        "validatetrans" get_validatetrans_iter
+        "filename_trans" get_filename_trans_iter
         "sids" get_isid_iter
         "portcons" get_portcon_iter
@@ -518,6 +522,21 @@ proc ApolTop::_toplevel_update_stats {} {
         $i -delete
+    # Determine number of mlsconstrain and mlsvalidatetrans rules and
+    # recalculate the numbers accordingly.
+    if {[ApolTop::is_capable "mls"]} {
+        set mlsconstrain_count [ApolTop::_get_mls_count new_apol_constraint_query_t]
+        set policy_stats(constraints) [expr $policy_stats(constraints) - $mlsconstrain_count]
+        set policy_stats(mlsconstraints) $mlsconstrain_count
+        set mlsvalidatetrans_count [ApolTop::_get_mls_count new_apol_validatetrans_query_t]
+        set policy_stats(validatetrans) [expr $policy_stats(validatetrans) - $mlsvalidatetrans_count]
+        set policy_stats(mlsvalidatetrans) $mlsvalidatetrans_count
+    } else {
+        set policy_stats(mlsconstraints) 0
+        set policy_stats(mlsvalidatetrans) 0
+    }
     set policy_stats_summary ""
     append policy_stats_summary "Classes: $policy_stats(classes)   "
     append policy_stats_summary "Perms: $policy_stats(perms)   "
@@ -722,6 +741,7 @@ proc ApolTop::_show_policy_summary {} {
             "dontaudits" avrule_dontaudit
             "neverallows" avrule_neverallow
             "type_transitions" type_trans
+            "type_transitions - filename" filename_trans
             "type_members" type_member
             "type_changes" type_change
@@ -758,12 +778,18 @@ proc ApolTop::_show_policy_summary {} {
         "Number of Booleans" {
             "Booleans" bools
+        "Number of Constraints" {
+            "constrain" constraints
+            "validatetrans" validatetrans
+        }
         "Number of MLS Components" {
             "Sensitivities" sens
             "Categories" cats
         "Number of MLS Rules" {
             "range_transitions" range_trans
+            "mlsconstrain" mlsconstraints
+            "mlsvalidatetrans" mlsvalidatetrans
         "Number of Initial SIDs" {
             "SIDs" sids
@@ -1067,6 +1093,41 @@ proc ApolTop::_write_configuration_file {} {
     close $f
+# This will work out how many mlsconstrain and mlsvalidatetrans rules
+# there are as the get_iter numbers are overall count.
+proc ApolTop::_get_mls_count {command} {
+    set q [$command]
+    # This reads in the constraint info
+    set v [$q run $::ApolTop::policy]
+    $q -acquire
+    $q -delete
+    set mls_count 0
+    # This loop will process each constraint in the policy
+    for {set i 0} {$v != "NULL" && $i < [$v get_size]} {incr i} {
+        set q [qpol_constraint_from_void [$v get_element $i]]
+        # Find if this is an mls rule or not
+        set x [$q get_expr_iter $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+        while {![$x end]} {
+            foreach t [iter_to_list $x] {
+                set t [qpol_constraint_expr_node_from_void $t]
+                # Get Symbol type
+                set sym_type [$t get_sym_type $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+                if { $sym_type >= $::QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_L1L2 } {
+                    set mls_count [expr $mls_count + 1]
+                    break
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $x -acquire
+        $x -delete
+    }
+    return $mls_count
 # Start script here
diff --git a/libapol/include/apol/ftrule-query.h b/libapol/include/apol/ftrule-query.h
index aee3ad0..276aab9 100644
--- a/libapol/include/apol/ftrule-query.h
+++ b/libapol/include/apol/ftrule-query.h
@@ -130,7 +130,19 @@ extern "C"
  * @return 0 on success, negative on error.
-	extern int apol_filename_trans_query_set_default(const apol_policy_t * p, apol_filename_trans_query_t * r, const char *filename);
+	extern int apol_filename_trans_query_set_default(const apol_policy_t * p, apol_filename_trans_query_t * r, const char *type);
+ * Set a filename trans query to the filename.
+ *
+ * @param p Policy handler, to report errors.
+ * @param r FT rule query to set.
+ * @param is_any Non-zero to use source symbol for source or default
+ * field, 0 to keep source as only source.
+ *
+ * @return Always 0.
+ */
+	extern int apol_filename_trans_query_set_name(const apol_policy_t * p, apol_filename_trans_query_t * t, const char *filename);
  * Set at filename_trans query to return rules with this object (non-common)
diff --git a/libapol/src/ftrule-query.c b/libapol/src/ftrule-query.c
index 50c6c7a..aeebc25 100644
--- a/libapol/src/ftrule-query.c
+++ b/libapol/src/ftrule-query.c
@@ -215,10 +215,10 @@ void apol_filename_trans_query_destroy(apol_filename_trans_query_t ** t)
-int apol_filename_trans_query_set_source(const apol_policy_t * p, apol_filename_trans_query_t * t, const char *filename, int is_indirect)
+int apol_filename_trans_query_set_source(const apol_policy_t * p, apol_filename_trans_query_t * t, const char *type, int is_indirect)
 	apol_query_set_flag(p, &t->flags, is_indirect, APOL_QUERY_SOURCE_INDIRECT);
-	return apol_query_set(p, &t->source, NULL, filename);
+	return apol_query_set(p, &t->source, NULL, type);
 //TODO is the equivilent terule_query_set_{source,target}_compoenent needed?
diff --git a/libapol/swig/apol.i b/libapol/swig/apol.i
index ae1262d..b2445d0 100644
--- a/libapol/swig/apol.i
+++ b/libapol/swig/apol.i
@@ -2523,6 +2523,92 @@ typedef struct apol_range_trans_query {} apol_range_trans_query_t;
 %newobject apol_range_trans_render(apol_policy_t*, qpol_range_trans_t*);
 char *apol_range_trans_render(apol_policy_t * policy, qpol_range_trans_t * rule);
+/* apol filename transition rule query */
+typedef struct apol_filename_trans_query {} apol_filename_trans_query_t;
+%extend apol_filename_trans_query_t {
+	apol_filename_trans_query() {
+		apol_filename_trans_query_t *arq;
+		arq = apol_filename_trans_query_create();
+		if (!arq) {
+			SWIG_exception(SWIG_MemoryError, "Out of memory");
+		}
+	fail:
+		return arq;
+	};
+	~apol_filename_trans_query() {
+		apol_filename_trans_query_destroy(&self);
+	};
+	%newobject run(apol_policy_t*);
+	apol_vector_t *run(apol_policy_t *p) {
+		apol_vector_t *v;
+		if (apol_filename_trans_get_by_query(p, self, &v)) {
+			SWIG_exception(SWIG_RuntimeError, "Could not run filename transition query");
+		}
+	fail:
+		return v;
+	};
+	void set_source(apol_policy_t *p, char *name, int indirect) {
+		if (apol_filename_trans_query_set_source(p, self, name, indirect)) {
+			SWIG_exception(SWIG_MemoryError, "Out of memory");
+		}
+	fail:
+		return;
+	};
+	void set_target(apol_policy_t *p, char *name, int indirect) {
+		if (apol_filename_trans_query_set_target(p, self, name, indirect)) {
+			SWIG_exception(SWIG_MemoryError, "Out of memory");
+		}
+	fail:
+		return;
+	};
+	void append_class(apol_policy_t *p, char *name) {
+		if (apol_filename_trans_query_append_class(p, self, name)) {
+			SWIG_exception(SWIG_RuntimeError, "Could not append class to filename transition query");
+		}
+	fail:
+		return;
+	};
+	void set_default(apol_policy_t *p, char *name) {
+		if (apol_filename_trans_query_set_default(p, self, name)) {
+			SWIG_exception(SWIG_RuntimeError, "Could not set default for filename transition query");
+		}
+	fail:
+		return;
+	};
+	void set_filename(apol_policy_t *p, char *filename) {
+		if (apol_filename_trans_query_set_name(p, self, filename)) {
+			SWIG_exception(SWIG_MemoryError, "Out of memory");
+		}
+	fail:
+		return;
+	};
+	void set_source_any(apol_policy_t *p, int is_any) {
+		apol_filename_trans_query_set_source_any(p, self, is_any);
+	};
+	void set_regex(apol_policy_t *p, int regex) {
+		apol_filename_trans_query_set_regex(p, self, regex);
+	};
+%newobject apol_filename_trans_render(apol_policy_t*, qpol_filename_trans_t*);
+char *apol_filename_trans_render(apol_policy_t * policy, qpol_filename_trans_t * rule);
 /* domain transition analysis */
diff --git a/libqpol/src/constraint_query.c b/libqpol/src/constraint_query.c
index 1545ad7..28111b7 100644
--- a/libqpol/src/constraint_query.c
+++ b/libqpol/src/constraint_query.c
@@ -778,9 +778,16 @@ int qpol_constraint_expr_node_get_names_iter(const qpol_policy_t * policy, const
 		errno = ENOMEM;
 		return STATUS_ERR;
+	int policy_version;
+	if (qpol_policy_get_policy_version(policy, &policy_version))
+		return STATUS_ERR;
 	if (internal_expr->attr & QPOL_CEXPR_SYM_TYPE) {
-		if (policy_type == QPOL_POLICY_KERNEL_BINARY) {
+		if (policy_type == QPOL_POLICY_KERNEL_BINARY && policy_version <= 28) {
 			cns->inc = &(internal_expr->names);
+		} else if (policy_type == QPOL_POLICY_KERNEL_BINARY && policy_version > 28) {
+			cns->inc = &(internal_expr->type_names->types);
 		} else {
 			cns->inc = &(internal_expr->type_names->types);
 			cns->sub = &(internal_expr->type_names->negset);
diff --git a/libqpol/swig/qpol.i b/libqpol/swig/qpol.i
index 45a2403..2faebbb 100644
--- a/libqpol/swig/qpol.i
+++ b/libqpol/swig/qpol.i
@@ -681,6 +681,30 @@ typedef enum qpol_capability
 		return NULL;
+	%newobject get_filename_trans_iter();
+	qpol_iterator_t *get_filename_trans_iter() {
+		qpol_iterator_t *iter;
+		if (qpol_policy_get_filename_trans_iter(self, &iter)) {
+			SWIG_exception(SWIG_MemoryError, "Out of Memory");
+	}
+		return iter;
+	fail:
+		return NULL;
+	};
+	%newobject get_permissive_iter();
+	qpol_iterator_t *get_permissive_iter() {
+		qpol_iterator_t *iter;
+		if (qpol_policy_get_permissive_iter(self, &iter)) {
+			SWIG_exception(SWIG_MemoryError, "Out of Memory");
+	}
+		return iter;
+	fail:
+		return NULL;
+	};
 /* qpol iterator */
@@ -2876,4 +2900,74 @@ typedef struct qpol_syn_terule {} qpol_syn_terule_t;
 		return (qpol_syn_terule_t*)x;
+/* qpol filename trans */
+typedef struct qpol_filename_trans {} qpol_filename_trans_t;
+%extend qpol_filename_trans_t {
+	qpol_filename_trans() {
+		SWIG_exception(SWIG_RuntimeError, "Cannot directly create qpol_filename_trans_t objects");
+	fail:
+		return NULL;
+	};
+	~qpol_filename_trans() {
+		/* no op */
+		return;
+	};
+	const qpol_type_t *get_source_type (qpol_policy_t *p) {
+		const qpol_type_t *t;
+		if (qpol_filename_trans_get_source_type(p, self, &t)) {
+			SWIG_exception(SWIG_ValueError, "Could not get source for filename transition rule");
+		}
+	fail:
+		return t;
+	};
+	const qpol_type_t *get_target_type (qpol_policy_t *p) {
+		const qpol_type_t *t;
+		if (qpol_filename_trans_get_target_type(p, self, &t)) {
+			SWIG_exception(SWIG_ValueError, "Could not get target for filename transition rule");		}
+	fail:
+		return t;
+	};
+	const qpol_class_t *get_target_class(qpol_policy_t *p) {
+		const qpol_class_t *cls;
+		if (qpol_filename_trans_get_object_class(p, self, &cls)) {
+			SWIG_exception(SWIG_ValueError, "Could not get class for filename transition rule");		}
+	fail:
+		return cls;
+	};
+	const qpol_type_t *get_default_type(qpol_policy_t *p) {
+		const qpol_type_t *t;
+		if (qpol_filename_trans_get_default_type(p, self, &t)) {
+			SWIG_exception(SWIG_ValueError, "Could not get default for filename transition rule");
+		}
+	fail:
+		return t;
+	};
+	const char *get_trans_filename(qpol_policy_t *p) {
+		const char *name;
+		if (qpol_filename_trans_get_filename(p, self, &name)) {
+			SWIG_exception(SWIG_ValueError, "Could not get file for filename_transition rule");
+		}
+	fail:
+		return name;
+	};
+%inline %{
+	qpol_filename_trans_t *qpol_filename_trans_from_void(void *x) {
+		return (qpol_filename_trans_t*)x;
+	};
 // vim:ft=c noexpandtab

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