Hello, I am not able to build semodule from the current git unless the following patch is applied. Also, it would still be problematic if an outdated version of handle.h is getting picked up directly from the root include directory (as it happens now) and not from the local build directory... In other words, the Makefile and build system should be modified so that the local header files are picked up during each new build rather than the system-wide ones from previous installations. But at least this is a start: Include <semanage/handle.h> for semodule_set_root() currently used by semodule --- selinux-05092011/policycoreutils/semodule/semodule.c 2011-09-02 04:19:47.357716917 +0200 +++ selinux-05092011-fix-semanage_set_root/policycoreutils/semodule/semodule.c 2011-09-09 18:41:24.078319022 +0200 @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ #include <sys/types.h> #include <semanage/modules.h> +#include <semanage/handle.h> enum client_modes { NO_MODE, INSTALL_M, UPGRADE_M, BASE_M, ENABLE_M, DISABLE_M, REMOVE_M, LIST_M, RELOAD -- This message was distributed to subscribers of the selinux mailing list. If you no longer wish to subscribe, send mail to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with the words "unsubscribe selinux" without quotes as the message.