RE: v0 Add role attribute support to libsepol

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The attached is the refpolicy patch used for role attribute testing.


> From: qingtao.cao@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: sds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; method@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; jmorris@xxxxxxxxx; eparis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> CC: selinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: v0 Add role attribute support to libsepol
> Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 09:24:19 +0800
> Comments:
> ---------
> Add role attribute to SELinux, which aims at replacing the deprecated
> role dominance rule.
> Previous discussions could be found here:
> A role attribute could be declared by the rule of
> "attribute <role_attribute_name> role;" and further used in the
> user-roles, role-types, role-allows and role_transition rules. In order
> to avoid ambiguity, the role-types would no longer to declare a role,
> another! new rule of role-attr is added to declare a regular role and
> optionally a list of role attribute that the regular role belongs to
> (like the type rule). Also the role-attribute association could be
> declared by a new rule of roleattribute.
> BTW, since the flavor and roles ebitmap of a role_datum_t structure
> are not needed to be written to policy.X, the SELinux kernel driver
> would not need any change. The maximum version number in both libsepol
> and kernel remain the same.
> FIXME_1:
> I may need some help to specify the "kind" of a required attribute
> (of a type attribute or role attribute), please see the notes left in
> the patches. BTW, since multiple declarations of role/user are allowed,
> so far I just explicitly declare the required role attribute :-P
> Testings I've done:
> -------------------
> 1. Use role attribute in several di! fferent modules to test if a role
> attribute used in user-ro les, role-types, role-allows and role-transition
> rules could be properly compiled/linked/expanded.
> Also in order to support that role-types rule no longer is used to
> declare a regular role, we have to use the role-attr rule to declare
> the related role explicitly (so far only nx_server_r and unconfined_r).
> Please refer to the attached refpolicy patch for above tests, then make
> policy.
> 2. Make a hexdump of policy.26 by xxd tool, then check out the policy value
> for those identifiers related with this test:
> 0035b40: 07 0000 004a 0300 r_tmpfs_t....J..
> 0035b50: 0001 0000 0000 0000 0076 6c6f 636b 5f74 .........vlock_t
> vlock_t: len = 7, policy value = 0x34a, prop = 01, bounds = 0
> 00353b0: 0800 0000 fa02 ..shadow_t......
>! 00353c0: 0000 0100 0000 00000000 7379 7361 646d ..........sysadm
> 00353d0: 5f74 1200 0000 cb01 0000 0000 0000 0000 _t
> sysadm_t: len = 8, policy value = 0x2fa, prop = 01, bounds = 0
> 003d3f0: 635f 7409 0000 0034 0600 0001 0000 0000 c_t....4........
> 003d400: 0000 006e 6577 726f 6c65 5f74 0900 0000 ...newrole_t....
> newrole_t: len = 9, policy value = 0x634, prop = 0x01, bounds = 0
> 0045dc0: 0800 ......cgroup_t..
> 0045dd0: 0000 7309 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 6368
> 0045de0: 6b70 7764 5f74 0800 0000 7409 0000 0100 kpwd_t
> chkpwd_t: len = 0x08, policy value = 0x973, prop = 0x01, bounds = 0
> 002c6a0: 07 ................
> 002c6b0: 0000 0005 0000 0000 0000 0073 7461 6666 ...........staff
> 002c! 6c0: 5f72 4000 0000 4000 0000 0100 0000 0000 _r@...@.........
> staff_r: len = 0x07, policy value = 0x05, bounds = 0
> 002cc60: 0800 0000 .......@........
> 002cc70: 0a00 0000 0000 0000 7379 7361 646d 5f72 ........sysadm_r
> sysadm_r: len = 0x08, policy value = 0x0a, bounds = 0
> 002cec0: 0800 0000 @...............
> 002ced0: 0b00 0000 0000 0000 7379 7374 656d 5f72 ........system_r
> system_r: len = 0x08, policy value = 0x0b, bounds = 0
> 3. Check out the hexdump for the sysadm_r_2 and sysadm_r_3 role, verify
> if their types.types ebitmap records all types specified in the
> "role role_attribute_1 types xxx;" rule:
> 002d470: 0a 0000 0010 0000 0000 ................
> 002d480: 0000 0073 7973 6164 6d5f 725f 3240 0000 ...sysadm_r_2@..
> 002d490: 0040 0000 0! 001 0000 0000 0000 0000 8000 .@..............
> 002d4a0: 0000 0000 0040 0000 0080 0900 0004 0000 .....@..........
> 002d4b0: 00c0 0200 0000 0000 0000 0000 0240 0300 .............@..
> 002d4c0: 0000 0200 0000 0000 0000 0600 0000 0000 ................
> 002d4d0: 0000 0008 0040 0900 0000 0000 0000 0004 .....@..........
> 002d4e0: 000a 0000 0011 0000 0000 0000 0073 7973 .............sys
> 002d4f0: 6164 6d5f 725f 3340 0000 0040 0000 0001 adm_r_3@...@....
> 002d500: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0040 ...............@
> 002d510: 0000 0080 0900 0004 0000 00c0 0200 0000 ................
> 002d520: 0000 0000 0000 0240 0300 0000 0200 0000 .......@........
> 002d530: 0000 0000 0600 0000 0000 0000 0008 0040 ...............@
> 002d540: 0900 0000 0000 0000 0004 0065 0d00 00fa ...........e....
> sysadm_r_2:
> len = 0x0a, policy value = 0x10, bou! nds = 0
> dominates:
> ms = 0x40, highbit = 0x40, node = 0x01,
> startbit = 0, map: 00 8000 0000 0000 00 (policy value = 0x10)
> types.types:
> ms = 0x40, highbit = 0x980, node = 0x04,
> startbit = 0x2c0, map: 00 0000 0000 0000 02 (policy value = 0x2fa, sysadm_t)
> startbit = 0x340, map: 00 0200 0000 0000 00 (policy value = 0x34a, vlock_t)
> startbit = 0x600, map: 00 0000 0000 0008 00 (policy value = 0x634, newrole_t)
> startbit = 0x940, map: 00 0000 0000 0004 00 (policy value = 0x973, chkpwd_t)
> sysadm_r_3:
> len = 0x0a, policy value = 0x11, bounds = 0
> (The dominates and types.types ebitmaps are the same as that
> of sysadm_r_2)
> 4. Check out the hexdump of the root user, verify if its roles.roles ebitmap
> records the policy values of sysadm_r_2 and sysadm_r_3 that specified in
> the "user root roles role_attribute_1 ...;" rule:
> 0! 04fc20: 04 0000 0003 ................
> 004fc30: 0000 0000 0000 0072 6f6f 7440 0000 0040 .......root@...@
> 004fc40: 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0012 8701 0000 ................
> 004fc50: 0000 0002 0000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0040 ...............@
> 004fc60: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0040 0000 0000 ...........@....
> 004fc70: 0400 0010 0000 0000 0000 00ff ffff ffff ................
> 004fc80: ffff ff40 0000 00ff ffff ffff ffff ff80 ...@............
> root:
> len = 0x04, policy value = 0x03, bounds = 0x0
> roles.roles:
> ms = 0x40, highbit = 0x40, node = 0x01,
> startbit = 0, map: 12 8701 0000 0000 00
> roles.roles ebitmap for the root user recorded following policy values:
> 2, 5, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17
> where 5 == staff_r, 10 == sysadmd_r, 11 == system_r, 16 == sysadm_r_2,
> 17 == sysadm_! r_3
> 5. Boot up the system with the lat est Eric SELinux tree:
> [root/sysadm_r/s0@~]# sestatus
> SELinux status: enabled
> SELinuxfs mount: /selinux
> Current mode: enforcing
> Mode from config file: enforcing
> Policy version: 26
> Policy from config file: refpolicy-mls
> [root/sysadm_r/s0@~]#
> [root/sysadm_r/s0@~]# echo "sysadm_r_2:sysadm_t" >> /etc/selinux/refpolicy-mls/contexts/default_type
> [root/sysadm_r/s0@~]# echo "sysadm_r_3:sysadm_t" >> /etc/selinux/refpolicy-mls/contexts/default_type
> [root/sysadm_r/s0@~]#
> 6. Use newrole command to switch between sysadm_r and sysadm_r_2/3, to
> prove that the role_attribute_1 used in relevant
> role-allow/user-roles/role-types rules have been properly linked/expanded:
> [root/sysadm_r/s0@~]# new! role -r sysadm_r_2 -p
> Password:
> [root/sysadm_r_2/s0@~]#
> [root/sysadm_r_2/s0@~]# id -Z
> root:sysadm_r_2:sysadm_t:s0-s15:c0.c1023
> [root/sysadm_r_2/s0@~]#
> [root/sysadm_r_2/s0@~]# newrole -r sysadm_r -p
> Password:
> [root/sysadm_r/s0@~]#
> [root/sysadm_r/s0@~]# newrole -r sysadm_r_3 -p
> Password:
> [root/sysadm_r_3/s0@~]#
> [root/sysadm_r_3/s0@~]# newrole -r sysadm_r -p
> Password:
> [root/sysadm_r/s0@~]# id -Z
> root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t:s0-s15:c0.c1023
> [root/sysadm_r/s0@~]#
> 7. Use the compute_create command to prove that the role_attribute_1 used
> in relevant role_transition rule has been properly linked/expanded:
> [root/sysadm_r_2/s0@~]# ls -Z /usr/sbin/vlock-main
> -rws--x--x root root system_u:object_r:vlock_exec_t:s0 /usr/sbin/vlock-main> [root/sysadm_r_2/s0@~]#
> [root/sysadm_r_2/s0@~]# c ompute_create `id -Z` system_u:object_r:vlock_exec_t:s0 process
> root:system_r:vlock_t:s0-s15:c0.c1023
> [root/sysadm_r_2/s0@~]#
> [root/sysadm_r_3/s0@~]# compute_create `id -Z` system_u:object_r:vlock_exec_t:s0 process
> root:system_r:vlock_t:s0-s15:c0.c1023
> [root/sysadm_r_3/s0@~]#
> 8. FIXME_2:
> The result of compute_create in the above steps has showed that the
> domain transition from sysadm_t to vlock_t, and the role transition from
> sysadm_r_2/3 to system_r could have taken place correctly. BTW, since
> security_compute_sid() has called policydb_context_isvalid(), so the
> "root:system_r:vlock_t:s0-s15:c0.c1023" context is valid.
> However, the root:sysadm_r_2:sysadm_t would fail to run the vlock
> program with the below AVC denied message, what else refpolicy rule
> should I have added ?
> !
> [root/sysadm_r_2/s0@~]# date
> Thu May 26 06:27:29 GMT 2011
> [root/sysadm_r_2/s0@~]# vlock
> /usr/bin/vlock: line 224: /usr/sbin/vlock-main: Permission denied
> [root/sysadm_r_2/s0@~]# exit
> [root/sysadm_r/s0@~]# audhigh "ausearch -ts 06:27:29 -sv no"
> Password:
> ----
> time->Thu May 26 06:27:32 2011
> type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1306391252.699:38): arch=40000003 syscall=11 success=no exit=-13 a0=80db080 a1=80da830 a2=80d07b0 a3=80da830 items=0 ppid=723 pid=849 auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=ttyS0 ses=4294967295 comm="vlock" exe="/bin/bash" subj=root:sysadm_r_2:sysadm_t:s0-s15:c0.c1023 key=(null)
> type=AVC msg=audit(1306391252.699:38): avc: denied { transition } for pid=849 comm="vlock" path="/usr/sbin/vlock-main" dev=sda ino=50097 scontext=root:sysadm_r_2:sysadm_t:s0-s15:c0.c1023 tcontext=root:system_r:vloc! k_t:s0-s15:c0.c1023 tclass=process
> [root/sysadm_r/s0@~]# >
> --
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From 4e2bd0a7ce57010b09ab54fd4af50af57d26a791 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Harry Ciao <qingtao.cao@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 17:34:47 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/1] Role attribute debug.

Use role attribute in several different modules to test if a role
attribute used in user-roles, role-types, role-allows and role-transition
rules could be properly compiled/linked/expanded.

Also in order to support that role-types rule no longer is used to
declare a regular role, we have to use the role-attr rule to declare
the related role explicitly (so far only nx_server_r and unconfined_r).

Signed-off-by: Harry Ciao <qingtao.cao@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 policy/modules/apps/vlock.te         |   14 ++++++++++++++
 policy/modules/roles/sysadm.te       |   25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 policy/modules/services/likewise.te  |    2 +-
 policy/modules/services/nx.te        |    1 +
 policy/modules/system/selinuxutil.te |   19 +++++++++++++++++++
 policy/modules/system/unconfined.te  |    1 +
 6 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/policy/modules/apps/vlock.te b/policy/modules/apps/vlock.te
index 03fc701..4d3295f 100644
--- a/policy/modules/apps/vlock.te
+++ b/policy/modules/apps/vlock.te
@@ -51,3 +51,17 @@ miscfiles_read_localization(vlock_t)
+	gen_require(`
+		role system_r;
+	')
+	# so far I do not know how to require a role attribute yet
+	attribute role_attribute_1 ROLE;
+	# assume the system_r role once transitioned to vlock_t domain
+	role_transition role_attribute_1 vlock_exec_t system_r;
+	role system_r types vlock_t;
+	user root roles system_r level s0 range s0 - s15:c0.c1023;
diff --git a/policy/modules/roles/sysadm.te b/policy/modules/roles/sysadm.te
index 2f2bc77..67a8415 100644
--- a/policy/modules/roles/sysadm.te
+++ b/policy/modules/roles/sysadm.te
@@ -454,3 +454,28 @@ optional_policy(`
+# 1. define a role attribute by the modified attribute rule
+# Note, so far the duplicated declarations of role/user are allowed
+# (symtab_insert)
+attribute role_attribute_1 role;
+attribute role_attribute_1 ROLE;
+# 2. define a regular role by the new role_attr rule,
+# specifying the role attribute that a regular role belongs to
+role sysadm_r_2, role_attribute_1;
+# 3. define a regular role by the existing role_type rule
+role sysadm_r_3;
+# 4. add a regular role into a role attribute
+roleattribute sysadm_r_3 role_attribute_1;
+	gen_require(`
+		user root;
+		type vlock_t;
+	')
+	user root roles role_attribute_1 level s0 range s0 - s15:c0.c1023;
diff --git a/policy/modules/services/likewise.te b/policy/modules/services/likewise.te
index 3acbf1d..84f4baf 100644
--- a/policy/modules/services/likewise.te
+++ b/policy/modules/services/likewise.te
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ selinux_validate_context(lsassd_t)
-seutil_run_semanage(lsassd_t, lsassd_t)
+#seutil_run_semanage(lsassd_t, lsassd_t)
diff --git a/policy/modules/services/nx.te b/policy/modules/services/nx.te
index ebb9582..a3559f2 100644
--- a/policy/modules/services/nx.te
+++ b/policy/modules/services/nx.te
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ domain_entry_file(nx_server_t, nx_server_exec_t)
 # we need an extra role because nxserver is called from sshd
 # cjp: do we really need this?
+role nx_server_r;
 role nx_server_r types nx_server_t;
 allow system_r nx_server_r;
diff --git a/policy/modules/system/selinuxutil.te b/policy/modules/system/selinuxutil.te
index 284c7f8..65e0698 100644
--- a/policy/modules/system/selinuxutil.te
+++ b/policy/modules/system/selinuxutil.te
@@ -603,3 +603,22 @@ ifdef(`hide_broken_symptoms',`
+	gen_require(`
+		role sysadm_r;
+		type sysadm_t, chkpwd_t;
+	')
+	# so far I do not know how to require a role attribute yet
+	attribute role_attribute_1 ROLE;
+	# allow the transition from sysadm_r to all regular roles that
+	# belong to the role_attribute_1 and vice versa by the newrole cmd
+	allow sysadm_r role_attribute_1;
+	allow role_attribute_1 sysadm_r;
+	role role_attribute_1 types newrole_t;
+	role role_attribute_1 types chkpwd_t;
+	role role_attribute_1 types sysadm_t;
diff --git a/policy/modules/system/unconfined.te b/policy/modules/system/unconfined.te
index eae5001..9c5f931 100644
--- a/policy/modules/system/unconfined.te
+++ b/policy/modules/system/unconfined.te
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ init_system_domain(unconfined_t, unconfined_exec_t)
 type unconfined_execmem_t;
 type unconfined_execmem_exec_t;
 init_system_domain(unconfined_execmem_t, unconfined_execmem_exec_t)
+role unconfined_r;
 role unconfined_r types unconfined_execmem_t;

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