Under SELABEL_X_CLIENT it states that the object_name is ignored and should be set to NULL. However if selabel_lookup is called with object_name set to NULL, the application core dumps (all backends behave the same if object_name = NULL - using libselinux 2.0.98 and 2.0.101). The actual SELinux X Windows code does not use NULL but "remote" and as the x_contexts file has: client * system_u:object_r:remote_t:s0 then it will always be resolved. Question: Should the man page be altered to recommend using a named entry or wildcard '*' and ensure the name can be resolved in the x_contexts file or: Produce a patch to allow object_name to be NULL (if so should NULL be allowed globally or just in the case of SELABEL_X_CLIENT). or error if NULL except for SELABEL_X_CLIENT ..... Richard -- This message was distributed to subscribers of the selinux mailing list. If you no longer wish to subscribe, send mail to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with the words "unsubscribe selinux" without quotes as the message.