Updated sandbox patch.

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diff --git a/policycoreutils/Makefile b/policycoreutils/Makefile
index 538302b..b5b97bc 100644
--- a/policycoreutils/Makefile
+++ b/policycoreutils/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-SUBDIRS = setfiles semanage load_policy newrole run_init secon audit2allow audit2why scripts sestatus semodule_package semodule semodule_link semodule_expand semodule_deps setsebool po
+SUBDIRS = setfiles semanage load_policy newrole run_init sandbox secon audit2allow audit2why scripts sestatus semodule_package semodule semodule_link semodule_expand semodule_deps setsebool po 
 INOTIFYH = $(shell ls /usr/include/sys/inotify.h 2>/dev/null)
diff --git a/policycoreutils/sandbox/Makefile b/policycoreutils/sandbox/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff0ee7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policycoreutils/sandbox/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Installation directories.
+INITDIR ?= ${DESTDIR}/etc/rc.d/init.d/
+SYSCONFDIR ?= ${DESTDIR}/etc/sysconfig
+BINDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/bin
+SBINDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/sbin
+MANDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share/man
+LOCALEDIR ?= /usr/share/locale
+SHAREDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share/sandbox
+override CFLAGS += $(LDFLAGS) -I$(PREFIX)/include -DPACKAGE="\"policycoreutils\""
+LDLIBS += -lselinux -lcap-ng 
+all: sandbox seunshare sandboxX.sh 
+seunshare: seunshare.o $(EXTRA_OBJS)
+	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LDLIBS)
+install: all
+	-mkdir -p $(BINDIR)
+	install -m 755 sandbox $(BINDIR)
+	-mkdir -p $(MANDIR)/man8
+	install -m 644 sandbox.8 $(MANDIR)/man8/
+	-mkdir -p $(SBINDIR)
+	install -m 4755 seunshare $(SBINDIR)/
+	-mkdir -p $(SHAREDIR)
+	install -m 755 sandboxX.sh $(SHAREDIR)
+	-mkdir -p $(INITDIR)
+	install -m 755 sandbox.init $(INITDIR)/sandbox
+	-mkdir -p $(SYSCONFDIR)
+	install -m 644 sandbox.config $(SYSCONFDIR)/sandbox
+	@python test_sandbox.py -v
+	-rm -f seunshare *.o *~
+	../../scripts/Lindent $(wildcard *.[ch])
diff --git a/policycoreutils/sandbox/sandbox b/policycoreutils/sandbox/sandbox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..051fa39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policycoreutils/sandbox/sandbox
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python -E
+# Authors: Dan Walsh <dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx>
+# Authors: Josh Cogliati
+# Copyright (C) 2009,2010  Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import os, sys, socket, random, fcntl, shutil, re, subprocess
+import selinux
+import signal
+from tempfile import mkdtemp
+import pwd
+PROGNAME = "policycoreutils"
+import gettext
+gettext.bindtextdomain(PROGNAME, "/usr/share/locale")
+       gettext.install(PROGNAME,
+                       localedir = "/usr/share/locale",
+                       unicode=False,
+                       codeset = 'utf-8')
+except IOError:
+       import __builtin__
+       __builtin__.__dict__['_'] = unicode
+DEFAULT_TYPE = "sandbox_t"
+DEFAULT_X_TYPE = "sandbox_x_t"
+X_FILES = {}
+def sighandler(signum, frame):
+    signal.signal(signum,  signal.SIG_IGN)
+    os.kill(0, signum)
+    raise KeyboardInterrupt
+def setup_sighandlers():
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP,  sighandler)
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, sighandler)
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sighandler)
+def error_exit(msg):
+    sys.stderr.write("%s: " % sys.argv[0])
+    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg)
+    sys.stderr.flush()
+    sys.exit(1)
+def copyfile(file, dir, dest):
+       import re
+       if file.startswith(dir):
+              dname = os.path.dirname(file)
+              bname = os.path.basename(file)
+              if dname == dir:
+                     dest = dest + "/" + bname
+              else:
+                     newdir = re.sub(dir, dest, dname)
+                     if not os.path.exists(newdir):
+                            os.makedirs(newdir)
+                     dest = newdir + "/" + bname
+              if os.path.isdir(file):
+                     shutil.copytree(file, dest)
+              else:
+                     shutil.copy2(file, dest)
+              X_FILES[file] = (dest, os.path.getmtime(dest))
+def savefile(new, orig, X_ind):
+       copy = False
+       if(X_ind):
+              import gtk
+              dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(None, 0, gtk.MESSAGE_INFO,
+                                      gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO,
+                                      _("Do you want to save changes to '%s' (Y/N): ") % orig)
+              dlg.set_title(_("Sandbox Message"))
+              dlg.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_MOUSE)
+              dlg.show_all()
+              rc = dlg.run()
+              dlg.destroy()
+              if rc == gtk.RESPONSE_YES:
+                     copy = True
+       else:
+              ans = raw_input(_("Do you want to save changes to '%s' (y/N): ") % orig)
+              if(re.match(_("[yY]"),ans)):
+                     copy = True
+       if(copy):
+              shutil.copy2(new,orig)
+def reserve(level):
+    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+    sock.bind("\0%s" % level)
+    fcntl.fcntl(sock.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFD, fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC)
+def gen_mcs():
+       while True:
+              i1 = random.randrange(0, 1024)
+              i2 = random.randrange(0, 1024)
+              if i1 == i2:
+                     continue
+              if i1 > i2:
+                     tmp = i1
+                     i1 = i2
+                     i2 = tmp
+                     level = "s0:c%d,c%d" % (i1, i2)
+              level = "s0:c%d,c%d" % (i1, i2)
+              try:
+                     reserve(level)
+              except socket.error:
+                     continue
+              break
+       return level
+def fullpath(cmd):
+       for i in [ "/", "./", "../" ]:
+              if cmd.startswith(i):
+                     return cmd
+       for i in  os.environ["PATH"].split(':'):
+              f = "%s/%s" % (i, cmd)
+              if os.access(f, os.X_OK):
+                     return f
+       return cmd
+class Sandbox:
+    VERSION = "sandbox .1"
+    SYSLOG = "/var/log/messages"
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__options = None
+        self.__cmds = None
+        self.__init_files = []
+        self.__paths = []
+        self.__mount = False
+        self.__level = None
+        self.__homedir = None
+        self.__tmpdir = None
+    def __validate_mount(self):
+           if self.__options.level:
+                  if not self.__options.homedir or not self.__options.tmpdir:
+                         self.usage(_("Homedir and tempdir required for level mounts"))
+           if not os.path.exists("/usr/sbin/seunshare"):
+                  raise ValueError("""
+/usr/sbin/seunshare required for sandbox -M, to install you need to execute 
+#yum install /usr/sbin/seunshare
+           homedir=pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_dir
+           fd = open("/proc/self/mountinfo", "r")
+           recs = fd.readlines()
+           fd.close()
+           for i in recs:
+                  x = i.split() 
+                  if x[3] == x[4] and homedir.startswith(x[3]+"/"):
+                         return
+           raise ValueError(_("""
+'%s' is required to be a shared mount point for this tool to run.  
+'%s' can be added to the HOMEDIR variable in /etc/sysconfig/sandbox
+ along with a reboot will fix the problem.
+""" % ((os.path.dirname(homedir)), os.path.dirname(homedir))))
+    def __mount_callback(self, option, opt, value, parser):
+           self.__mount = True
+    def __x_callback(self, option, opt, value, parser):
+           self.__mount = True
+           setattr(parser.values, option.dest, True)
+    def __validdir(self, option, opt, value, parser):
+           if not os.path.isdir(value):
+                  raise IOError("Directory "+value+" not found")
+           self.__mount = True
+    def __include(self, option, opt, value, parser):
+           rp = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(value))
+           if not os.path.exists(rp):
+                  raise IOError(value+" not found")
+           if rp not in self.__init_files:
+                  self.__init_files.append(rp)
+    def __includefile(self, option, opt, value, parser):
+           fd = open(value, "r")
+           for i in fd.readlines():
+                  rp = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(i[:-1]))
+                  if rp not in self.__init_files and os.path.exists(rp):
+                         self.__init_files.append(rp)
+           fd.close()
+    def __copyfiles(self):
+           files = self.__init_files + self.__paths
+           homedir=pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_dir
+           for f in files:
+                  copyfile(f, homedir, self.__homedir)
+                  copyfile(f, "/tmp", self.__tmpdir)
+    def __setup_sandboxrc(self, wm = "/usr/bin/matchbox-window-manager -use_titlebar no"):
+           execfile =self.__homedir + "/.sandboxrc"
+           fd = open(execfile, "w+") 
+           if self.__options.session:
+                  fd.write("""#!/bin/sh
+#TITLE: /etc/gdm/Xsession
+           else:
+                  command = " ".join(self.__paths)
+                  fd.write("""#! /bin/sh
+#TITLE: %s
+/usr/bin/test -r ~/.xmodmap && /usr/bin/xmodmap ~/.xmodmap
+%s &
+kill -TERM $WM_PID  2> /dev/null
+""" % (command, wm, command))
+           fd.close()
+           os.chmod(execfile, 0700)
+    def usage(self, message = ""):
+           error_exit("%s\n%s" % (self.__parser.usage, message))
+    def __parse_options(self):
+        from optparse import OptionParser
+        usage = _("""
+sandbox [-h] [-[X|M] [-l level ] [-H homedir] [-T tempdir]] [-I includefile ] [-W windowmanager ] [[-i file ] ...] [ -t type ] command
+sandbox [-h] [-[X|M] [-l level ] [-H homedir] [-T tempdir]] [-I includefile ] [-W windowmanager ] [[-i file ] ...] [ -t type ] -S
+        parser = OptionParser(version=self.VERSION, usage=usage)
+        parser.disable_interspersed_args()
+        parser.add_option("-i", "--include", 
+                          action="callback", callback=self.__include, 
+                          type="string",
+                          help="include file in sandbox")
+        parser.add_option("-I", "--includefile",  action="callback", callback=self.__includefile,
+                          type="string",
+                          help="include contents of file in sandbox")
+        parser.add_option("-t", "--type", dest="setype", action="store", default=DEFAULT_TYPE,
+                          help="Run sandbox with SELinux type")
+        parser.add_option("-M", "--mount", 
+                          action="callback", callback=self.__mount_callback, 
+                          help="Mount new home and tmp Dir")
+        parser.add_option("-S", "--session", action="store_true",  dest="session", 
+                          default=False,  help="Run complete desktop session within sandbox")
+        parser.add_option("-X", dest="X_ind", 
+                          action="callback", callback=self.__x_callback, 
+                          default=False,  help="Run X sandbox")
+        parser.add_option("-H", "--homedir", 
+                          action="callback", callback=self.__validdir,
+                          type="string",
+                          dest="homedir",  
+                          help="Alternate homedir to use for mounting")
+        parser.add_option("-T", "--tmpdir", dest="tmpdir",  
+                          type="string",
+                          action="callback", callback=self.__validdir,
+                          help="Alternate tempdir to use for mounting")
+        parser.add_option("-W", "--windowmanager", dest="wm",  
+                          type="string",
+                          default="/usr/bin/matchbox-window-manager -use_titlebar no",
+                          help="Alternate window maanger")
+        parser.add_option("-l", "--level", dest="level", 
+                          help="MCS/MLS Level for the sandbox")
+        self.__parser=parser
+        self.__options, cmds = parser.parse_args()
+        if self.__options.X_ind:
+               if DEFAULT_TYPE == self.__options.setype:
+                     self.__options.setype = DEFAULT_X_TYPE
+        if self.__mount:
+               self.__validate_mount()
+        if self.__options.session:
+               if self.__options.setype in (DEFAULT_TYPE, DEFAULT_X_TYPE):
+                      self.__options.setype = selinux.getcon()[1].split(":")[2]
+               if not self.__options.homedir or not self.__options.tmpdir:
+                      self.usage(_("Homedir and tempdir required for session"))
+               if len(cmds) > 0:
+                      self.usage(_("Commands not allowed in a session"))
+        else:
+               if len(cmds) == 0:
+                      self.usage(_("Command required"))
+               cmds[0] = fullpath(cmds[0])
+               self.__cmds = cmds
+        for f in cmds:
+               rp = os.path.realpath(f)
+               if os.path.exists(rp):
+                      self.__paths.append(rp)
+               else:
+                      self.__paths.append(f)
+    def __gen_context(self):
+           if self.__options.level:
+                  level = self.__options.level
+           else:
+                  level = gen_mcs()
+           con = selinux.getcon()[1].split(":")
+           self.__execcon = "%s:%s:%s:%s" % (con[0], con[1], self.__options.setype, level)
+           self.__filecon = "%s:%s:%s:%s" % (con[0], "object_r", 
+                                             "%s_file_t" % self.__options.setype[:-2], 
+                                             level)
+    def __setup_dir(self):
+           if self.__options.level or self.__options.session:
+                  return
+           sandboxdir = HOMEDIR + "/.sandbox"
+           if not os.path.exists(sandboxdir):
+                  os.mkdir(sandboxdir)
+           import warnings 
+           warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+           if self.__options.homedir:
+                  chcon =  ("/usr/bin/chcon -R %s %s" % (self.__filecon, self.__options.homedir)).split()
+                  rc = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, chcon[0], chcon)
+                  self.__homedir = self.__options.homedir
+           else:
+                  selinux.setfscreatecon(self.__filecon)
+                  self.__homedir = mkdtemp(dir=sandboxdir, prefix=".sandbox")
+           if self.__options.tmpdir:
+                  chcon =  ("/usr/bin/chcon -R %s %s" % (self.__filecon, self.__options.tmpdir)).split()
+                  rc = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, chcon[0], chcon)
+                  self.__tmpdir = self.__options.homedir
+           else:
+                  selinux.setfscreatecon(self.__filecon)
+                  self.__tmpdir = mkdtemp(dir="/tmp", prefix=".sandbox")
+           warnings.resetwarnings()
+           selinux.setfscreatecon(None)
+           self.__copyfiles()
+    def __execute(self):
+           try:
+                  if self.__options.X_ind:
+                         xmodmapfile = self.__homedir + "/.xmodmap"
+                         xd = open(xmodmapfile,"w")
+                         subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/xmodmap","-pke"],stdout=xd).wait()
+                         xd.close()
+                         self.__setup_sandboxrc(self.__options.wm)
+                         cmds =  ("/usr/sbin/seunshare -t %s -h %s -- %s /usr/share/sandbox/sandboxX.sh" % (self.__tmpdir, self.__homedir, self.__execcon)).split()
+                         rc = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, cmds[0], cmds)
+                         return rc
+                  if self.__mount:
+                         cmds =  ("/usr/sbin/seunshare -t %s -h %s -- %s " % (self.__tmpdir, self.__homedir, self.__execcon)).split()+self.__paths
+                         rc = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, cmds[0], cmds)
+                         return rc
+                  selinux.setexeccon(self.__execcon)
+                  rc = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, self.__cmds[0], self.__cmds)
+                  selinux.setexeccon(None)
+                  return rc
+           finally:
+                  for i in self.__paths:
+                         if i not in X_FILES:
+                                continue
+                         (dest, mtime) = X_FILES[i]
+                         if os.path.getmtime(dest) > mtime:
+                                savefile(dest, i, X_ind)
+                  if self.__homedir and not self.__options.homedir: 
+                         shutil.rmtree(self.__homedir)
+                  if self.__tmpdir and not self.__options.tmpdir:
+                         shutil.rmtree(self.__tmpdir)
+    def main(self):
+        try:
+               self.__parse_options()
+               self.__gen_context()
+               self.__setup_dir()
+               return self.__execute()
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            sys.exit(0)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    setup_sighandlers()
+    if selinux.is_selinux_enabled() != 1:
+        error_exit("Requires an SELinux enabled system")
+    try:
+           sandbox = Sandbox()
+           rc = sandbox.main()
+    except OSError, error:
+           error_exit(error.args[1])
+    except ValueError, error:
+           error_exit(error.args[0])
+    except KeyError, error:
+           error_exit(_("Invalid value %s") % error.args[0])
+    except IOError, error:
+           error_exit(error)
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+           rc = 0
+    sys.exit(rc)
diff --git a/policycoreutils/sandbox/sandbox.8 b/policycoreutils/sandbox/sandbox.8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffaae49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policycoreutils/sandbox/sandbox.8
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+.TH SANDBOX "8" "May 2009" "chcat" "User Commands"
+sandbox \- Run cmd under an SELinux sandbox
+.B sandbox
+[-l level ] [[-M | -X]  -H homedir -T tmpdir ] [-I includefile ] [ -W windowmanager ] [[-i file ]...] [ -t type ] cmd
+Run the 
+.I cmd 
+application within a tightly confined SELinux domain.  The default sandbox domain only allows applications the ability to read and write stdin, stdout and any other file descriptors handed to it. It is not allowed to open any other files.  The -M option will mount an alternate homedir and tmpdir to be used by the sandbox.
+If you have the 
+.I policycoreutils-sandbox 
+package installed, you can use the -X option and the -M option.
+.B sandbox -X
+allows you to run sandboxed X applications.  These applications will start up their own X Server and create a temporary homedir and /tmp.  The default policy does not allow any capabilities or network access.  It also prevents all access to the users other processes and files.  Any file specified on the command line will be copied into the sandbox.
+If directories are specified with -H or -T the directory will have its context modified with chcon(1) unless a level is specified with -l.  If the MLS/MCS security level is specified, the directories need to have a matching label.
+\fB\-H\ homedir
+Use alternate homedir to mount.  Defaults to temporary. Requires -X or -M.
+\fB\-i file\fR
+Copy this file into the temporary sandbox appriate. Command can be repeated.
+\fB\-I inputfile\fR Copy all files listed in inputfile into the
+appropriate temporary sandbox direcories.
+Specify the MLS/MCS Security Level to run the sandbox in.  Defaults to random.
+Create a Sandbox with temporary files for $HOME and /tmp, defaults to sandbox_t
+\fB\-t type\fR
+Use alternate sandbox type, defaults to sandbox_t or sandbox_x_t for -X.
+\fB\-T\ tmpdir
+Use alternate tempdir to mount.  Defaults to temporary. Requires -X or -M.
+\fB\-W windowmanager\fR
+Select alternative window manager to run within 
+.B sandbox -X.
+Default to /usr/bin/matchbox-window-manager.
+Create an X based Sandbox for gui apps, temporary files for
+$HOME and /tmp, seconday Xserver, defaults to sandbox_x_t
diff --git a/policycoreutils/sandbox/sandbox.config b/policycoreutils/sandbox/sandbox.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9f059a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policycoreutils/sandbox/sandbox.config
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Space separate list of homedirs
diff --git a/policycoreutils/sandbox/sandbox.init b/policycoreutils/sandbox/sandbox.init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30d0861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policycoreutils/sandbox/sandbox.init
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Provides: sandbox
+# Default-Start: 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 3 4 6
+# Required-Start:
+# sandbox:        Set up / mountpoint to be shared, /var/tmp, /tmp, /home/sandbox unshared
+# chkconfig: 345 1 99
+# Description: sandbox is using pam_namespace to share the /var/tmp, /tmp and 
+#              /home/sandbox accounts.  This script will setup the / mount 
+#              point as shared and all of the subdirectories just these 
+#              directories as unshared.
+# Source function library.
+. /etc/init.d/functions
+. /etc/sysconfig/sandbox
+case "$1" in
+    start)
+	[ -f "$LOCKFILE" ] && exit 0
+	touch $LOCKFILE
+	mount --make-rshared /
+	mount --rbind /tmp /tmp
+	mount --rbind /var/tmp /var/tmp
+	mount --make-private /tmp
+	mount --make-private /var/tmp
+	for h in $HOMEDIRS; do
+	    mount --rbind $h $h 
+	    mount --make-private $h
+	done
+	exit $RETVAL
+	;;
+    status)
+	if [ -f "$LOCKFILE" ]; then 
+	    echo "$base is running"
+	else
+	    echo "$base is stopped"
+	fi
+	exit 0
+	;;
+    stop)
+	rm -f $LOCKFILE
+	exit 0
+	;;
+    *)
+	echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
+	exit 3
+	;;
diff --git a/policycoreutils/sandbox/sandboxX.sh b/policycoreutils/sandbox/sandboxX.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed318d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policycoreutils/sandbox/sandboxX.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+context=`id -Z | secon -t -l -P`
+export TITLE="Sandbox $context -- `grep ^#TITLE: ~/.sandboxrc | /usr/bin/cut -b8-80`"
+export SCREENSIZE="1000x700"
+#export SCREENSIZE=`xdpyinfo | awk  '/dimensions/ {  print $2 }'`
+trap "exit 0" HUP
+(/usr/bin/Xephyr -title "$TITLE" -terminate -screen $SCREENSIZE -displayfd 5 5>&1 2>/dev/null) | while read D; do 
+    export DISPLAY=:$D
+    python -c 'import gtk, os; os.system("%s/.sandboxrc" % os.environ["HOME"])'
+    export EXITCODE=$?
+    kill -HUP 0
+    break
+exit 0
diff --git a/policycoreutils/sandbox/seunshare.c b/policycoreutils/sandbox/seunshare.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddf6bf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policycoreutils/sandbox/seunshare.c
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <syslog.h>
+#include <sys/mount.h>
+#include <pwd.h>
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <sched.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <cap-ng.h>
+#include <getopt.h>		/* for getopt_long() form of getopt() */
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <selinux/selinux.h>
+#include <selinux/context.h>	/* for context-mangling functions */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+ * This function will drop all capabilities 
+ * Returns zero on success, non-zero otherwise
+ */
+static int drop_capabilities(uid_t uid)
+	capng_clear(CAPNG_SELECT_BOTH);
+	if (capng_lock() < 0) 
+		return -1;
+	/* Change uid */
+	if (setresuid(uid, uid, uid)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Error changing uid, aborting.\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return capng_apply(CAPNG_SELECT_BOTH);
+#define DEFAULT_PATH "/usr/bin:/bin"
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+ * Take care of any signal setup
+ */
+static int set_signal_handles(void)
+	sigset_t empty;
+	/* Empty the signal mask in case someone is blocking a signal */
+	if (sigemptyset(&empty)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to obtain empty signal set\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	(void)sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &empty, NULL);
+	/* Terminate on SIGHUP. */
+	if (signal(SIGHUP, SIG_DFL) == SIG_ERR) {
+		perror("Unable to set SIGHUP handler");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+#define USAGE_STRING "USAGE: seunshare [ -t tmpdir ] [ -h homedir ] -- CONTEXT executable [args] "
+static int verify_mount(const char *mntdir, struct passwd *pwd) {
+	struct stat sb;
+	if (stat(mntdir, &sb) == -1) {
+		perror("Invalid mount point");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (sb.st_uid != pwd->pw_uid) {
+		errno = EPERM;
+		syslog(LOG_AUTHPRIV | LOG_ALERT, "%s attempted to mount an invalid directory, %s", pwd->pw_name, mntdir);
+		perror("Invalid mount point, reporting to administrator");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+ * This function checks to see if the shell is known in /etc/shells.
+ * If so, it returns 1. On error or illegal shell, it returns 0.
+ */
+static int verify_shell(const char *shell_name)
+	int found = 0;
+	const char *buf;
+	if (!(shell_name && shell_name[0]))
+		return found;
+	while ((buf = getusershell()) != NULL) {
+		/* ignore comments */
+		if (*buf == '#')
+			continue;
+		/* check the shell skipping newline char */
+		if (!strcmp(shell_name, buf)) {
+			found = 1;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	endusershell();
+	return found;
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+	int rc;
+	int status = -1;
+	security_context_t scontext;
+	int flag_index;		/* flag index in argv[] */
+	int clflag;		/* holds codes for command line flags */
+	char *tmpdir_s = NULL;	/* tmpdir spec'd by user in argv[] */
+	char *homedir_s = NULL;	/* homedir spec'd by user in argv[] */
+	const struct option long_options[] = {
+		{"homedir", 1, 0, 'h'},
+		{"tmpdir", 1, 0, 't'},
+		{NULL, 0, 0, 0}
+	};
+	uid_t uid = getuid();
+	if (!uid) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Must not be root");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	struct passwd *pwd=getpwuid(uid);
+	if (!pwd) {
+		perror("getpwduid failed");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (verify_shell(pwd->pw_shell) == 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Error!  Shell is not valid.\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	while (1) {
+		clflag = getopt_long(argc, argv, "h:t:", long_options,
+				     &flag_index);
+		if (clflag == -1)
+			break;
+		switch (clflag) {
+		case 't':
+			tmpdir_s = optarg;
+			if (verify_mount(tmpdir_s, pwd) < 0) return -1;
+			break;
+		case 'h':
+			homedir_s = optarg;
+			if (verify_mount(homedir_s, pwd) < 0) return -1;
+			if (verify_mount(pwd->pw_dir, pwd) < 0) return -1;
+			break;
+		default:
+			fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", USAGE_STRING);
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	if (! homedir_s && ! tmpdir_s) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Error: tmpdir and/or homedir required \n"
+			"%s\n", USAGE_STRING);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (argc - optind < 2) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Error: executable required \n"
+			"%s\n", USAGE_STRING);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	scontext = argv[optind++];
+	if (set_signal_handles())
+		return -1;
+        if (unshare(CLONE_NEWNS) < 0) {
+		perror("Failed to unshare");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (homedir_s && mount(homedir_s, pwd->pw_dir, NULL, MS_BIND, NULL) < 0) {
+		perror("Failed to mount HOMEDIR");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (homedir_s && verify_mount(pwd->pw_dir, pwd) < 0) 
+		return -1;
+	if (tmpdir_s && mount(tmpdir_s, "/tmp", NULL, MS_BIND, NULL) < 0) {
+		perror("Failed to mount /tmp");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (tmpdir_s && verify_mount("/tmp", pwd) < 0) 
+		return -1;
+	if (drop_capabilities(uid)) {
+		perror("Failed to drop all capabilities");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	int child = fork();
+	if (!child) {
+		char *display=NULL;
+		/* Construct a new environment */
+		char *d = getenv("DISPLAY");
+		if (d) {
+			display =  strdup(d);
+			if (!display) {
+				perror("Out of memory");
+				exit(-1);
+			}
+		}
+		if ((rc = clearenv())) {
+			perror("Unable to clear environment");
+			free(display);
+			exit(-1);
+		}
+		if (setexeccon(scontext)) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "Could not set exec context to %s.\n",
+				scontext);
+			free(display);
+			exit(-1);
+		}
+		if (display) 
+			rc |= setenv("DISPLAY", display, 1);
+		rc |= setenv("HOME", pwd->pw_dir, 1);
+		rc |= setenv("SHELL", pwd->pw_shell, 1);
+		rc |= setenv("USER", pwd->pw_name, 1);
+		rc |= setenv("LOGNAME", pwd->pw_name, 1);
+		rc |= setenv("PATH", DEFAULT_PATH, 1);
+		if (chdir(pwd->pw_dir)) {
+			perror("Failed to change dir to homedir");
+			exit(-1);
+		}
+		setsid();
+		execv(argv[optind], argv + optind);
+		free(display);
+		perror("execv");
+		exit(-1);
+	} else {
+		waitpid(child, &status, 0);
+	}
+	return status;
diff --git a/policycoreutils/sandbox/test_sandbox.py b/policycoreutils/sandbox/test_sandbox.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3b7f64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policycoreutils/sandbox/test_sandbox.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+import unittest, os, shutil 
+from tempfile import mkdtemp
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+class SandboxTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    def assertDenied(self, err):
+        self.assert_('Permission denied' in err,
+                     '"Permission denied" not found in %r' % err)
+    def assertNotFound(self, err):
+        self.assert_('not found' in err,
+                     '"not found" not found in %r' % err)
+    def assertFailure(self, status):
+        self.assert_(status != 0,
+                     '"Succeeded when it should have failed')
+    def assertSuccess(self, status, err):
+        self.assert_(status == 0,
+                     '"Sandbox should have succeeded for this test %r' %  err)
+    def test_simple_success(self):
+        "Verify that we can read file descriptors handed to sandbox"
+        p1 = Popen(['cat', '/etc/passwd'], stdout = PIPE)
+        p2 = Popen(['sandbox', 'grep', 'root'], stdin = p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
+        out, err = p2.communicate()
+        self.assert_('root' in out)
+    def test_cant_kill(self):
+        "Verify that we cannot send kill signal in the sandbox"
+        pid = os.getpid()
+        p = Popen(['sandbox', 'kill', '-HUP', str(pid)], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        out, err = p.communicate()
+        self.assertDenied(err)
+    def test_cant_ping(self):
+        "Verify that we can't ping within the sandbox"
+        p = Popen(['sandbox', 'ping', '-c 1 ', ''], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        out, err = p.communicate()
+        self.assertDenied(err)
+    def test_cant_mkdir(self):
+        "Verify that we can't mkdir within the sandbox"
+        p = Popen(['sandbox', 'mkdir', '~/test'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        out, err = p.communicate()
+        self.assertFailure(p.returncode)
+    def test_cant_list_homedir(self):
+        "Verify that we can't list homedir within the sandbox"
+        p = Popen(['sandbox', 'ls', '~'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        out, err = p.communicate()
+        self.assertFailure(p.returncode)
+    def test_cant_send_mail(self):
+        "Verify that we can't send mail within the sandbox"
+        p = Popen(['sandbox', 'mail'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        out, err = p.communicate()
+        self.assertDenied(err)
+    def test_cant_sudo(self):
+        "Verify that we can't run sudo within the sandbox"
+        p = Popen(['sandbox', 'sudo'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        out, err = p.communicate()
+        self.assertFailure(p.returncode)
+    def test_mount(self):
+        "Verify that we mount a file system"
+        p = Popen(['sandbox', '-M', 'id'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        out, err = p.communicate()
+        self.assertSuccess(p.returncode, err)
+    def test_set_level(self):
+        "Verify that we set level a file system"
+        p = Popen(['sandbox', '-l', 's0', 'id'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        out, err = p.communicate()
+        self.assertSuccess(p.returncode, err)
+    def test_homedir(self):
+        "Verify that we set homedir a file system"
+        homedir = mkdtemp(dir=".", prefix=".sandbox_test")
+        p = Popen(['sandbox', '-H', homedir, '-M', 'id'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        out, err = p.communicate()
+        shutil.rmtree(homedir)
+        self.assertSuccess(p.returncode, err)
+    def test_tmpdir(self):
+        "Verify that we set tmpdir a file system"
+        tmpdir = mkdtemp(dir="/tmp", prefix=".sandbox_test")
+        p = Popen(['sandbox', '-T', tmpdir, '-M', 'id'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        out, err = p.communicate()
+        shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+        self.assertSuccess(p.returncode, err)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import selinux
+    if selinux.security_getenforce() == 1:
+        unittest.main()
+    else:
+        print "SELinux must be in enforcing mode for this test"

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