There has got to be something I am doing wrong. But on my blog someone asked about writing a program that does a fork and having SELinux block it. Where is the fork access coming from? In the tmp dir I see this policy being compiled. # grep process.*fork fork.tmp class process { fork transition sigchld sigkill sigstop signull signal ptrace getsched setsched getsession getpgid setpgid getcap setcap share getattr setexec setfscreate noatsecure siginh setrlimit rlimitinh dyntransition setcurrent execmem execstack execheap setkeycreate setsockcreate }; type_transition initrc_t fork_exec_t:process fork_t; type_transition init_t fork_exec_t:process fork_t; type_transition unconfined_t fork_exec_t:process fork_t; neverallow fork_t self:process fork; But if I install. # semodule -i fork.pp libsepol.check_assertion_helper: neverallow violated by allow fork_t fork_t:process { fork }; libsemanage.semanage_expand_sandbox: Expand module failed semodule: Failed! If I remove the neverallow line. # sesearch -A -s fork_t -p fork Found 1 semantic av rules: allow fork_t fork_t : process { fork sigchld } ; Something strange is going on.
Description: application/compressed-tar