Many thanks! The download link seems to be divided into Dell,
HP, IBM and SGI. The machine I’m using is a SunFire X2200 (AMD processors). I’m
not sure which of the four available would be the closest match.
chanson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:chanson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 8:11 AM
To: Dyson, Mark L (IS); selinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: MLS support for RHEL5?
Hi Mark,
MLS is supported in RHEL 5 and been validated against the Common Criteria in
this configuration as well. See the links below.
The supporting software is available for the configuration is available from
Red Hat.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-selinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Dyson, Mark L (IS)
Sent: Mon 11/23/2009 7:54 AM
To: selinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: MLS support for RHEL5?
For the project I'm working on the goal is to run a MLS application in a
classified environment and the target architecture is Red Hat Enterprise Linux
5. According to the Mayer/MacMillan/Caplan book MLS isn't supported as of
RHEL4. Can anyone tell me whether that has been resolved somewhat in
RHEL5? Is there a path to implementing MLS in that distribution?
Thanks in advance for your help, the information I'm able to turn up seems
dated at best.