Hello Every One,
I am new to selinux, I am using Ubuntu and i am trying to install reference Policy on it, after running command make load, I get this error,
I dont know whats wrong
/usr/bin/checkpolicy policy.conf -o /etc/selinux/refpolicy/policy/policy.23
/usr/bin/checkpolicy: loading policy configuration from policy.conf
policy/modules/services/ifplugd.te":67:ERROR 'type netutils_exec_t is not within scope' at token ';' on line 362418:
allow ifplugd_t netutils_exec_t:file { getattr open read execute };
#line 67
checkpolicy: error(s) encountered while parsing configuration
make: *** [/etc/selinux/refpolicy/policy/policy.23] Error 1
Waqar Afridi