David P. Quigley wrote:
I have just posted a new document for the MAC labeling support work
to the IETF website. It contains a lot of clarifying text that has been
asked for by several people in the IETF community. I would like to ask
that people give it a look over and provide comments if possible. I
would prefer that discussion takes place on the NFSv4 WG mailing list
since it shows interest in the technology which is what the WG is
currently looking for. If you have any questions regarding the text or
the system outlined in it email me and I'll be more than happy to help
with any confusion. I am hoping to drum up enough interest in the work
to request that it be added to the NFSv4 WG charter at the next IETF
meeting. If you are interested in the work and would like to participate
or just think that it is a worthwhile technology and would like to see
it added to the NFSv4 standard feel free to speak up.
The information for the document which I received in the conformation
email and a link to it can be found below.
Dave Quigley
Sorry about the late reply. I have the following comments on the draft.
1. section 3, a nit. It's probably better to number your requirements as
R1, R2, ... R4. When you refer to them later in your draft, I don't need
to count every time.
2. section 3, the semantics of DOI in your draft is different from the
one in the CALIPSO draft. Traditionally, DOI in MLS context refers to
(at least in part) administrative control and deployment of the MLS
systems. For example, DOD may own a block of DOIs. Systems using that
block of DOIs are permitted to communicate with on another. Label
translations are possible among the DOIs. Systems are not permitted to
accept data packets carrying DOI outside a known DOI range. In your
draft, DOI is used to imply label format in the opaque field of the
security attribute. This makes it impossible to share the CALIPSO DOI.
3. section 3, on a MAC system, every subject and object has a label as
you stated. Different objects are labeled in different layers or
subsystems. For example, data packets, network interface, sockets are
labeled by IP module. I believe the draft should at least state that
NFSv4 MAC labeling should be consistent with MAC policy on the entire
system. Take MLS system as an example, it's considered a MAC violation
that a file labeled SECRET goes out on a network interface labeled
UNCLASSIFIED. It's important that NFS implements this correctly so that
MAC is enforced correctly on the system. It's difficult for IP module to
inspect whether NFS has put the correct label in IP's payload.
4. section 4, the draft should probably state how a MAC client knows
whether the server is MAC aware or not, via configuration? Also how a
MAC aware server knows whether the client is MAC aware, via
configuration or based on the fact that security attributes are present?
5. section 4, nit. "MAC aware client/server" are probably better names
than "smart client/server".
6. section 4.1, in full mode, does reply carry a label? It appears to me
that a client never needs to do a DOI translation. The draft should be
more explicit on that, IMO.
7. section 4.2.2, the phrase "this may fail based on the DAC criteria
even if the MAC policy grants access" applies to all three modes of
operation. It may mislead reader to believe it only applies to this mode.
8. section 4.3, what actually prevents a MAC aware server to serve a
mixture of MAC aware and MAC unaware clients? This restriction may not
be necessary. There are environments where both kinds of clients coexist.
9. section 5.1, while I understand what you intend to explain, your
example is not completely correct. In B&L MLS model, a request with TOP
SECRET security attributes can actually read SECRET or UNCLASSIFIED
directory. It's not a MAC violation, i.e. read down is OK. The reverse
is not permitted.
10. section 7, as stated above, you seem to use the DOI field
differently. It appears that you want the DOI to indicate whether an
NSFv4 server understands the label format AND knows how to interpret the
opaque field. This implies the server has to know all the label
definitions for all valid DOIs. For example, a server must be able to
detect a label is undefined under a DOI although it knows the format of
the label. This may be better solved via configuration instead of going
through IANA. For example, if one wants his server to be able to
translate among three labeling schemes, she/he will configure the system
with all three label definitions, translation tables, modules containing
appropriate label functions and utilities, etc..
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