Stephen Smalley wrote: I can't find any evidence that my version of libselinux contains the selinux_set_mapping function. I am using CentOS 5.1 with libselinux version 1.33.4. I have been learning RHEL 5 tends to be a bit behind the times with regards to SELinux functionality. Does libselinux 1.33.4 not have the dynamic class/permission lookup facilities? If it does not, any advice on how to add object classes / permissions to policy ? Moving to Fedora is a possibility, maybe it's worth considering as this would not be the first issue we have had with an outdated SELinux mechanism on RHEL 5 (?). We are integrating SELinux TE / MLS with our commercial DBMS, and I have learned that RHEL 5 does not have the database related object classes /permissions in the base policy where the most recent Fedora does, hence my need to add the object classes /permissions in RHEL 5.On Thu, 2008-10-16 at 15:53 -0400, Stephen Smalley wrote:On Thu, 2008-10-16 at 21:40 +0200, Andy Warner wrote:When adding new object classes and permissions to SELinux policy is it necessary to re-create flask.h and av_permissions.h header files so that a user-space object manager can access the associated defines? If so, would someone give me some pointers as to how these are generated?You should use the dynamic class/permission lookup facilities for any new code. man selinux_set_mapping XSELinux and SE-PostgreSQL are already using it I believe. Example usage from XSELinux: |