Here's a couple of Debian bug reports I just filed about apol: setools: needs a script to run apol with the current list of modules When apol is run on the installed policy (such as /etc/selinux/*/policy/policy.*) then it misses out on a lot of symbolic information (such as the types that are in attributes) and thus makes it impossible to determine the reason why some access is permitted. To solve this I suggest having a script such as the following: #!/bin/bash -e . /etc/selinux/config if [ "$1" = "-s" ]; then shift SELINUXTYPE=$2 shift fi cd /etc/selinux/$SELINUXTYPE/modules/active exec apol base.pp modules/*.pp $* Of course any user could figure this out on their own, but having a script to do it for them saves effort for everyone (even I had to ask the mailing list for advice on this issue). setools: Could not open policy error is not specific I ran apol with a list of 30 modules and received a message in a dialog box titled "Open Policy" which said: "The selected file does not appear to be a valid SELinux Policy. Could not open policy" That does not tell me which of the 30 files had a problem. The dialog in question should name the file that it had a problem with to save me the effort of a binary search. As well as giving the name of the file, the type of error (non-existent file, EPERM, etc) should be displayed to the user. -- russell@xxxxxxxxxxxx My Blog Sponsoring Free Software development -- This message was distributed to subscribers of the selinux mailing list. If you no longer wish to subscribe, send mail to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with the words "unsubscribe selinux" without quotes as the message.