I'm trying to tighten up firefox, from what I can see over here: when I use firefox I usually change roles to user_r then run firefox. Now I noticed when I execute firefox in sysadm_r firefox is able to start up(when in enforce mode). I remember in the past firefox would not start in sysadm_r only user_r for me. Is there something I'm missing, or is this something new. (below are the allow rules for firefox) allow sysadm_xserver_t user_mozilla_t:shm { associate getattr read unix_read unix_write write }; allow sysadm_xserver_t user_mozilla_tmpfs_t:file { read write }; allow sysadm_xserver_t user_mplayer_t:shm { associate getattr read unix_read unix_write write }; allow sysadm_xserver_t user_mplayer_tmpfs_t:file { read write }; allow sysadm_xserver_t user_t:shm { associate getattr read unix_read unix_write write }; allow sysadm_xserver_t user_tmpfs_t:file { read write }; allow user_mozilla_t apmd_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t apmd_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t bluetooth_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t bluetooth_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t crond_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t crond_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t devpts_t:dir search; allow user_mozilla_t gconf_etc_t:dir { getattr read search }; allow user_mozilla_t gconf_etc_t:file { getattr read }; allow user_mozilla_t getty_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t getty_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t hald_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t hald_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t init_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t init_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t initrc_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t initrc_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t initrc_var_run_t:dir search; allow user_mozilla_t initrc_var_run_t:sock_file write; allow user_mozilla_t kernel_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t kernel_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t klogd_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t klogd_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t lib_t:file execute_no_trans; allow user_mozilla_t local_login_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t local_login_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t newrole_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t newrole_t:fd use; allow user_mozilla_t newrole_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t newrole_t:lnk_file read; allow user_mozilla_t staff_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t staff_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_gconf_home_t:dir { add_name getattr read remove_name search write }; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_gconf_home_t:file { append create getattr read rename unlink write }; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_home_dir_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_home_t:dir { add_name getattr read remove_name search write }; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_home_t:file { append create getattr read rename unlink }; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_mozilla_home_t:dir { add_name create getattr read remove_name rmdir search write }; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_mozilla_home_t:file { create getattr lock read rename unlink write }; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_mozilla_home_t:lnk_file { create unlink }; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_sudo_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_sudo_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_t:lnk_file read; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_tty_device_t:chr_file getattr; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_xauth_home_t:file { getattr read }; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_xserver_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_xserver_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t sysadm_xserver_t:unix_stream_socket connectto; allow user_mozilla_t syslogd_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t syslogd_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t system_dbusd_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t system_dbusd_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t tmp_t:dir { add_name create remove_name rmdir setattr write }; allow user_mozilla_t tmp_t:file { create getattr link lock read unlink write }; allow user_mozilla_t tmp_t:sock_file { create unlink write }; allow user_mozilla_t udev_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t udev_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t user_devpts_t:chr_file { getattr ioctl read write }; allow user_mozilla_t user_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t user_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t user_t:lnk_file read; allow user_mozilla_t user_t:sem { associate getattr read setattr unix_read unix_write write }; allow user_mozilla_t user_t:shm { associate getattr read setattr unix_read unix_write write }; allow user_mozilla_t user_tmpfs_t:file { read write }; allow user_mozilla_t v4l_device_t:chr_file { read write }; ###########make enableaudit allow user_mozilla_t security_t:dir { getattr search }; allow user_mozilla_t security_t:file read; allow user_mozilla_t security_t:filesystem getattr; allow user_mozilla_t selinux_config_t:dir search; allow user_mozilla_t selinux_config_t:file { getattr read }; allow user_mozilla_t tmp_t:dir read; Is this safe? should I comment out some of the allow rules and if so which ones. regards; -- Justin P. 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