[PATCH] lldpad_t tries to automatically disable LLDP on network card but is blocked

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Dear maintainers,

When running lldp daemon on a server, you can have the following error message:


i40e driver detected for ens10f1, disabling LLDP in firmware

cannot open /sys/kernel/debug/i40e/0000:0f:00.1/command to disable LLDP in firmware for ens10f1: Permission Denied


In the selinux logs, you can see lldp is trying to open a specific file and write to it


avc:  denied  { write } for  pid=2264219 comm="lldpd" name="command" dev="debugfs" ino=109

avc:  denied  { open } for  pid=2264219 comm="lldpd" path="/sys/kernel/debug/i40e/0000:0f:00.0/command"


> LLDP needs the following authorization: "allow lldpad_t debugfs_t:file { open write };"

In fact, if you are trying to configure and run a local lldp daemon, you don't wan't the network card to run LLDP as well, both will conflicts, and lldp daemon is probably configured to give better informations for network administrators (hostname of the server for example). It could be a good idea to (optionally ?) allow lldp daemon to automatically unconfigure LLDP on network cards.

I've tried to create a patch doing this (create a boolean, add permissions to read and write do debugfs files). It could be simplified to allow writing to debugfs without a boolean, but I feels like it could be a security issue and an optional boolean enabled only if needed is a better option.

Because I'm not a developer at all, I wasn't able to fully test this, so I'm not 100% sure it working. If anyone is able to test everything compile correctly. I've prefered to share my work hopping someone could benefit this.


Benjamin Mare
Ingénieur Linux
Saclay - Bât 772 Pièce 127
(+33) 01 69 08 30 26
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--- policy/modules/services/lldpad.te.old	2025-03-13 15:16:38.982728194 +0100
+++ policy/modules/services/lldpad.te.new	2025-03-13 15:17:03.111728930 +0100
@@ -4,6 +4,16 @@
 # Declarations
+## <desc>
+##      <p>
+##      Allow lldp daemonn to write
+##      to debugfs.
+##      Permit lldp to automatically
+##      disable LLDP on physical
+##      network card
+##      </p>
+## </desc>
+gen_tunable(allow_lldpad_write_debugfs, false)
 type lldpad_t;
 type lldpad_exec_t;
@@ -60,3 +70,8 @@
+        kernel_manage_debugfs(lldpad_t)

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