US-CERT Cyber Security Tip ST04-024 -- Understanding ISPs

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   			Cyber Security Tip ST04-024
			     Understanding ISPs    

   ISPs offer services like email and internet access. Compare factors
   like security, services, and cost so that you find an ISP that
   supports all of your needs.

What is an ISP?

   An  ISP,  or internet service provider, is a company that provides its
   customers  access  to the internet and other web services. In addition
   to  maintaining  a  direct  line  to the internet, the company usually
   maintains   web   servers.   By   supplying   necessary   software,  a
   password-protected  user account, and a way to connect to the internet
   (e.g., modem, phone number), ISPs offer their customers the capability
   to browse the web and exchange email with other people. Some ISPs also
   offer additional services.

   ISPs  can  vary  in  size--some  are operated by one individual, while
   others  are large corporations. They may also vary in scope--some only
   support  users  in  a  particular  city, while others have regional or
   national capabilities.

What services do ISPs provide?

   Almost  all  ISPs offer email and web browsing capabilities. They also
   offer varying degrees of user support, usually in the form of an email
   address  or customer support hotline. Most ISPs also offer web hosting
   capabilities,  allowing  users  to  create  and  maintain personal web
   pages; and some may even offer the service of developing the pages for
   you.  Many  ISPs  offer the option of high-speed access through DSL or
   cable modems, and some still offer dial-up connections.

   As  part  of  normal operation, most ISPs perform backups of email and
   web  files. If the ability to recover email and web files is important
   to  you, check with your ISP to see if they back up the data; it might
   not  be advertised as a service. Additionally, some ISPs may implement
   firewalls to block some incoming traffic, although you should consider
   this a supplement to your own security precautions, not a replacement.

How do you choose an ISP?

   There  are thousands of ISPs, and it's often difficult to decide which
   one best suits your needs. Some factors to consider include
     * security  -  Do you feel that the ISP is concerned about security?
       Does  it  use  encryption and SSL (see Protecting Your Privacy for
       more  information)  to  protect  any information you submit (e.g.,
       user name, password)?
     * privacy  -  Does  the ISP have a published privacy policy? Are you
       comfortable  with who has access to your information and how it is
       being handled and used?
     * services - Does your ISP offer the services you want? Do they meet
       your requirements? Is there adequate support for the services?
     * cost - Are the ISP's costs affordable? Are they reasonable for the
       number  of  services  you  receive,  as well as the level of those
       services?  Are  you  sacrificing  quality  and security to get the
       lowest price?
     * reliability  - Are the services your ISP provides reliable, or are
       they frequently unavailable due to maintenance, security problems,
       a  high  volume  of users, or other reasons? If the ISP knows that
       services  will  be  unavailable  for  a particular reason, does it
       adequately communicate that information?
     * user support - Are there published methods for contacting customer
       support?  Do  you  receive  prompt  and friendly service? Do their
       hours  of  availability accommodate your needs? Do the consultants
       have the appropriate level of knowledge?
     * speed  -  How  fast is your ISP's connection? Is it sufficient for
       accessing your email or navigating the internet?
     * recommendations  -  Have  you heard or seen positive reviews about
       the  ISP?  Were they from trusted sources? Does the ISP serve your
       geographic  area?  If  you've  uncovered negative points, are they
       factors you are concerned about?

     Author: Mindi McDowell

     Produced 2004 by US-CERT, a government organization.

     Note: This tip was previously published and is being re-distributed 
     to increase awareness. 
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