Re: Spam stopping

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Why don't you restrict sendmail-access to that machine? You might want to
take this into consideration -- especially if the sendmail daemon serves a
not too big number of users.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tomasz Popik" <>
To: "Security Discuss" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 3:48 PM
Subject: Spam stopping

> I will continue disscusion about spamimg.
> That is easy, sendmail listen for incoming connections on port 25. How to
find out, if connection
> is made from other host/sendmail, or connection is made from mail client?
Connections to my mail
> server is redirected throug firewall, and this gives one fault. Sendmail
do not know real IP
> address, for sendmail all connections comes from That all. So
I cant recompile
> sendmail and add feature POP before SMTP because, this methode simply is
based on IP loging. So
> this is completly rabish because all conneciton is from one IP. So does
anyone know how to check
> if connections is for tranporting mail beatwen sendmail or not. And next
how to block connections
> form mail clients, or how to authorize it? So far, i have help my self,
and remove from
> /etc/mail/access the RELAY record, and that help me to stop
spaming and be an open
> relay. But this shut down ability to remote clients, who are allowed,
check their mail. How do it?
> I have wathed long time the /var/log/maillog and there is diference, form
connections. So i have
> prove that sendmail is able to examine from who is connection made.
> Thanks.
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