Same thing makers of rootkits do change the way the apps operate (just program in some sanity check prior to execution) alternatively make aliases to the commands so that ps -auxf behaves like ps On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 15:17, Steven Adams wrote: > Hi, > I am running slackware linux and i notice that on freebsd and some other > distros when u type ps auxf it only outputs the processes your running and > not anyone else.. > > I was wondering how they made it do this.. > > Ive also noticed that in a users home dir .bash_history is owned by the > user.. But if the user trys to remove it or chmod it to a diferent setting > it says operation not permitted. > > Ive also seen this before > When someone trys a normal ping. > > ping: socket: Operation not permitted > > How are theses things done and is there a site thats tells u in detail on > how to make your system secure > > /Steve > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > To unsubscribe email > with "unsubscribe" in the subject of the message. -- David Blomberg <> Nihon Libertec ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To unsubscribe email with "unsubscribe" in the subject of the message.