> Soheila Khademi wrote: > > > Recently one of my server attack by a person, he make a > direstory in > > my /dev/ida/ path with .sys/aw name, I see open ports in > my machine > > by nmap command and I see: > > > > Starting nmap V. 2.54BETA22 ( www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) Interesting > > ports on ----------cut-----------): (The 1531 ports scanned why didnt you post a xerox of your house's key along with that?!? guys, there's no clue in reading this list if you first don't pass through some pages (at least!!) of (at least!!) one hacking guide or book... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To unsubscribe email security-discuss-request@linuxsecurity.com with "unsubscribe" in the subject of the message.