Steve et all, I have received several emails asking if i was able to fix this, the answer is yes, thanks to Duane Dunston. I think is time to send this to the list. This is how it was done => Download the libnids library Download the Berkley DB Then do this: tar xzvf db-4.0.14.tar.gz cd db-4.0.14/build_unix ../dist/configure --enable-compat185 make make install then cd to the dsniff-2.3 or dsniff 2.4 directory and run: ./configure --with-db=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.0 make make install That worked for me (an for a few others), let us know how it goes On Mon, 6 May 2002, steve wrote: > Hi David, > > I saw your post on the limux security mailing list. I encounter exactly the $> I didnt see any follow ups for you post. I was hoping you had figured a work$> Please let me know if you did. > > Regards, > > Steve > David Correa Public Key Key fingerprint 7F2C E072 479D 71B4 008B 373E A284 8CDE 7659 F5D8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To unsubscribe email with "unsubscribe" in the subject of the message.