Re: a newbey question..

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> Patrik, you are a little hard with him, don't you think so?, he only wants
> to learn

Whoa!!!  Looking back at my response yes it does appear that way.  My
apologizes to him and the list for that response.  That was not my intent.
I could have inquired about the source of his information in a more
pleasant way.

My humble apologizes to everyone.

> > > I am very new to this list and also has no knowledge about the security
> of
> > > Linux domain. I know the security concepts in general, but no idea about
> >
> > Being "new" to linux security how did you come upon the idea to check out
> > the criteria of DIICOE, CAPP, etc..?  Just curious.  With all the books,
> > artcles, white papers, mailing lists, experimentation, etc., I haven't
> > come across those organizations yet.
> >
> > Where did you find the information for the criteria that Linux doesn't
> > meet for each of those organizations?
> >



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