>We have uploaded our current beta to:ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/rawhide/s390x/
>Some of the changes:
>- kernel contains:-
>GPL lcs driver is now included
>- fix for samba problems
>- order2-3 patch from IBM
>- many bug-fixes for the installation
>- all rpms are now compiled with the newest binutils patch from IBM
>- htdig/squid plus some other rpm updates
>We'd be very interested to hear about remaining problems and getfeedback about the current version.
>We don't expect any larger patchesbetween now and gold-master,
> but only further testing can provethis right or wrong.
Couple of questions on this latest beta:
1. Noticed a /ISO directory with ISO filenames that begin with "7.1".
Are these really this latest beta release and can I FTP them and use them for install?
2. Noticed in the /update directory very recent RPMs (openssh, zlib to name a few).
SHould those be installed, instead of the ones in /RedHat/RPMS
3. The doc in README, RELEASE-NOTES and /docu don't seem to be up-to-date
and accurate, but yet the email above says there are many bug-fixes for the installation
(are there newer README and RELEASE-NOTES some where??)
4. What is GOLD-MASTER ?