On Jun 28, Fulko Hew transmitted in part:
This is basically my first attempt at RPM-ifying my apps
(for internal coprporate distribution)...
I'm probably doing this all wrong, but what I want to do is
create a spec file that allows me to build an RPM based on
the files in 'this' directory.
# cd /home/me
# ls
myapp myapp.rc myapp.spec
# rpmbuild -bb myapp.spec
I would expect to have something in the spec file that
copies the masters from the current directory into
the build directory (and its sub-directories as required)
so that the build process can complete.
Something like this:
Yep. Your doing it all wrong. :-)
First, make a source archive. List that source archive as Source:
Extract it in %prep (and any additional sources and/or patches).
The current directory for %build and %install is
$RPM/BUILD/pkgname-version, and the %setup macro extracts archives there
by default in the common tarball convention.
First, see if your spec extracts the source correctly with
rpmbuild -bp myapp.spec
Then see if it builds with
rpmbuild -bc myapp.spec
Then test the install with
rpmbuild -bi myapp.spec
(add --short-circuit to avoid recompiling when just testing install)
Then do the whole enchilada with
rpmbuild -ba myapp.spec
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