Re: How to handle erasing an RPM that contains a mandatory file

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rpm-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx wrote on 10/27/2006 10:34:58 AM:

> This is a philosophical question as well as a technical question...
> I've build an RPM for 'my' version of 'bash'.
> But (for other technical reasons) someone in the future will
> eventually issue an 'rpm -e bash' during our upgrade procedure,
> which will attempt to remove the bash binary file.  But...
> a) a lot of other packages are dependant on bash, and b) without
> at least some version of bash, the system will probably come
> crashing to a halt.  :-(
> What is the recommended technique to:
> a) allow 'rpm -e bash' and avoid the dependency complaint/failure?
> b) prevent the binary from being removed during package removal?
>    or how can you maintain a copy of the binary across package removal.
> And can all this be done within the spec file?

A follow-up to my own post...

Both problems can be solved using one solution.

a) the dependent file is originally created as a different name
   (thereby preventing the dependency on the 'real' filename.
b) by using a different name, only the 'different' name is removed
   and not the mandatory file.
c) a %post block to move the 'different' file to its proper location
d) a %preun block, that creates/touches the 'different' file to avoid
   error messages during rpm -e (and eliminates the need for disk
   space holding the extra copy of the file).


install -m 755 src/bash ${buildroot}/bin/bash.copy


mv /bin/bash.copy /bin/bash

touch /bin/bash.copy

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