Tony Earnshaw wrote:
ty den 08.11.2005 Klokka 09:59 (+0100) skreiv Toralf Lund:
(Note that the library package can't install the libs on a "normal"
lib directory as that could easily lead to file conflicts. Instead,
the libs are written to an a special directory configured as an
additional place to look for shared objects, in the application binary.)
This is (in principle) what Buchan Milne, Mandriva's OpenLDAP
maintainer, does to avoid BDB 4.2 conflict problems with his OpenLDAP
2.3 rpms/srpms for Mandriva/Red Hat RHAS. Only he just gives the single
BDB patched lib another soname. It works very well.
I don't see the point of doing that. Getting the libs installed right
and ensuring the application picks up the right copy is not the issue at
all. I've done that already, and it works - without such dirty hacks.
It's the package level dependencies that are problematic.
- Toralf
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