I've got a problem with my home server running Fedora 3.
It's a bit of a long story, so please bear with me.
When I first put the server together, it was on an old Pentium box, hence the kernel, glibc and other arch dependent files were i586.
I was given a P2 box later on, and rather than reinstall everything from scratch, I simply swapped the hard drive into it, and updated the arch dependent packages, ie, glibc, kernel, ssh something, etc, using the --ignorearch switch. Everything worked.
I updated to FC3. No problems. The upgrade put i686 packages in the right spots.
My problem is, that when arch dependent updates come along, rpm (and yum) won't install them. These packages still think that my box is a Pentium, not a P2. (ie i586 not i686)
Any ideas how to get round this problem?? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Tony
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