So I'm writing a piece of software that parses a specfile for both the required inputs and produced outputs, basically so I can build a Makefile dependency file that says build these RPMs if any of the sources change. The easy bit is parsing the inputs - I can now query a specfile and get a list of all the sources, however I'm having problems with the list of packages built. If I do rpm -q --specfile kernel.spec I would expect to see something like kernel-2.4.27 kernel-source-2.4.27 kernel-BOOT-2.4.27 etc However this list doesn't take into account any variable settings. For example %ifarch i386 %files source /list/of/lfiles %endif and I do rpm -q --specfile --target i686 kernel.spec I don't expect to see kernel-source listed, that's the goal of my application. I understand that the list of files that make up the sub-package may not be available until everything is built. But that shouldn't stop RPM from expanding macro definitions during the listing of packages produced. The question I have is "is this level of API available via the library or am I basically going to have to recode everything under parseSpec() ?". If it is available are there any clue pointers, I've played around with the obvious structures and can't see any indication of what I might use" Thanks richard. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- richard offer @ gmail "Specialization is for insects" _______________________________________________ Rpm-list mailing list Rpm-list@xxxxxxxxxx