On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 23:51:26 +0200, Ingo Lantschner <ingo.lists@xxxxxx>
Hi all,
just in the process of determining the install-size *) of huge
packetlist, I found this "solution":
Any idea pls. how to get numeric values from rpm/script which can be
calculated by bash?!
May be I was not clear enogh, what the problem in the "solution" is, which
I would like to solve propably with your help: Since I get strings from
"rpm -qp --qf "[%{fssizes} \n]" $rpm" containing the size-information, I
have problems with making calculations with it. I would like to add all
the sizes of the packages to determine the total size of the installation.
(Also possible that I am on the comletely wrong track - so if there is an
other way, pls. let me know.)
TIA, Ingo.
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