I am a newbie. And i have write a OCR
Applicatin with QT 3.0.5,
now i want to disstribute it. I have read
many papers about making RPM,
but i still don't know how to write the SPEC
file for my occasion.
In my project, there are many SO files, which
the source file can not distribute with
the Application, because it is the core of
the our company. so i only have
the binary file of there SO files and the my OCR
How can I package this SO file with my
Application, in other words how to
write the SPEC file, when the
application only have the binary SO files.
Anyone have a template SPEC file of this
problem, or like it, or who know how
to slove it, please help me?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tel:82675168-8926 E-mail:zhujm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Character Recognition Laboratory Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |