Re: e-mail etiquette

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On Sun, 5 Oct 2003, Glenn Williams wrote:

> I am inclined to say that I will not _read_, much less reply to 'bottom
> posts.'  It makes no sense whatever to me to scroll through 50 lines of
> previously posted text, when 8 times out of ten, the subject is the only
> thing I need to see before reading the reply.
> Sure, there are times (say, 2 out of 10) when I need to scroll down and read
> something to pick up the 'meat' of the issue, and for those times I can and
> will scroll down and read.
> The rest of the time this is wasted effort.  I am physically challenged and
> barely have enough strength in my hands to use the keyboard and mouse.  Fer
> damn sure, I ain't gonna waste it unnecessarily scrolling and reading
> something I've already read before.

let's be clear about one thing -- no one on this list gives a rat's ass
whether or not you *read* bottom-posted submissions or not.  what you
choose to read or not makes not one whit of difference to anyone else

what we *do* care about is that you're obviously rude and disrespectful
enough to ignore the well-developed and historical basis for e-mail
etiquette, and that you might insist on using top-posting in your
submissions.  that part we *do* care about.

most mailing lists, including red hat lists, are not run on a libertarian
philosophy.  you don't get to do whatever you want -- there's a long
history of etiquette, and an overwhelming democracy that has decided
what makes sense for most of us.  if you don't like it, go elsewhere.
start your own mailing lists.  go wild, nobody here will mind.  what
we *will* mind is someone who comes in here with a "me first, i'm the
only one who matters" attitude.

and you do realize that, with an attitude like yours, you might find
the rest of the population here not quite so keen to help you out
the next time you get in a jam.  that's also one of the features of
democracy.  but given that you've already made it clear that you
refuse to read bottom posts, i guess you'll never read this anyway.
so why am i writing it?  


p.s.  by the way, at the risk of sounding unsympathetic, the notion
of using an alleged physical disability to carp and whine about
list etiquette is really pretty unbecoming.

telling everyone else how much you disagree with them by playing the
victim is a bad way to win friends.

p.p.s.  and here's another terrific feature of mailing lists and
democracy.  mr. williams, meet mr. procmail.

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