All, I wrote and compiled the following test program in RH8.0 as statically linked executable. The executable works fine in 8.0 but fails in 9.0 with following error: cannot handle file '' with TLS data Please don't start GPL/LGPL issues. I don't want to go for dynamic linking for some reasons. Any ideas or workarounds? Thanks. --T. Muthu Mohan -----[ mystatic.cpp ]---------------- #include <iostream.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #define LIBNAME "" // you can use any shared library instead of '' int main() { void *pHandle = dlopen(LIBNAME, RTLD_NOW); cout << "After Loading " << LIBNAME << endl << dlerror() << endl; if (pHandle) { cout << "Loaded Successfully!" << endl; dlclose(pHandle); cout << "Unloaded Successfully!" << endl; } return 0; } -----[ output in RH8.0 ] -------------------- # g++ -static mystatic.cpp -ldl # ./a.out After Loading (null) Loaded Successfully! Unloaded Successfully! ----[ output in RH 9.0 ] -------------------------- # ./a.out After Loading cannot handle file '' with TLS data -- Shrike-list mailing list Shrike-list@xxxxxxxxxx