Bootloader lost after lightning struck my computer and forced me to reinstall Windows XP

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Lightning struck down and entered my computer via my modem and affected,
among other things, my Windows XP Boot (that was the system I was on, when
lightning struck). I could not reboot Windows XP but was actually able to
boot into Liux (RH 8). I ended up having reinstall Windows XP in order to
see if the problems I was seeing under Linux were also present under
Windows. I had understood that I could do a rescue boot from my CD ROM and
therefore thought it was not necessary to make a special boot disk. Now I
see that I misunderstood something.

I was originally using Grub for my dual boot. (I have to separate physical
disks - one for each OS). However, the bootloader got written over when I
installed Windows XP. I was not able to get back into Linux.
I tried using Rescue on the CD ROM but I get the following messages:

uncompressing Linux
crc error
-- system halted

and the system freezes.

I tried a friends Partion Magic 8.0 which has Boot Magic. Partition Magic
was able to recognize all my Linux partitions and Linux also showed up in
BootMagic's boot list, but I was not able to boot up. The screen remains
blank, when I tried via Boot Magic.

I have since gotten a hold of Linux 9 and have decided to do the following:

- uninstall Boot Magic (as I'm afraid it will interfere with the dual boot
loader, that comes with Linux)
- either do an upgrade to Linux 9, if possible (I'm afraid it won't be if I
can't even get into Linux 8) otherwise do a fresh installation of Linux 9.

The only thing with the latter is that I imagine I will lose all my data in
the Linux drive.

Any suggestions? (Other than get a ligtningrod for the building!)


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